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Internal burning and itching in stomach

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I have been dealing with burning in my stomach after eating or drinking. It moves down the left side of my stomach and sometimes moves by my belly button. Lately I have been having an internal itch in the stomach with the burning. I do have gerd but can’t take anything because it makes my withdrawals worse. Examples PPi’s or acid reducers. The internal itching is strange. Has anyone dealt with this?

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On 12/06/2024 at 21:11, [[F...] said:

I have been dealing with burning in my stomach after eating or drinking. It moves down the left side of my stomach and sometimes moves by my belly button. Lately I have been having an internal itch in the stomach with the burning. I do have gerd but can’t take anything because it makes my withdrawals worse. Examples PPi’s or acid reducers. The internal itching is strange. Has anyone dealt with this?

No, not exactly. Though, I have some problems with heartburn. I take a PPI, but only occasionally. Although ineffective if the heartburn is bad, one thing which seems helps me a lot is to routinely have a couple of cinnamon biscuits before I go to bed. There is no good evidence (only hints) for cinnamon having positive effects, but it seems to work for me.

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