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14 minutes ago, [[E...] said:

No I am wondering if eating white rice will affect symptoms 

White rice is easily digested therefor breaks down into sugar pretty quickly which can cause blood sugar spikes as opposed to whole grain/brown rice which takes more time to digest and will release sugar over a longer period of time, thus mostly mitigating sudden blood sugar spikes.

If none of your symptoms are affected by rapidly changing blood sugar levels then no it should not affect anything. If you eat a candy bar or anything else with lots of sugar and notice no changes within 2 hours then white rice should be ok as well.

I just recommend that people having trouble sleeping do not eat sugar, or food that quickly breaks down into sugar, for about 4 hours before bed. However, low blood sugar can also cause insomnia and sleep disturbances. So a small amount of slowly digested food may help. Many times I ate 1 slice of whole grain toast about an hour before bed. I believe it helped.

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4 minutes ago, [[C...] said:

White rice is easily digested therefor breaks down into sugar pretty quickly which can cause blood sugar spikes. As opposed to whole grain/brown rice which takes time to digest and will release sugar over a longer period of time, thus mostly mitigating sudden blood sugar spikes.

If none of your symptoms are affected by rapidly changing blood sugar levels then no it should not affect anything. If you eat a candy bar or anything else with lots of sugar and notice no changes within 2 hours then white rice should be ok.

I just recommend that people having trouble sleeping not to eat sugar, or food that quickly breaks down into sugar, for about 4 hours before bed. However, low blood sugar can also cause insomnia and sleep disturbances. So a small amount of slowly digested food may help. Many times I ate 1 slice of whole grain toast about a 1 hour before bed. I believe it helped.

Thanks for this. I stopped eating sugar and noticed I lost lots of weight just in changing what I am eating. I have been eating whole grain bread and PB and I had plain white rice with boiled eggs that is good. 

I am just wondering because my symptoms are here today but that could be just a wave day thing. I find I have a good day then a wave day gets thrown in there out of nowhere. 

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22 minutes ago, [[E...] said:

am just wondering because my symptoms are here today but that could be just a wave day thing. I find I have a good day then a wave day gets thrown in there out of nowhere. 

That is normal. Whenever a wave hit or symptoms got worse I just couldn't accept that it happened on its own. I believed I had to have done/ate something to cause it. I would go over everything I ate up to that point (and day before), and waste lots of time worrying.

I started journaling what I ate everyday and what time. Whenever symptoms got worse I could then look back to see if there was a pattern. For me there was not. A wave may have came a few hours after eating a waffle sure, but I also ate the same waffle a week before (according to journal) and had no problem. Also ate that same waffle brand sometime later and no reactions.

Eventually I stopped obsessing over my food (no more journaling) and just committed to eating as sensibly as I could while still occasionally enjoy some junk food.

Anyway, if you have more to add to this convo we should probably move it over into either a new thread of one of your old threads so the focus can stay on Carlos.

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2 hours ago, [[C...] said:

What do you mean get? Are those symptoms that you are currently dealing with right now in regards to trying to stablize on .75 mg of Klonopin?

Mirtazapine should never just be 'stopped' when used regularly for more than month. You will need to ween yourself off slowly, but that shouldn't be something to think about at this moment. Concentrate on getting yourself back to a state where you can begin your clonazepam taper. 

" I get" in regards to my symptoms. 


Is this Breathlessness normal, i can barely breathe?????

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2 minutes ago, [[c...] said:

" I get" in regards to my symptoms. 

Is this Breathlessness normal, i can barely breathe?????

It's called air hunger and it's very common. It will pass. It cant hurt you. Like a lot of symptoms it feels harmful but it really cant hurt you.

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2 minutes ago, [[c...] said:

" I get" in regards to my symptoms. 

Is this Breathlessness normal, i can barely breathe?????

Yes it is very common, but you should always rule out any health issues (whether in WD or not). That way you know the culprit.

Even though it feels like you are not getting enough air, the reality is very different if this is from anxiety/WD. During a panic attack people can hyperventilate to the point of fainting, but your issue seems to be just an overall general feeling of not getting enough air.

You can look into getting one of those Pulse Oximeters that clip on your finger and tell you your oxygen level. That way you can reassure yourself that your body is getting the air it needs anytime you start worrying.

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Posted (edited)

Thank you guys for helping people in here. It goes a long way to take your time to reply to numerous messages in here.i hope to get some rest tonight.  The itching in my face and body is also driving crazy. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

This should be punished by law what "Doctors" have done to us. I am glad i decided to take this step to quit after 2 1/2 years of use. I do feel respect for people that have been taking these drugs for decades and came out as winners. 

I have made a promise to God that I will fight to the end  until he wants me to. This is not easy , the suffering is a great deal. 

