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Our Concerns: The Witt-Doerring Youtube Channel


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8 minutes ago, [[C...] said:

BB should be a safe place for those who rely upon psychiatric services

How could we rely upon psychiatry services? Only the ones like JWD and others that have taken the "red pill" are a hope for us, the rest did have to go through this to stop doing the rest of them do and ganged their positions, there a some interviews of psychiatrists who changed after being injuried themselves by psych meds.

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5 minutes ago, [[D...] said:

How could we rely upon psychiatry services? Only the ones like JWD and others that have taken the "red pill" are a hope for us, the rest did have to go through this to stop doing the rest of them do and ganged their positions, there a some interviews of psychiatrists who changed after being injuried themselves by psych meds.

Just because someone labels themselves as a 'red-pill guy', it does not follow that they are actually open-eyed and enlightened by the mere force of their self-labelling as such. When people act as though The Matrix is more than a movie - and watched it over and over again - they have lost the plot.

What they mean to imply by referring to themselves as 'Red-Pill' is that they have insights the rest of us 'blue-pill people' do not. But they have absolutely no basis for making this claim - it is fantastical, even delusional thinking. If you watch the video with Atkinson, he has a weird obsession with The Matrix. And it appears that JWD might too. It is just a movie.


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I actually think the pro josef group should laugh and walk away. this has done more for your cause than any other post on here could have. The people contrary to josef have even made your argument for you with satire better than arguing yourself could have. I really really enjoy having distractions like this though so kind of want to continue. 

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Posted (edited)


Yeah, I stated this earlier on in the thread. The amount of people that go through this post and find Josef and so much relief from his videos is going to be overwhelming. I already said thank you to @[Co...] and @[Br...] for that. They’re essentially helping Josef’s cause and the Benzo community with this restriction.

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1 minute ago, [[L...] said:

I actually think the pro josef group should laugh and walk away. this has done more for your cause than any other post on here could have. The people contrary to josef have even made your argument for you with satire better than arguing yourself could have. I really really enjoy having distractions like this though so kind of want to continue. 

To what do you refer, @[Le...]? What is this?

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, [[C...] said:

Just because someone labels themselves as a 'red-pill guy', it does not follow that they are actually open-eyed and enlightened by the mere force of their self-labelling as such. When people act as though The Matrix is more than a movie - and watched it over and over again - they have lost the plot.

What they mean to imply by referring to themselves as 'Red-Pill' is that they have insights the rest of us 'blue-pill people' do not. But they have absolutely no basis for making this claim - it is fantastical, even delusional thinking. If you watch the video with Atkinson, he has a weird obsession with The Matrix. And it appears that JWD might too. It is just a movie.


To "chose the red pill" has nothing to do with fantasy or a movie though it comes from one. This is a phrase someone uses to say the have chosen to see the truth instead of keep believing what the stabilishment wants you to believe, the main stream media is a good example, is all rotten as psychiatry is, corruption and lies only to make cash. There is a great documentary named "the red pill" that is about how a radical feminist opens her eyes about all the lies of the lobbies want you to believe. Many chose to "take the red pill" rather than swallow what the elites want us to believe, is a fact, what you call conspiracy theories are most being proven true and psychiatry wont be an exception.

BTW, talking about biased content you linked wikipedia, the most (proven) biased source ever.

Edited by [Do...]
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Just the poor arguments right from the start. The over reactions that have made people miss the point of the videos. Even just assuming there was going to be support for avoiding these videos. It not even extremism in the people in favor as i read people describing it. It is the extreme reactions of a smaller group. 

this is coming from someone totally fine with limiting this stuff for the benefit of that smaller group too. this stuff doesnt need to be on BB. it is getting lots of attention and will get more from the video discussing this thread likely. I am happy. 

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On 03/06/2024 at 15:32, [[W...] said:

But that is exactly the point, they should be banned if the doctors don't know how to sensibly deprescribe !

Exactly, they should be used only in ER when you are in real trouble and give you 1 pill, that's all. In my country if you go to the doctor feeling anxious, you get a lifetime prescription and no warnings about the dangers, in fact, if you ask you will get a "they are totally safe" answer.

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On 03/06/2024 at 15:58, [[L...] said:

Love that DSM mocking video. Hard to laugh on the topic but I did. So true and was good to chuckle about. 

It is proven that DSM V was writen AD HOC to fit in the pysch meds prescriptions. They made up disorders so they could prescribe you certain drugs.

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47 minutes ago, [[M...] said:

@[Co...] @[Ma...],

Okay great! Both of you should watch this. Helps me out so much personally.

