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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

SPECT/CT Scan Safety

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Hi All,

I’m scheduled to do a SPECT/CT scan on Monday of my lumbar spine and SI joints to check for damage. I see they inject a radioactive substance several hours before the scan. I’ve reacted poorly to things like lidocaine, MRI contrast, etc. in the past while tapering.

Does anyone have experience with this? I see the substance contains iodine and a few other things that I don’t recognize.

I don’t want to shock the nervous system, but I would like the scan done if it’s harmless.


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Anyone have a chance to take a look at this? I need to cancel if it’s going to be a problem. Thank you again.

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I DM’d the Benzo Information Coalition on Instagram when I had a question re: sedation for surgery and they answered…maybe try?

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your concern will likely have a larger effect. you will very likely be more sensitive than if in a healthier state but unlikely dramatically so. it also sounds very necessary. Is it very necessary?

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Sedation isn't the issue; he is asking whether the CT dye will cause a reaction. Ask them if they can see well enough without the dye. The dye can cause a flush maybe because of the iodine. I think for example if youre allergic to shellfish you can't have it. I wont have it because I have mild chronic kidney disease.

They have recommended CAT scan over an MRI. CAT scans emit radiation, MRIs do not. Sometimes they give contrast for MRI but I always refuse that.

So you can have the CAT scan and just refuse the dye.

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BTW-- all of my back imaging was done with MRI. Why are they using a CAT scan? I've had CAT scans of my lungs and brain.  For my back, all MRIs (without contrast) and they showed degenerative disc disease between L5 and S1. Did ortho doctor recommend this test?

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On 08/06/2024 at 21:01, [[C...] said:

BTW-- all of my back imaging was done with MRI. Why are they using a CAT scan? I've had CAT scans of my lungs and brain.  For my back, all MRIs (without contrast) and they showed degenerative disc disease between L5 and S1. Did ortho doctor recommend this test?

This is to detect a potential pars defect at L5/S1. I have an MRI scheduled for later in the week. I think I’m going to go through with both. Thank you so much for the support.

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contrast dye for MRI or CT scans are fine. you'll feel a warm sensation I had worried about it before as well and didnt do a contrast dye for the MRI scan years ago but recently I did have a CT heart scan (all results was fine) so obviously contrast dye is required there and thank god I did. 

You'll pee it out later.  better take like anti-oxidants before the scan and after the scan for a couple of weeks. in other words amp up your good diet and give that body the nutrition it needs.

Funny your name, is the same name as one of my best mates. or used too be we kinda grew apart. but at heart we probably still are.

Edited by [Si...]
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So long as you don't have bad kidneys or liver, the dyes should be okay. I know for the cardiac cat scan they want to use the dye and since I have mild CKD, I declined.  

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On 10/06/2024 at 20:56, [[C...] said:

So long as you don't have bad kidneys or liver, the dyes should be okay. I know for the cardiac cat scan they want to use the dye and since I have mild CKD, I declined.  

Thanks so much. I did my first scan and I did great.

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On 10/06/2024 at 20:56, [[C...] said:

So long as you don't have bad kidneys or liver, the dyes should be okay. I know for the cardiac cat scan they want to use the dye and since I have mild CKD, I declined.  

Thanks so much. I did my first scan and I did great.

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