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Our Concerns: The Witt-Doerring Youtube Channel


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1 minute ago, [[L...] said:

That baylissa thing could really add to the tension here :)    all those strong words and opinions in there. unethical. disgraceful. :)  Too bad that didnt stay in the past. 

Well. I didn't bring her up, of course. (And that's not an attack on @[Pi...] for bring up Frederick.) But I felt I needed to add some context. (And I was accurate: her behaviour was unethical, unprofessional and disgraceful.)

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1 minute ago, [[C...] said:

Well. I didn't bring her up, of course. (And that's not an attack on @[Pi...] for bring up Frederick.) But I felt I needed to add some context. (And I was accurate: her behaviour was unethical, unprofessional and disgraceful.)

it begins. I have nothing really to add to this besides saying that is a strong opinion presented as a statement. 

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7 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

it begins. I have nothing really to add to this besides saying that is a strong opinion presented as a statement. 

Contacting a client in public to issue a dressing down is unethical and unprofessional. If you wish to classify my 'disgraceful' comment as opinion, so be it. But it is based upon her unethical and unprofessional behaviour which is surely indisputable. As a psychotherapist, what she did is simply not done.

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Yea. I dont care for arguements involving social context. 

I would say that whatever she was attempting to accomplish was poorly executed and poorly received. Whatever label you have for them because of the trade they practice doesnt concern me. Just a person. Ethics and the intellectual masturbation that goes with it isnt really an arguement. It is something she should have considered to avoid this reaction though. 

I grew up in a family full of priests and extremists. They are the ones that enjoy those words. 

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Just remember everyone, getting MORE members here is not a good thing. It just means more failure on the part of status quo medicine. And we need more people getting it OUT there. From the harms from overprescribing, rapid tapers, cold turkies.

I would like to see maybe more Witt Doerrings out there with maybe a different delivery for those who need another form of communication, less harsh as long as they will listen and don't end up here. 

No offense but this is the LAST place people wanna be for a healthy life.

Although the info on here from peers. can probably make you healthier than you have ever been if you are willing to learn from this site after the harm you experienced. 

Hopefully though you can find this info BEFORE you are ripped off your med or any of these barbaric practices and Witt Doerring comes through in flying colors in that regard.  

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35 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

Yea. I dont care for arguements involving social context. 

I would say that whatever she was attempting to accomplish was poorly executed and poorly received. Whatever label you have for them because of the trade they practice doesnt concern me. Just a person. Ethics and the intellectual masturbation that goes with it isnt really an arguement. It is something she should have considered to avoid this reaction though. 

I grew up in a family full of priests and extremists. They are the ones that enjoy those words. 

A bit meta, that. :)

But whenever we argue for anything, we are trying to win the argument. I do try, however, to base my arguments upon data, by referencing, and using examples.

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3 minutes ago, [[C...] said:

A bit meta, that. :)

But whenever we argue for anything, we are trying to win the argument. I do try, however, to base my arguments upon data, by referencing, and using examples.

Yea I often get caught up trying to win too. Never works to convince people. 

I dont think its meta. I do have an awareness of social programming and am myself. It is tiresome. 

I really would consider developing your own arguements almost always. You can find a million references for anything you want and I have seen many metaphors portrayed as examples  

The argument trick that using references exploits is untrustworthy. No matter what you are referencing there is a desire to be part of an accepted group in all of us. Great trick in an argument is to use peoples lazy minds against them. Use a reference. even a fake or questionable one to make the person think most people think that way. people are the. much more likely to accept without thinking. you can manipulate authority bias in the same way. 


i am not saying you are. i am just too lazy to look into it like everyone else. 


sorry. former physics and philosophy student here with half his brain and memories left. 

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All I'm going to say is that it just surprises me when BB decides to take a stance against anyone who is in this fight and trying to bring recognition to this cause. I don't agree with everything JWD says and I don't think Baylissa went about that one incident in the best way either. We're talking about people here, and people do make bad judgment calls. I've done and said some dumb things and I'm sure everyone else has too. I get it, when you're a professional, you do have a higher standard to live up to. I just don't think this is the place to attack people who are actually on our side. I just don't. 

