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Our Concerns: The Witt-Doerring Youtube Channel


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1 minute ago, [[C...] said:

There is plenty of publicity, but the majority of it is bad. For example, do you think Scientology's position on psychiatry is help or hinderance?

I have never been vulnerable to faith of any kind like that but it is similar lazy thinking like goes into pharmachology. get lots of people on board who dont want to think for themselves to help the cause. I myself would not want to be associated with any religion but manipulating connections like that may work. 

oh and i dont know scientologies stance on the matter. likely some simplified parable or nonsense metaphor. 

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4 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

i am not sure if he will detract from the cause actually but think any publicity is good when there is so little.

He's turning it into a joke subject while feathering his own nest. Not funny when people are suffering.

Admittedly the medical profession is a bit like an oil tanker trying to turn 180 degrees but surely we don't need white coat theatrics in the mix

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1 minute ago, [[L...] said:

yes and it is very effective. i will admit there are possible harms and possible good. we cant really judge how the scales will measure things in the end. reminds me of something. 

Is it correct that US physicians still take the Hippocratic Oath? Irrespective, there is no purpose to some of the content except to score hits for the channel.

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This is so sad for me to read. I’m not going to comment deeply in this issue (because I do have respect for this website), but this man (along with who he works with) essentially have saved my life up to this point. He gives a voice to so many. In my view, this post is a disgrace to this community and what it stands for as a whole.

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Just now, [[W...] said:

He's turning it into a joke subject while feathering his own nest. Not funny when people are suffering.

Admittedly the medical profession is a bit like an oil tanker trying to turn 180 degrees but surely we don't need white coat theatrics in the mix

even if there is no other way to reach a large enough audience to have an effect?

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1 minute ago, [[M...] said:


This is so sad for me to read. I’m not going to comment deeply in this issue (because I do have respect for this website), but this man (along with who he works with) essentially have saved my life up to this point. He gives a voice to so many. In my view, this post is a disgrace to this community and what it stands for as a whole.

i had too many strong reactions here but maybe you can keep your head and explain your opinion on the matter. we really want some info about the man in general and his practice. 

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2 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

I have never been vulnerable to faith of any kind like that but it is similar lazy thinking like goes into pharmachology. get lots of people on board who dont want to think for themselves to help the cause. I myself would not want to be associated with any religion but manipulating connections like that may work. 

oh and i dont know scientologies stance on the matter. likely some simplified parable or nonsense metaphor. 

Really? No. Scientology is responsible for a lot of antipsychiatry content. They have the CCHR and many other front groups too (because the CCHR is now so well known and so discredited).


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4 minutes ago, [[M...] said:


This is so sad for me to read. I’m not going to comment deeply in this issue (because I do have respect for this website), but this man (along with who he works with) essentially have saved my life up to this point. He gives a voice to so many. In my view, this post is a disgrace to this community and what it stands for as a whole.

We tried to take a balanced view with this announcement. But at the end of the day, there are large amounts of content appearing at that channel which is very distressing to some of our members, and could even damage them.

There have been a number of threads about JWD since last summer. And many of the comments from members, critical. What we have done is take a closer look and details some more specific concerns. We feel we had a responsibility to do this after we became aware of some problematic content appearing there.

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5 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

i had too many strong reactions here but maybe you can keep your head and explain your opinion on the matter. we really want some info about the man in general and his practice. 

And that would be fine. We deliberately kept open the option for members to report on their experiences with JWD.

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3 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

even if there is no other way to reach a large enough audience to have an effect?

Maybe I am old-fashioned but I don't like his style.  Very contrived, as though he's spotted a lucrative gap in the market and is going for it big time.  But then I have always preferred a quiet life, never been attracted to glitz or anything showy so naturally he wouldn't appeal to people like me.

Thankfully it is not compulsory to watch him so I can choose not to

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2 minutes ago, [[W...] said:

Maybe I am old-fashioned but I don't like his style.  Very contrived, as though he's spotted a lucrative gap in the market and is going for it big time.  But then I have always preferred a quiet life, never been attracted to glitz or anything showy so naturally he wouldn't appeal to people like me.

Thankfully it is not compulsory to watch him so I can choose not to

In case you missed my post earlier - this is a much more pleasant channel.

3 hours ago, [[C...] said:
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Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, [[C...] said:

In case you missed my post earlier - this is a much more pleasant channel.

