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Prescribed Mirtazapine

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Do you think this could be effective if used sporadically for anxiety attacks?

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Just trying to work out potential uses for it that dont involve regular use.

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7 minutes ago, [[j...] said:

Do you think this could be effective if used sporadically for anxiety attacks?

I doubt it. Unless making you feel sleepy helps to lessen the intensity of an anxiety attack. 

If an anxiety attack happens to occur in the near future you can always try.

If it somehow was effective for anxiety in addition to insomnia, that could very easily lead to you taking it too frequently and becoming dependent anyway, so keep that in mind.

But generally, like most ADs, it needs to be taken daily at a high enough dose and over the course of weeks before it starts to decrease anxiety and depression.

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I take from 5-15mg but not every day. It has no negative effect on me and it helps me sleep.

If you want to be safe just take it some days.

Quetiapine is another drug that can have good benefits in this situation. 

But same there, better not take it every day. I try to cycle between them. 

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Thanks Peppe. Do you think it would work in an anxiety situation in this regard? I'm just trying to stratagise for example if I have the ocassional day when it's getting to much or an appointment i must attend. It could mabey take the edge off and help a little?

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Jonwill…yea bud that’s what mirts like,,.you get up even after a long sleep and feel sleepy still,buy yea it’s not a bad thing if you need somet like that 

it’s good for resting your mind bud


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1 minute ago, [[J...] said:

Jonwill…yea bud that’s what mirts like,,.you get up even after a long sleep and feel sleepy still,buy yea it’s not a bad thing if you need somet like that 

it’s good for resting your mind bud

Cheers mate! It actuall sounds like it has some really helpfull uses if used carefully.

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17 minutes ago, [[j...] said:

Thanks Peppe. Do you think it would work in an anxiety situation in this regard? I'm just trying to stratagise for example if I have the ocassional day when it's getting to much or an appointment i must attend. It could mabey take the edge off and help a little?

Yes absolutely that can work fine. 

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I think the biggest deal for me is that I don't want to interfere with my body's healing process.  I've gathered that most sxs are the body trying to take back over, after the benzos are either gone, or tapering off them.

So I have to read about things, and see if they affect my GABA or Glutamate Receptors.  I learned that early on and still believe it. I honestly would rather have the wd sxs, and know that it's my body healing, and I will never have to take these damn pills again.  I don't expect total healing either, should mention that. 

I'm older now, 71, and have some things that won't be healed like a 3rd Degree AV Node block (use an implanted pacemaker, on my 3rd one now) and T2 Diabetes, also Osteoporosis.  I think that's all I can think of right now:D 

Healing for me is things will work a lot better without drugs.  I already have the most wonderful days (Windows) since learning to taper from others here on BB, oregonlady:hug:PS I make some very good decisions now, but still make some real wopper mistakes ;)

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38 minutes ago, [[j...] said:

Thanks Peppe. Do you think it would work in an anxiety situation in this regard? I'm just trying to stratagise for example if I have the ocassional day when it's getting to much or an appointment i must attend. It could mabey take the edge off and help a little?

And don't listen to doctors saying it takes weeks to have effect. It has effect the first time you take it. 

I find 7,5 is good for sleep. 15 might be good for anxiety. Just try yourself to a dose you respond well to.

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Does anyone have any experience of mitrazipine at a theriputic dose for anxiety and depression? I've read its 15mg - 30mg but wondered if anyone had tried that dose consistantly.

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18 hours ago, [[j...] said:

Hi Kate. What symptoms did it help with a little?

@[jo...], hi)

For me, most of all, it helped with headaches. They didn't disappear bur became bearable. I'm sure mirtazapine was holding my moods too. I was never depressed or desperate. I still had troubles with falling asleep but somehow slept. All in all, i felt good enough to be happy with life if nothing happened to be in pain much at that moment.

In fact, it's difficult to say what exactly mirt helped with because i just don't know how it would have been without it. 

If you're to decide to take it, pls, start really low and go up dose very slowly.

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1 hour ago, [[j...] said:

Does anyone have any experience of mitrazipine at a theriputic dose for anxiety and depression? I've read its 15mg - 30mg but wondered if anyone had tried that dose consistantly.