I doubt that we would all agree with all the approaches out there. Everyone has different beliefs and different approaches. Some believe other psych drugs are fine and some don't. But I don't personally see why some views need to be selected out and attacked on this forum. That's the thing that surprises me. Whenever I see ANYONE in the benzo community attacking someone else in the benzo community, I don't like it, whether I agree with that person or whether I don't agree. 

It just feels like anyone who puts their work out there these days is open to a world of hurt. And that makes it harder for anyone to actually want to put their stuff out there. I'm speaking in a broader sense here, because I've seen online attacks against other coaches etc and I've seen people driven out of the business. 

So it just doesn't sit well with me to see this type of maligning of anyone who's working within this community unless they are very clearly a shyster of epic proportions. Agree with them, disagree with them, but I don't get why it is made into a big brew ha ha or made into a policy. It just doesn't sit well with me. But heck, no one has to agree with me either! :LOL:

Cheers everyone. 

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Posted (edited)


Oh, so you’ve worked with him before? I’m only assuming that because you’re quoting random prices as to what he charges.

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23 minutes ago, [[M...] said:


Oh, so you’ve worked with him before? I’m only assuming that because you’re quoting random prices as to what he charges.

To whom do you refer? Please clarify.

Members have posted a number times over the past year about the fees charged by the Witt-Doerrings, both as clients, and as prospective clients with information obtained directly from the practice. But you will note that my notice (the opening post this thread) is about the content of videos appearing at JWD's YT channel, nothing else.

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I concur with Collin. JWD, IMO, is more than controversial. 

BTW, Collin began BB decades before JWD started his channel and has helped millions who have come to BB for support and knowledge. This site receives over 250,000 hits/month. 

It’s his prerogative to run his site with continued integrity and due diligence. If you don’t like it, move on.

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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, [[B...] said:

I personally believe this guy preys on Benzo withdrawal sufferers. I appreciate him bringing awareness to our plight, but he posts terror inducing videos over and over and then charges people 25-50k just to prescribe tapering doses of Valium. Maybe his heart was in the right place in the beginning, but I truly believe he is preying on our community. 

@[Co...] @[Be...]

Yeah, that was in reference to this post (Bees only one on this thread). And since he’s stating that JWD “preys” on people that are going through this along with a randomly quoted price, I just assumed Bees has worked with him. Otherwise why would he be posting random price quotes?

Again, I know this thread is in reference to a few YouTube videos (you should already know my stance on how wrong I think that is from past comments on this thread).

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1 hour ago, [[P...] said:

All I'm going to say is that it just surprises me when BB decides to take a stance against anyone who is in this fight and trying to bring recognition to this cause. I don't agree with everything JWD says and I don't think Baylissa went about that one incident in the best way either. We're talking about people here, and people do make bad judgment calls. I've done and said some dumb things and I'm sure everyone else has too. I get it, when you're a professional, you do have a higher standard to live up to. I just don't think this is the place to attack people who are actually on our side. I just don't. 

I doubt that we would all agree with all the approaches out there. Everyone has different beliefs and different approaches. Some believe other psych drugs are fine and some don't. But I don't personally see why some views need to be selected out and attacked on this forum. That's the thing that surprises me. Whenever I see ANYONE in the benzo community attacking someone else in the benzo community, I don't like it, whether I agree with that person or whether I don't agree. 

It just feels like anyone who puts their work out there these days is open to a world of hurt. And that makes it harder for anyone to actually want to put their stuff out there. I'm speaking in a broader sense here, because I've seen online attacks against other coaches etc and I've seen people driven out of the business. 

So it just doesn't sit well with me to see this type of maligning of anyone who's working within this community unless they are very clearly a shyster of epic proportions. Agree with them, disagree with them, but I don't get why it is made into a big brew ha ha or made into a policy. It just doesn't sit well with me. But heck, no one has to agree with me either! :LOL:

Cheers everyone. 

The things is, our community is made up of disproportionate number of people suffering from psychiatric disorders. And some of them are quite vulnerable. Not only do we have their backs, but they deserve to know that we have their backs. BB is not FB, Twitter or Youtube. I was about to add, '...where any content might be posted'. But actually, even those sites, which cater more to the general population, have restrictions on content. They do what is right for their sites (business), and BB does what is right for us and our members.

