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Our Concerns: The Witt-Doerring Youtube Channel


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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, [[j...] said:

This is part of the problem. If I tell my doctor I’m protracted and to please watch his videos to understand this concept what is she going to see? A doctor who is experimenting on himself with prescription medication that he doesn’t even need. A doctor that is a Covid denier when she spent thousands of hours in hospital during the pandemic treating dying people. You’ll know what she’ll say to me about protracted withdrawal after watching all this? You people are a bunch of fruit loops! There is no way she’ll believe in protracted withdrawal. Why would they then believe his arguments for deprescribing? He just proved he is not a credible source to consult. This is not helping me or our cause.

yea thats a tough one. maybe his practice alone will flourish while he has an overall negative impact on the awareness. 


i think that was something someone else was trying to get through to me before and i was too argumentative. I still am undecided on the overall effect though. 

Edited by [Le...]
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7 minutes ago, [[M...] said:

This post, however, is negatively directed at JWD. And, for that reason, without any personal experience with him or who he works with, I feel that comments here specifically should be disregarded to a certain degree.

It is negatively directed at his public persona on YT. He may be an entirely different person in private which obviously we cannot comment on.  He clearly chose how to portray himself and the subject to the public and we have every right to criticise this. In any case you stated earlier that those dismissing him were only a small subset though not sure how you would know this.


20 minutes ago, [[M...] said:

Now, when someone gains traction for helping people, there’s always going to be a smaller subset of people that come across these videos (because they’re popular) and dismiss him for whatever reason.


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Just now, [[M...] said:


What video does JWD deny Covid?

I don’t believe that exists.

he did an interview with a covid sceptical person i think. it wasn't great choice. the link is at the beginning and part of the reason for this discussion. 

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I know it’s a small subset because if you take a look at the comments on his videos, the positives far out weigh the negatives. Which is why he gained traction.

And that’s fine, go ahead and criticize someone without knowing them, or probably even taking the time to at least watch a majority of his videos.

It is of my opinion though that you shouldn’t and that your view point and knowledge on this thread is lessened because of it.

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6 minutes ago, [[M...] said:


What video does JWD deny Covid?

I don’t believe that exists.

Did you read the first post and watch all the videos before participating in this discussion?

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@[je...] @[Le...],

Yes of course. But you’re missing the point. No where in the video does JWD deny the existence of Covid. Unless you can pull some sort of quote out of the video I missed.

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3 minutes ago, [[M...] said:

go ahead and criticize someone without knowing them, or probably even taking the time to at least watch a majority of his videos

Well I am not going to watch the majority of his videos when after watching a handful I realised i didn't like the style or presentation. And seriously how many youtubers do you know personally? We criticise the content not the person themselves

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3 minutes ago, [[M...] said:


I know it’s a small subset because if you take a look at the comments on his videos, the positives far out weigh the negatives. Which is why he gained traction.

And that’s fine, go ahead and criticize someone without knowing them, or probably even taking the time to at least watch a majority of his videos.

It is of my opinion though that you shouldn’t and that your view point and knowledge on this thread is lessened because of it.

Because of how the algorithms work, his videos will be targeted at those who are already fully onboard with his thinking; or those who are rapidly going down that rabbit hole and are vulnerable to being radicalised. Clearly, the algorithm is imperfect and some people are horrified by the content and comment as such there. But human nature being what it is, most people who are turned off the content will not comment and instead choose to not return. All this is how bubbles are created.

If anyone is interested in this kind of thing, I can highly recommend Zucked by Roger McNamee. It is a few years old now, but remains highly relevant.

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3 minutes ago, [[C...] said:

Because of how the algorithms work, his videos will be targeted at those who are already fully onboard with his thinking; or those who are rapidly going down that rabbit hole and are vulnerable to being radicalised. Clearly, the algorithm is imperfect and some people are horrified by the content and comment as such there. But human nature being what it is, most people who are turned off the content will not comment and instead choose to not return. All this is how bubbles are created.

If anyone is interested in this kind of thing, I can highly recommend Zucked by Roger McNamee. It is a few years old now, but remains highly relevant.

sounds like how trump got elected :)

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@[Mi...] so you’re ethically fine with a doctor that experiments on himself with prescription medication that he doesn’t need and then broadcasting that to the world?

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You’re literally proving my point.

I am only commenting here because I have worked with and know JWD. His content is only being put into perspective because he is helping so many and, with that, becoming popular.

And on top of everything you have watched a minimal amount of his content. Which is why, again, I don’t believe people in your position should have a large influence on this thread.

Again, I’ve said my piece, I’m done now.