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12 hours ago, [[c...] said:

Thank you guys for helping people in here. It goes a long way to take your time to reply to numerous messages in here.i hope to get some rest tonight.  The itching in my face and body is also driving crazy. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

This should be punished by law what "Doctors" have done to us. I am glad i decided to take this step to quit after 2 1/2 years of use. I do feel respect for people that have been taking these drugs for decades and came out as winners. 

I have made a promise to God that I will fight to the end  until he wants me to. This is not easy , the suffering is a great deal. 

You can do it Carlos. God is with you. Pray to him to help you through this everyday. Be kind to yourself. Talk to yourself and console yourself. It sometimes helps to do this. Take each day at a time. You will feel better. Keep your med doses the same everyday for now until you stabalize. 

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Posted (edited)
19 hours ago, [[C...] said:

Yes it is very common, but you should always rule out any health issues (whether in WD or not). That way you know the culprit.

Even though it feels like you are not getting enough air, the reality is very different if this is from anxiety/WD. During a panic attack people can hyperventilate to the point of fainting, but your issue seems to be just an overall general feeling of not getting enough air.

You can look into getting one of those Pulse Oximeters that clip on your finger and tell you your oxygen level. That way you can reassure yourself that your body is getting the air it needs anytime you start worrying.

Hi Crono, how long this shortness of breath can last? It is very uncomfortable and wont let me sleep, walk etc

It really sucks that wr have to continue taking these drugs that has no relefief for our symptoms.

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1 hour ago, [[c...] said:

Hi Crono, how long this shortness of breath can last? It is very uncomfortable and wont let me sleep, walk etc

Have you been to the doctor's office since you got out of the hospital? My opinion is based on your symptoms being from WD. Since you have heart issues and are under quite a bit of stress I think it would help you out mentally to verify the source of your shortness of breath.

I highly suspect it is just from anxiety and adjusting to your medication changes. With that being the case, as your body stabilizes this symptom should improve. It can take many weeks for your brain to adjust to the changes, so give it some more time but do look into giving yourself a heart and lung checkup for that extra reassurance.

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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, [[C...] said:

Have you been to the doctor's office since you got out of the hospital? My opinion is based on your symptoms being from WD. Since you have heart issues and are under quite a bit of stress I think it would help you out mentally to verify the source of your shortness of breath.

I highly suspect it is just from anxiety and adjusting to your medication changes. With that being the case, as your body stabilizes this symptom should improve. It can take many weeks for your brain to adjust to the changes, so give it some more time but do look into giving yourself a heart and lung checkup for that extra reassurance.

They said at the hospital yhat it wasnt my heart but it is always in the back of my head that it is; however like you said, symtomps go hand on hand with WD. This is so frustrating.  I dont like being in a hospital setting. It creates more anxiety.

Also having this constant fatigue does not help. I havent slept more that 2-3 hours gor over a year. My body is begging for sleep. It is very deprived and that did not help with my open heart surgery recovery from the get-go. Im always feeling tense and anxious. 

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8 minutes ago, [[c...] said:

They said at the hospital yhat it wasnt my heart but it is always in the back of my head that it is; however like you said, symtomps go hand on hand with WD. This is so frustrating.  I dont like being in a hospital setting. It creates more anxiety.

Also having this constant fatigue does not help. I havent slept more that 2-3 hours gor over a year. My body is begging for sleep. It is very deprived and that did not help with my open heart surgery recovery from the get-go. Im always feeling tense and anxious. 

I feel you. There are two types of anxiety sufferers. Those that get relief from going to the doctors and/or being in a hospital, and those that get even more anxious from being im any medical setting. You and I are the latter.

While I don't want you to feel like a hypochondriac, running to the doctor for every symptom, I also don't want you to avoid occasional checkups. You don't even need to bring up benzo withdrawal. Just state to your doctor that you are having shortness of breath and you want to know if it is from anxiety or not.

If he rules other issues out and confirms it is anxiety, then you can relax a little in the thought that it will NOT harm you and it will eventually go away.

Maybe while there see if he has any options to help insomnia that are not Z-drugs (Ambien, Lunesta).

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Good morning,  not a good day at all. My head feels off big time. Im nervous 

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2 minutes ago, [[c...] said:

Good morning,  not a good day at all. My head feels off big time. Im nervous 

Hang in there Carlos it took me several weeks to feel better. 

You can do this.

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5 minutes ago, [[E...] said:

Hang in there Carlos it took me several weeks to feel better. 

You can do this.

Eng101, im suffering so much and I haven't even stop this poison yet. 

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Just now, [[c...] said:

Eng101, im suffering so much and I haven't even stop this poison yet. 