Ah thanks I missed it in all the excitement of this long thread ! Will have a look later

He hasn't been interviewed by JWD which is a plus!

Edited by [WU...]
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52 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

exactly. without it noone would listen. combat authority with authority is the only way. 

Why not just present personal experience.  Who decides who is an authority, plenty are worshipped.  How many times I've heard "honeymoon" reviews on some miracle drug, a supplement, or any product.  Seldom do I believe unless I know someone has actually used something themselves and know, OL

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Just now, [[o...] said:

Why not just present personal experience.  Who decides who is an authority, plenty are worshipped.  How many times I've heard "honeymoon" reviews on some miracle drug, a supplement, or any product.  Seldom do I believe unless I know someone has actually used something themselves and know, OL

i would question that most of all. I have seen too many peoples behaviour deteriorate on ssris alone while they themselves think it is better cause of the intoxication. drugged people cant judge just like i couldnt until sober. 

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@[Le...] @[Co...],

Sure I’ll explain briefly (not fully sure why a post would be created like this purely on a couple of videos, one being satire, without a full detailed understanding of JWD and his practice already).

I have worked with him and some of the coaches he works with. They combined to be essentially some angels that have gotten me on the path I am currently.

They not only saved me from going into the absolute depths of full on protracted withdrawal, but helped me organize a plan, that is working, to get me fully off of this benzo (now Valium) in a safe manner where I am becoming more and more functional, while lowering my dose.

JWD, his wife and the coaches he works with are some of the most compassionate people I have ever met in my life. He’s a light for anyone that really listens to him and acknowledges what he is saying.

Without Josef and certain coaches I don’t even know if I would be here typing this right now. Which is why I find this post absolutely appalling (even though this website has been a light for me as well). Such a shame.

In my view, unless you have worked with him, you really shouldn’t have any business posting here.

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1 minute ago, [[L...] said:

i would question that most of all. I have seen too many peoples behaviour deteriorate on ssris alone while they themselves think it is better cause of the intoxication. drugged people cant judge just like i couldnt until sober. 

Well I know I can't reason with an unreasonable person, nor can I help someone that's already drunk. Ever try to reason with someone drunk?  They are the smartest people in the world, super-human, or so they think. Some folks are beyond their ability to make their own decisions, OL PS Kinda makes you wonder why AA has attracted so many, it's peer to peer that works for AA, OL

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2 minutes ago, [[M...] said:

In my view, unless you have worked with him, you really shouldn’t have any business posting here.

I'm posting in response to his YT channel, his public persona and how he presents information to the public at large.  That is what is being discussed here. Whatever he does in his private practice, good though it may be, it is obviously private to those paying his fees and is not under discussion here. It is the public aspect that is under scrutiny and whether his shock headlines and theatrics are helpful or not.  I don't think it is helpful especially when we are still in the thick of it and suffering. 

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2 hours ago, [[M...] said:

@[Le...] @[Co...],

Sure I’ll explain briefly (not fully sure why a post would be created like this purely on a couple of videos, one being satire, without a full detailed understanding of JWD and his practice already).

I have worked with him and some of the coaches he works with. They combined to be essentially some angels that have gotten me on the path I am currently.

They not only saved me from going into the absolute depths of full on protracted withdrawal, but helped me organize a plan, that is working, to get me fully off of this benzo (now Valium) in a safe manner where I am becoming more and more functional, while lowering my dose.

JWD, his wife and the coaches he works with are some of the most compassionate people I have ever met in my life. He’s a light for anyone that really listens to him and acknowledges what he is saying.

Without Josef and certain coaches I don’t even know if I would be here typing this right now. Which is why I find this post absolutely appalling (even though this website has been a light for me as well). Such a shame.

In my view, unless you have worked with him, you really shouldn’t have any business posting here.

Hello @[Mi...]

Thank you for posting your experiences.

I think, though, I need to reemphasise that this was a report on what we had found at JWD's Youtube channel. I exampled five videos, out of a small review sample of the content appearing there. These are not 5 videos out of something like 270 available there. Rather, it is five out of, maybe, two dozen. These were not the only examples of problematic content we discovered. And it was very far from exhaustive review of the content. It would be highly unlikely in the extreme that we happened to review all the problematic content, since we had no way to know what was in any particular video.

Further, the 'satire' video is quite typical of the approach to and attitude taken towards psychiatry at the channel within the sampled videos.