I just hope that everyone here can be a little more open minded when watching his content (or anyone else’s for that matter) and make decisions based on critically thinking about things. Not just pull a couple videos from a rising light of hope in this space.

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Just now, [[j...] said:

@[Mi...] so you’re ethically fine with a doctor that experiments on himself with prescription medication that he doesn’t need and then broadcasting that to the world?

i am. 

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7 minutes ago, [[M...] said:

@[je...] @[Le...],

Yes of course. But you’re missing the point. No where in the video does JWD deny the existence of Covid. Unless you can pull some sort of quote out of the video I missed.

Watch the first few minutes. They come back to it too (as I recall). It has been a while since I watch the video through.

Some comments to the video at JWD's channel:




4 months ago

This is so disappointing. How are PSSD sufferers and people in psych med withdrawal supposed to be taking seriously when the only people championing our cause now give a platform to covid conspiracists?

1 reply


4 months ago

This guy means well and is spot on in his ideas of living healthy as opposed to using meds, but denying the deadliest pandemic in 100 years is truly dangerous.

4 months ago
Plz stop platforming lies, thanks!

4 months ago
God. More conspiratorial bullshit.

6 replies

4 months ago
Your opinion only. Not sure how God will help you in your dissemination quest.

4 months ago
Does it bother you seeing how many lies you bought into?

4 months ago
What's your perspective? What exactly sounded conspiratorial for you?

4 months ago
James Shacker chooses the blue pill. 

4 months ago
James, your attitude when commenting here seems to be angry. Why is that?

3 months ago (edited)
How so? How is this a conspiracy theory?

(There may be other comments I missed)

Obviously, you will see from some of the replies that not all people get it. By the point is, it is at the beginning of video (and, I think later too), and is even commented upon at the channel..


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8 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

sounds like how trump got elected :)

Let's not go there. ;)

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Again, JWD never denies Covid in the video, unless you can pull a quote out of it that I missed.

And I could pull a million positive comments from his videos and throw them in here if you would like. Once again, the positive ones outweigh the negative ones.

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7 minutes ago, [[M...] said:

I just hope that everyone here can be a little more open minded when watching his content (or anyone else’s for that matter) and make decisions based on critically thinking about things. Not just pull a couple videos from a rising light of hope in this space.

I see, so I should be critically thinking my way into liking his videos ! 


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8 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

i am. 

And the doctor then examples his unprofessional experience as evidence in his rubbishing of Zoloft and psychoactive medication in general? He was not a suitable candidate for the medication (he was not depressed), he then increased his dosage outside of prescribing guidelines, he is sample of one, it was not a double-blind study, and there was no control group. Yet, he thinks this proves something. It is not only unscientific, it is asinine.

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1 minute ago, [[C...] said:

And the doctor then examples his unprofessional experience as evidence in his rubbishing of Zoloft and psychoactive medication in general? He was not a suitable candidate for the medication (he was not depressed), he then increased his dosage outside of prescribing guidelines, he is sample of one, it was not a double-blind study, and there was no control group. Yet, he thinks this proves something. It is not only unscientific, it is asinine.

Wait, Colin, are you an MD? I’m actually curious cause in this quote you say he’s not a “suitable candidate” for the medication.

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they are just called antidepressants it doesnt mean thats what they do. could be almost anything. 

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15 minutes ago, [[M...] said:


Again, JWD never denies Covid in the video, unless you can pull a quote out of it that I missed.

And I could pull a million positive comments from his videos and throw them in here if you would like. Once again, the positive ones outweigh the negative ones.

It is even in the run-in to the video. JWD highlights Atkinson casting scorn on COVID, and then describes how Atkinson was 'exited for speaking out against COVID policies'. Atkinson is not credible and was kicked out of the GP practice where he was employed.

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4 minutes ago, [[M...] said:

Wait, Colin, are you an MD? I’m actually curious cause in this quote you say he’s not a “suitable candidate” for the medication.

Have you watched the video? He took Zoloft as an experiment, not to treat a condition.

Besides, doctors have watched the video and reported back to us that they are appalled by the behaviour he describes in that video. They called it unethical and unprofessional.

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4 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

they are just called antidepressants it doesnt mean thats what they do. could be almost anything. 

I really have no idea what you mean there.

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1 minute ago, [[C...] said:

Have you watched the video? He took Zoloft as an experiment, not to treat a condition.

Besides, doctors have watched the video and they are appalled by the behaviour he describes in that video. They called it unethical and unprofessional.

Experiment on yourself or others. i choose themselves to get a better understanding. it is done with lots other drugs. 

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1 minute ago, [[C...] said:

I really have no idea what you mean there.

sorry. i just mean they a barely understood drugs given to people who have been diagnosed with a barely understood condition called depression among other things. 

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