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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Can benzo be absorbed through your hand?

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I'm almost 40 days off and have gone through horrible WD.


But 2 days ago, I started using a laptop with the mouse that I used to use when I was taking benzo. When I my heart was pounding, I took xanax with my hand and kept using my mouse. 


I cleaned the mouse with face tissues and water but it migh still have very small particles on the mouse. And I suddenly feel a little better yesterday and today and when I stop using the laptop and go outside, the symptoms get worse.


Can this be possible or am I too sensitive and over-worried?

Edited by [be...]
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9 hours ago, [[b...] said:

I'm almost 40 days off and have gone through horrible WD.

But 2 days ago, I started using a laptop with the mouse that I used to use when I was taking benzo. When I my heart was pounding, I took xanax with my hand and kept using my mouse. 

I cleaned the mouse with face tissues and water but it migh still have very small particles on the mouse. And I suddenly feel a little better yesterday and today and when I stop using the laptop and go outside, the symptoms get worse.

Can this be possible or am I too sensitive and over-worried?

That's a good question. I never thought of this when I am shaving my pills.  

I think if you are just holding the pill to take it that is such a brief time I dont think there is any residual on your fingers. 

However when I am shaving my pills I get quite alot on my finger tips. We can absorb things through our skin. 

Good question 

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If you cleaned the mouse I wouldn't worry about it, any residue would be long gone by now.

Anyway I think only líquids get absorbed through the skin, not fractions of pills, that would just not be possible without a carrier (liquid/cream or oil).

The only thing would be if you got some pill residue (powder) on your fingers and licked them but it seems like you've been careful not to do that!

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