Carlos, there is another member right now having trouble stabilizing from past med changes that is also on .75 mg of Klonopin.  Would it help you if I invite her to your thread so you two can navigate this mess together? You are not alond Bud. No matter how scary these symptoms are, in the end they are just sensations. You are still here, and that is all that matters.

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Just now, [[C...] said:

Carlos, there is another member right now having trouble stabilizing from past med changes that is also on .75 mg of Klonopin.  Would it help you if I invite her to your thread so you two can navigate this mess together? You are not alond Bud. No matter how scary these symptoms are, in the end they are just sensations. You are still here, and that is all that matters.

Yes, you can invite her in. 

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6 hours ago, [[C...] said:

Carlos, there is another member right now having trouble stabilizing from past med changes that is also on .75 mg of Klonopin.  Would it help you if I invite her to your thread so you two can navigate this mess together? You are not alond Bud. No matter how scary these symptoms are, in the end they are just sensations. You are still here, and that is all that matters.

Crono, in your experience,  do you know anything about using antifungal meds like Terbinafine among others? I have this jock itch that would not go away with home remedies,  prescribed creams and it is spreading. I know it is from a compromised inmune system. 

I understand our bodies is very sensitive now to adding new meds.

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I have no experience with anti-fungals but I was able to look for potential interactions between Terbinafine and Clonazepam on the drugs.com interaction checker.  No known interactions.

Of course your main concern is how it will affect a body with an unstable CNS. That I cannot predict. At this point you must be wondering if it is more important to get the jock itch under control now rather than later, or if it is more important not to introduce other meds that may affect your already sensitive CNS.

You may want to start a new topic with "Anti-fungal Use during withdrawal" in the title to draw attention from people that may have experiences to share. I will do a search and see if I find anything of value.

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Posted (edited)

Hi Crono, do you know if the brain starts healing during tapering down or when we ceasse taking the poison??

I'm having terrible days and im about to stop taking this crap for good.




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36 minutes ago, [[c...] said:

Hi Crono, do you know if the brain starts healing during tapering down or when we ceasse taking the poison??

I'm having terrible days and im about to stop taking this crap for good.

"According to the Ashton Manual, tapering the dosage of benzodiazepines gradually over several months can help the brain's natural systems recover and return to normal, resulting in milder withdrawal symptoms"

Your brain makes adjustments after each cut. Those adjustments are contributing to the horrible symptoms felt. Withdrawal symptoms from tapering can therefor be seen as a representation of healing in a way that tolerance/interdose symptoms do not.

How are you doing right now Carlos? Any improvements you notice, no matter how minor?

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5 minutes ago, [[C...] said:

"According to the Ashton Manual, tapering the dosage of benzodiazepines gradually over several months can help the brain's natural systems recover and return to normal, resulting in milder withdrawal symptoms"

Your brain makes adjustments after each cut. Those adjustments are contributing to the horrible symptoms felt. Withdrawal symptoms from tapering can therefor be seen as a representation of healing in a way that tolerance/interdose symptoms do not.

How are you doing right now Carlos? Any improvements you notice, no matter how minor?

Just a little less anxious; however still air hunger, pounding headaches and severe insomnia.

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1 minute ago, [[c...] said:

Just a little less anxious; however still air hunger, pounding headaches and severe insomnia.

You taking anything for the headaches?

Just remember that your air hunger has obviously been more of a misleading sensation than an actual sign of not actually getting enough air as all this time has passed and you are fine. If you bought a Pulse Oximeter you would probably see normal Oxygen level.

Jonwill just tried his first Mirt 7.5 dose and finally slept well. Have you asked your doctor about trying a lower dose? Apparently lower doses are more sedating.

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1 minute ago, [[C...] said:

You taking anything for the headaches?

Just remember that your air hunger has obviously been more of a misleading sensation than an actual sign of not actually getting enough air as all this time has passed and you are fine. If you bought a Pulse Oximeter you would probably see normal Oxygen level.

Jonwill just tried his first Mirt 7.5 dose and finally slept well. Have you asked your doctor about trying a lower dose? Apparently lower doses are more sedating.

Just tylenol.

I will lower the dose of Mirt.  My doctor is not the most knowledgeable unfortunately. If it was for her, i would be on higher doses of K. 

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17 minutes ago, [[c...] said:

Just tylenol.

I will lower the dose of Mirt.  My doctor is not the most knowledgeable unfortunately. If it was for her, i would be on higher doses of K. 

Ok. I know that many people have withdrawal issues from mirt and O don't want you to compound your difficulties. It seems the worst withdrawal towards the end of a mirt taper or if done too fast. Then again there are also people that have gone on and off mirt several times with no issue. So many unknowns sadly.

Regardless of how you view your doctor's knowledge of these drugs, it would still be good to inform her of any changes you decide to make yourself.

I hope sleep comes soon for you.

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