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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Has anyone ever stabilised on a dose whilst tapering

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Hey buddies I want to put my taper on hold as I can’t handle this anymore I’ve been sick for a year and I’m tired of being this ill. Has anyone ever put there taper on hold ? 

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I doubt it. Personally I did have a longer period when things were going pretty well. actually now that I think back, when taking more pauses slowing down with the taper process yes in that sense I did. but actual stabilizing its a funny word. I'd say somewhere in-between. if I continued doing the taper as I did it would for sure have been worse.

So there is your answer as far as my own experience goes! :D

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A lot of people cut then hold specifically to stabilize.  The amount of time between cuts/tapering vary from each person.

Holding until you stabilize isn’t putting your taper on hold. Listen to your body.

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Hay bud your not the only 1,.a month this Thursday I’ve stuck to the same dose,.I’m sick as it is from starting this taper,it truly sucks going through it 


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1 hour ago, [[A...] said:

Hey buddies I want to put my taper on hold as I can’t handle this anymore I’ve been sick for a year and I’m tired of being this ill. Has anyone ever put there taper on hold ? 

Just do it. Of course others have paused their taper or taken breaks.

believe in yourself and listen to your body.

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Stabilizing is not guaranteed. Some do, but from many accounts I have read, most people as they get to the lower doses just keep feeling rough. Push through..the sooner youre off the poison the sooner the healing begins. 

I'm 4+ years off. You can do this! 

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On 12/06/2024 at 14:08, [[C...] said:

I am on hold and it was a mistake. I wish I had kept going.

I fear every cut 

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