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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Desperate to sleep.

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Like almost everyone here I really need some decent sleep. Even half decent would do. The tiredness is exacerbating the situation and waking up with that hellish anxiety is getting old now.

My doctor gave me some Mirt but I am scared to take it, just like I'm scared to do most things these days. I'm not sure what to do. Do I just try a little and see what happens? Or do I grit it out and possibly suffer more than I need to? These are the kind of awful conundrum's we are faced with these days.

The mental torture we experience some days is to much for anybody. We need some help. I haven't got much in the way of help except possibly that box of pills over there in the draw.

What to do.

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