OK. I've watched the video. Of course, I have no problem with it. But I never claimed there is a problem with the all of the content appearing at JWD's YT channel. Rather, it is a sizeable proportion of the videos the admins and I watched which are problematic. A video like that does not negate the videos in my opening post. I expect there is plenty more content like the above. Unfortunately, I expect there are also plenty more videos like the ones I highlighted. Indeed, I did not even highlight all the content we found problematic.

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On 03/06/2024 at 16:17, [[r...] said:

Please forgive me if this post comes across as a personal attack and is assuming cause I don't know you from a hole in the ground and I can't stand the back and forth ego attacks and trying to prove one is right over another. And before I go on here OF COURSE there can be life saving treatments. Think of antibiotics. So many died before the advent of these simple meds. I am not anti medicine. I am PRO progress and when these big institutions become the ONLY way to do things and silence those trying other things and won't even CONTEMPLATE other treatments and trying to RCT it,  but smear them.................... then there is a problem to me. 

Colin I really respect you but you trust WAY too much in the old guard and big institutions who have anything BUT  the health of it's citizens at it's forefront. I feel you are naive. It is so obvious with a trillion dollar medicine industry and those that try to silence anyone critical of it. I am not saying you. I am saying these monster sized institutions. They really have an interest in fueling it's reach and profit margins over all else. And will start with 'disinfo' campaigns  over all who simply question their motives.

I hope someday you search for truth even though it may scare the hell out of you how we have all been conned by mainstream institutions and thinking they actually had our best interests at the core of what they believe. And especially the hell you went through with Klonopin and the gaslighting you experienced I am sure. It seems there is a form of "Stockholm Syndrome" here at BB now and it really upsets me. 

Like I said I can find tons of things that say that medical malpractice IS the third leading cause of death. I was almost one of these statistics. But you just won't listen and that is ok. 

The FDA does this same thing when ANY life saving treatment may be working for someone. Yet it is not 'clinical trialed' They will go in and BAN the doctor from practicing even though it may be helping their child. They won't even put the alternative treatment to the fire and see if in scientific studies it works because it takes away their cash cow. 

Billionaires will always silence truth for their bottom line. And I feel you are being obtuse with this. 

Unlike Witt Doerring or the Billionaires I have no stake either way. And only want to help people that I see keep coming through here over and over and over again harmed. It is hurting me beyond measure and my heart aches. And as a casual observer I see great injustices being done from the people we are supposed to put our trust in and have been told since youth. that this system in place is benevolent and conducive to healthy growth. And what I have seen from my years on this planet that it is anything but. 

For example, every day, mopre and more psychiatrists are realizing the theory of "chemical serotonine imbalance" causing depression is absolutely wrong but most of those doctors keep prescribing SSRIs to everyone who is having a bad day.

Another example is the studies made for benzos, it said that they worked really well in the first 8 weeks but the results after that were dangerous and harmed the patients and the super high risk of physical dependency. What they did was cut the paper and only shown the part of the study about those  first 8 weeks ignoring all those warnings for mid-long term use and they did it on purpose and knowing they were going to harm thousands.

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Posted (edited)

An interesting point is that what most of these videos are trying to get across is very well demonstrated here. We have the 90% off drugs who saw only harm and the 10% still on and with faith in the trade still. 9% of those could be helped if the right circumstances were available to them but likely cant believe it. That remaining 1% has few other options. 

made up numbers to make a point as accurate ones are impossible but really how else could this discussion go  

even my epileptic brother controlled his epilepsy with diet and exercise and avoiding triggers like tv. he gave up at some point and doses himself and sits in front of the tv till the morning each night and is an angry nasty person most of the time. he did break his back badly but after years can walk and be active enough if he chose. he is a borderline case. some are completely over the line and we shouldnt ever be judgemental of them. These videos are not. 

Edited by [Le...]
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On 03/06/2024 at 16:51, [[L...] said:

I disagree. It is true. A very harsh truth that should be followed with more explanation but still necessary. you have to find your own way. noone can carry you and no pill will fix your life. 

Exactly. I took SSRI for 20 years for anxiety and panic disorder, i had to CT it cause i got chemical brain damage and i was having terrible reactions similar to serotonine syndrome every time i took one, besides the SSRI WD, my anxiety and panic was there, waiting like if had been jailed with the meds but once i got off the pills it was there again, free and stronger than ever. Unluckly i took me 3 moths to overcome the problem with CBT and Claire Weekes lectures but i made it, just a little too late to be stuck in benzos that i had taking, of course as prescribed to help me cope anxiety and panic. Now i am anxiety and panic free but i am stuck in benzo WD that is 100 times worse. So youre right, in psychiarty no pill has ever healed anything.