My therapeutic dose was 30 mg. It was the best choice for me. Just one thing, i up dosed to the quantity for 6 months during my whole benzo taper. It was my own idea not my doctor's but it somehow worked.

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Thanks Kate, I've never tapered onto something before so If I decide to I'll have to look into it.

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6 minutes ago, [[j...] said:

Thanks Kate, I've never tapered onto something before so If I decide to I'll have to look into it.

Would 3.5 mg be a low enough does to start?

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20 minutes ago, [[j...] said:

Would 3.5 mg be a low enough does to start?

Yes, i think it's ok. The smaller half of a quarter could do) But however low the first dose is, you can still feel some unpleasant effects for a while. I did. @[jo...], if anything, i can always share my mirt experience further)

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Posted (edited)


Mirt made me have bad reactions immediately once it wore off. Like I am talking the first time I used it.  Lots of this pressure in the top of my head along with facial twitches and scary numb feelings. It was like pouring salt in the wound. All I needed was a doctor to look at my medicine chart from my ER disaster and tell me to stay away from anything brain altering as my brain was still healing from the acute TBI.

By me trying to "fix" myself unknowingly from all these things (cbd, melatonin, valerian, theanine, all the weird teas, then mirt and z drugs, and alcohol.) It only made me worse in the end. I personally think we are too chemically sensitized to keep goin to the well.  

Why not just try the patience based,  yet more rewarding way around as well as the more durable and longer lasting route of:

Regular Exercise for it's neuroplastic benefits and regeneration of the brain

Diet (With as many high tryptophan food combinations as possible) and high omega 3

Extremely low screen time

Being in the dark once the sun goes down with no artificial light

This really is an easy solution, (although not a quick one) but until we realize that healing is within us. We will stay sick. 


Edited by [re...]
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46 minutes ago, [[j...] said:

Thanks again Kate. Yeah anyting you share is great. I suppose my main concern is the unpleasant effects. Really try to avoid anymore unpleasent feelings as I'm sure we all are.

Yes, @[jo...], i agree. That's why i wouldn't recommend any antidepressants in general. It's just, in my case, the headaches were doubtless unbearable. As far as i remember you're not that far advanced in wd and i read some of your previous posts. I liked them and you seemed to be getting really better. Can it be just a wave at the moment, which is bound to subside? I'd avoid psychotropics as long as i could bear it.

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I am in a wave your right. It's very up and down at the moment. My main symptoms are mental and sleep. I guess the reason I'm considering them is just to help with stability and functionality. Dealing with other people when your in a wave is difficult and I am living in a family members home, which is also tricky.

One minute I feel I can do something the next I can't. It's very hard to live this way being so unsure of what I can and can't manage from 1 day to the next. Sometimes 1 minute to the next. Anyway most understand this already as it's very common with this. Thanks again for your advice!

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I took an ssri a few years back and upon taking it suffered from anxiety and insomnia for a few weeks as a result. I guess thats my main concern. I know this isn't an ssri but I still worry about that as these are two big symptoms I have already and don't want to make them worse if I can help it.

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The worry you have now is going to affect you a lot too. You are understandably cautious of drugs now. I learned my lesson from WD. 

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5 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

The worry you have now is going to affect you a lot too. You are understandably cautious of drugs now. I learned my lesson from WD. 

Your right Lee but if I wasn't worrying about that I'd be worrying about something else right?:LOL: It seems all we do is worry during this.

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I COMPLETELY understand the worry part as well. I was so petrified I would go back to the early days of my acute TBI post ER when I jumped and so far it's been almost 4 weeks and although not symptom free. MUCH better and I credit this too the extreme lifestyle changes I have been implementing in my life. 

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27 minutes ago, [[r...] said:

I COMPLETELY understand the worry part as well. I was so petrified I would go back to the early days of my acute TBI post ER when I jumped and so far it's been almost 4 weeks and although not symptom free. MUCH better and I credit this too the extreme lifestyle changes I have been implementing in my life. 

Thats really great to hear. What lifestyle changes did you make? I really need to stop smoking/vaping. Really hard though with anxiety. I canfeel an uptick for a few minutes every time I have one then it dies back down.

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