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15 minutes ago, [[M...] said:

I concur with Collin. JWD, IMO, is more than controversial. 

BTW, Collin began BB decades before JWD started his channel and has helped millions who have come to BB for support and knowledge. This site receives over 250,000 hits/month. 

It’s his prerogative to run his site with continued integrity and due diligence. If you don’t like it, move on.

It's actually 4,000,000 page impressions per month. But hey, who's counting. ::)

Edit: Oops. I forget a link:


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10 minutes ago, [[M...] said:

@[Co...] @[Be...]

Yeah, that was in reference to this post (Bees only one on this thread). And since he’s stating that JWD “preys” on people that are going through this along with a randomly quoted price, I just assumed Bees has worked with him. Otherwise why would he be posting random price quotes?

Again, I know this is in reference to a few YouTube videos (you should already know my stance on that from past comments on this thread).

I've seen prices higher than that quoted - up to $45,000 for a year (but that was before some price restructuring a few months ago). But that's not the point. Sure, it is a topic for discussion. But in of itself, it would be no reason to ban the use of JWD's Youtube channel from BB. It is the content of the channel which is problematic for us.

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3 minutes ago, [[C...] said:

I've seen prices higher than that quoted - up to $45,000 for a year (but that was before some price restructuring a few months ago). But that's not the point. Sure, it is a topic for discussion. But in of itself, it would be no reason to ban the use of JWD's Youtube channel from BB. It is the content of the channel which is problematic for us.

@[Co...] @[Be...]

Yeah, but if you haven’t worked with him, why would you quote random prices? Just doesn’t make any sense to me. Unless bees actually did work with him, so he has some sort of credibility to what he’s saying (honestly same goes for you now too Colin lol). Randomly saying you’ve seen quoting of 45k.

Also, for the future, if there are any videos out there (of which I’m sure there are) of an MD or content creators in general saying the same things JWD is in these 5 hand picked videos, are they banned as well?

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13 minutes ago, [[M...] said:

@[Co...] @[Be...]

Yeah, but if you haven’t worked with him, why would you quote random prices? Just doesn’t make any sense to me. Unless bees actually did work with him, so he has some sort of credibility to what he’s saying (honestly same goes for you now too Colin lol). Randomly saying you’ve seen quoting of 45k.

Also, for the future, if there are any videos out there (of which I’m sure there are) of an MD or content creators in general saying the same things JWD is in these 5 hand picked videos, are they banned as well?

OK. If you would like to discuss this further, please start a new thread. But FYI, this is a price list supplied to me last September via a trusted source (I believe the fees have been restructured since then). Again, use in a new thread - this thread is derailed enough already.


Initial Consultation: 

  • Duration: 30 minutes 
  • Consultation Fee: $500
  • Program eligibility begins with a comprehensive 30-minute consultation with our founding board-certified psychiatrist, Dr. Josef Witt-Doerring. During this telepsychiatry session, Dr. Witt-Doerring will conduct a thorough evaluation of your medical history, current medication usage, goals, concerns, and expectations. Based on this assessment, he will determine candidacy and create a customized action plan based on your unique needs and circumstances for long-term success.

Weeks 1-12 (Comprehensive Assessments and Tapering Plan Initiation): 

  • Duration: 12 weeks 
  • Fee: $4.500/ Month 
  • Total Cost for Initiation Fees for Weeks 1-12: $13,500 
  • Billed Before Program Start Date Program Details: This phase is the most intensive portion of the drug-tapering program, with a strong focus on personalized care and support. During this time, you will have multiple visits with our founding psychiatrist, Dr. Josef Witt-Doerring, to closely monitor your progress and make necessary adjustments to your tapering plan. The comprehensive nature of this phase ensures that you receive the highest level of attention and care during the critical initial weeks.

Tapering Maintenance and Continued Support Phase: 

Duration: 9+ Months 
Fee: $3,500/ Month 
Program Details: As you progress through the tapering process, you will continue to receive ongoing support from your prescribing physician and taper coach during this phase. In addition, you will have access to our supportive coaching team, allowing you to maintain your progress and stay on track toward achieving your goals. Our team will remain dedicated to assisting you throughout the year, ensuring that you have the support and guidance you need to succeed in your journey toward mental well-being.