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3 minutes ago, [[D...] said:

Exactly. I took SSRI for 20 years for anxiety and panic disorder, i had to CT it cause i got chemical brain damage and i was having terrible reactions similar to serotonine syndrome every time i took one, besides the SSRI WD, my anxiety and panic was there, waiting like if had been jailed with the meds but once i got off the pills it was there again, free and stronger than ever. Unluckly i took me 3 moths to overcome the problem with CBT and Claire Weekes lectures but i made it, just a little too late to be stuck in benzos that i had taking, of course as prescribed to help me cope anxiety and panic. Now i am anxiety and panic free but i am stuck in benzo WD that is 100 times worse. So youre right, in psychiarty no pill has ever healed anything.

i am just a bit less absolute. no pill heals but the are times when treatment is the lesser harm. very few customers for a booming industry though. 

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Many of the posts have completely gone off topic. This is not a thread to give your opinion of psychiatry and or the medical profession in general.

As we’ve stated, our mission to protect our members, who are fragile and easily triggered. We did not cherry pick videos, none of us have the time to view all of them. Enough of them raised big red flags for us. We also did not only consult doctors or health providers who are members of BB for feedback. One doctor we consulted is not a member, is not involved in the benzo withdrawal community. He found the content appalling and the self prescribing highly unethical.

We are committed to putting our members well-being first. That is our reason for bringing this topic to attention and our reason for disallowing JWD’s videos or links to them on the forum. 

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1 hour ago, [[C...] said:

OK. I've watched the video. Of course, I have no problem with it. But I never claimed there is a problem with the all of the content appearing at JWD's YT channel. Rather, it is a sizeable proportion of the videos the admins and I watched which are problematic. A video like that does not negate the videos in my opening post. I expect there is plenty more content like the above. Unfortunately, I expect there are also plenty more videos like the ones I highlighted. Indeed, I did not even highlight all the content we found problematic.

@[Co...] Again, I think you’re missing my point on me posting this. I just posted it because it’s positive on the subject of healing. That’s all.

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59 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

i am just a bit less absolute. no pill heals but the are times when treatment is the lesser harm. very few customers for a booming industry though. 

Psych meds are used on symptoms, to relief but they do not heal, they dont fix they root cause. Non of them do.

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3 minutes ago, [[D...] said:

Psych meds are used on symptoms, to relief but they do not heal, they dont fix they root cause. Non of them do.

yea but there are times when treatment is the only option. 

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1 minute ago, [[L...] said:

yea but there are times when treatment is the only option. 

If we talk about schyzofrenia, bipolar disorder or other major issues that need to be medicaly controlled but i sm sure that 90% at least of people who were thrown into a long term benzo use had other options that were intentionally ignored for the good of pharma wealth and psycho doctors egos.

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Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, [[D...] said:

If we talk about schyzofrenia, bipolar disorder or other major issues that need to be medicaly controlled but i sm sure that 90% at least of people who were thrown into a long term benzo use had other options that were intentionally ignored for the good of pharma wealth and psycho doctors egos.

sadly there are lots of people looking at the correlation between bipolar diagnoses and benzos. a lot of people were diagnosed as that when in WD/still using

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, [[C...] said:

Hi @[Sh...]

I wasn't trying to give you a hard time. But your comment was clearly meant to imply (it practically stated it) that BB is secretly operated by 'big pharma'. But when I called you on it, you dismissed it as nothing comment.

As for your second point, I think it would have been very unfair of us to simply state our position on this matter and not allow any discussion. I accept (and even stated in my opening post) that we are highly unlikely to change our position on this. But at the very least, discussion allows us to better explain our position, for members to vent (if this what they would like to do), post their appreciation, or ask for clarifications. And all of those things have occurred.

I never suggested this site was run by big pharma. Wow. That is absolutely absurd. I said if big pharma thought this site was spreading misinformation they could shut it down. 
now who is spreading misinformation 

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20 hours ago, [[S...] said:

I don’t like the term “misinformation “ 

that’s a cover up term pharma uses to gaslight the injured.

if big pharma believed we here at BB were spreading misinformation they could shut this site down. 

Some people are greatly helped by Benzos so does that mean all of us here are spreading misinformation? 

Here is my post again where I never suggested this site was secretly run by big pharma. 
anyway this is ridiculous and sorry for pointing out that there may be people who disagree with you Colin but definitely never said BB was secretly run by big pharma. No idea how you got that 

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38 minutes ago, [[S...] said:

I never suggested this site was run by big pharma. Wow. That is absolutely absurd. I said if big pharma thought this site was spreading misinformation they could shut it down. 
now who is spreading misinformation 

Right you are - I did misremember and confused your comment about 'Big Pharma' with another from another member.

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