Again, this was not review of the Witt-Doerring's psychiatry practice. Rather, it was a review of the content appearing at the Youtube channel, which is accessible by all our members.

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i appreciate miracle mans input myself. it gives us an idea about the underlying motivations and people behind the videos. Some of the reactions to the videos are overly emotional imo so the point is missed. not that the point is in any way complex but the slight seems more important to some. 

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Posted (edited)

@[Co...] @[WU...],

I totally get that this is a post directed towards his YouTube channel. There are a ton of other YouTube channels out there directed in certain ways, as to dealing with psychiatric medications and how to go about them/come off of them as well.

The only reason, in my view, JWD has gained traction is because: HE IS HELPING SO MANY PEOPLE AND CARES.

Now, when someone gains traction for helping people, there’s always going to be a smaller subset of people that come across these videos (because they’re popular) and dismiss him for whatever reason.

Bottom line: He helps so many people through his YouTube channel and unless you’ve spoken to him, worked with him, or have had any interaction with him whatsoever, you really shouldn’t be posting on this thread.

The videos in question as issues could be stated for anyone doing the same thing across the internet, in whatever light you want to view them as.

I’ve said my piece. Please be more open minded and take into account that these are his views based off of his expert knowledge on this subject.

This is all happening while people with less knowledge on this subject are actively commenting and posting both here and throughout YouTube and the Internet.

Edited by [Mi...]
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1 minute ago, [[M...] said:

@[Co...] @[WU...],

I totally get that this is a post directed towards his YouTube channel. There are a ton of other YouTube channels out there directed in certain ways, as to dealing with psychiatric medications and how to go about them/come off of them as well.

The only reason, in my view, JWD has gained traction is because: HE IS HELPING SO MANY PEOPLE AND CARES.

Now, when someone gains traction for helping people, there’s always going to be a smaller subset of people that come across these videos (because they’re popular) and dismiss him for whatever reason.

Bottom line: He helps so many people through his YouTube channel and unless you’ve spoken to him, worked with him, or have had any interaction with him whatsoever, you shouldn’t be posting here.

The videos in question as issues could be stated for anyone doing the same thing across the internet, in whatever light you want to view them as.

I’ve said my piece. Please be more open minded and take into account that these are his views based off of his expert knowledge on this subject.

This is all happening while people with less knowledge on this subject are actively commenting and posting both here and throughout YouTube and the Internet.

i dont think anyone “shouldnt be posting or discussing this” but I appreciate your input. 

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1 hour ago, [[L...] said:

got it. a question I would like to ask then is do you think extreme opposition like josefs will do more good than harm. I believe too many people have an authority bias on these topics and he could help combat that. maybe he doesnt belong here on this site where people dont need challenging but out there in general it seems good to me. 

This is part of the problem. If I tell my doctor I’m protracted and to please watch his videos to understand this concept what is she going to see? A doctor who is experimenting on himself with prescription medication that he doesn’t even need. A doctor that is a Covid denier when she spent thousands of hours in hospital during the pandemic treating dying people. You’ll know what she’ll say to me about protracted withdrawal after watching all this? You people are a bunch of fruit loops! There is no way she’ll believe in protracted withdrawal. Why would they then believe his arguments for deprescribing? He just proved he is not a credible source to consult. This is not helping me or our cause.

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5 minutes ago, [[M...] said:

unless you’ve spoken to him, worked with him, or have had any interaction with him whatsoever, you shouldn’t be posting here.

Of course we can comment if we want to on BB.  


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Posted (edited)

@[Le...] @[WU...]

Never actually said discussing.

Discussing is fine in a general manner throughout this platform. I think open minded discussion is great. This post, however, is negatively directed at JWD. And, for that reason, without any personal experience with him or who he works with, I feel that comments here specifically should be disregarded to a certain degree.

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54 minutes ago, [[C...] said:

Really? No. Scientology is responsible for a lot of antipsychiatry content. They have the CCHR and many other front groups too (because the CCHR is now so well known and so discredited).


hmm. i dont know if they help the cause though I am really pro limiting medicating I am aware there are times without better options.  this cchr is too extremist for me even  

Though the thought is silly because you cant really do this to people imagine if medicating was only an option for people unable to do the other things first. you want to try medicine well you have to try an hour walk in nature each evening for a month and eat healthy for that time with weekends off from your stressors. stupid impossible idea i know but so many more could benefit.  maybe i should open a weekend mental health retreat. 

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