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See, that’s much better. An actual (more reliable) source with detail on how things are structured. Great 👍

You still didn’t let me know on my second question. You can DM me if you want, or post on here as I think it’s important. If someone is saying the same things as those JWD videos, are those videos also banned?


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JWD has a 30 second video stating that protracted withdrawal can be permanent. For love of all mankind. He even goes so far to day the FDA label states damage can be permanent-which is a factual lie.

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34 minutes ago, [[M...] said:

Also, for the future, if there are any videos out there (of which I’m sure there are) of an MD or content creators in general saying the same things JWD is in these 5 hand picked videos, are they banned as well?

14 minutes ago, [[M...] said:


See, that’s much better. An actual (more reliable) source with detail on how things are structured. Great 👍

You still didn’t let me know on my second question. You can DM me if you want, or post on here as I think it’s important. If someone is saying the same things as those JWD videos, are those videos also banned?

Sorry - I somehow skipped over that.

The 'ban' relates to JWD's Youtube channel and the videos there. However, it is not an absolute ban. If you need to reference one of his videos to make a point, and so long as posting the video does directly violate our five areas of concern, you can use it. What we do not wish to see are his videos used in a promotional manner. Whereas, their limited use for the purposes of critique or to make a point might be acceptable. I am sorry that I cannot be exact about this. But what we are attempting to do here is not have BB promote his YT videos, and at the same time interfere as little as possible with members being able to discuss what they wish. Use your best judgement, and if doubt, contact a team member in advance.

There are no bans on other YT videos. But of course there is plenty of objectionable material available there. So, again, use your best judgment.

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10 minutes ago, [[M...] said:

JWD has a 30 second video stating that protracted withdrawal can be permanent. For love of all mankind. He even goes so far to day the FDA label states damage can be permanent-which is a factual lie.

I am aware of the video. Yeah, I think video posting his speculation on this matter as though it is established fact is ill-advised. His YT channel really is not the place to do it.

For the purposes of this discussion, if you wish to post the video here, you may do so.

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I don’t know how to 🙇‍♀️. The title is:

Is Benzo Withdrawal Injury Permanent?

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Just now, [[M...] said:

I don’t know how to 🙇‍♀️. The title is:

Is Benzo Withdrawal Injury Permanent?

Just copy the link to your post. The system will automatically embed the YT video for you.

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To all who have been posting on this thread, I would like to weigh in with a few thoughts.   

1.  Colin has been operating this sight for many years and, in my opinion, with a lot of integrity and credibility.   He not only suffered a withdrawal/recovery experience himself, but has dialogued with thousands upon thousands of fellow sufferers.

2.  I believe it is his intent in all his decision making to protect the members of BB, and the integrity of this site.

3.  Running a peer to peer forum is fraught with difficulties, and BB is one of the few, maybe the only, that has stood the test of time in the benzo community.   

4.  Colin is entitled to do whatever he thinks is appropriate.    If there are members who disagree with him, they may do so in a civil manner, but at the end of the day he gets to decide what policy is implemented.

5.  As to JWD, and any other "expert" our members are looking to for help, it is incumbent upon Colin to let our members know if he sees a problem with some of their content.  He has done this with others, and is not just singling out JWD.   He very explicitly laid out his concerns with JWD's YT content in a very transparent way.   Members can do with it what they want. 


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13 minutes ago, [[C...] said:

Sorry - I somehow skipped over that.

The 'ban' relates to JWD's Youtube channel and the videos there. However, it is not an absolute ban. If you need to reference one of his videos to make a point, and so long as posting the video does directly violate our five areas of concern, you can use it. What we do not wish to see are his videos used in a promotional manner. Whereas, their limited use for the purposes of critique or to make a point might be acceptable. I am sorry that I cannot be exact about this. But what we are attempting to do here is not have BB promote his YT videos, and at the same time interfere as little as possible with members being able to discuss what they wish. Use your best judgement, and if doubt, contact a team member in advance.

There are no bans on other YT videos. But of course there is plenty of objectionable material available there. So, again, use your best judgment.


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