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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Gabapentin Setback

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well I guess I learned the hard way again.. the gabapentin the neurologist prescribed last week has definitely set me back bit.  symptoms are revved up nicely & I feel like complete trash.  I will be reaching back to him via phone to let him know as well. mainly because he told me I was acting paranoid about taking future meds & overthinking it.   Obviously not a Benzo wise Dr. but he should know that its causing me more problems now in hopes that he would not do this to someone else in the future

I just dont get it..  the times we are living in now & with the all the  access to information we have via internet how these Drs are still so stupid & sometimes rude with us. it really pisses me off big time. I cant let it get me too mad.. causes to much pain for myself.


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