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Our Concerns: The Witt-Doerring Youtube Channel


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I personally believe this guy preys on Benzo withdrawal sufferers. I appreciate him bringing awareness to our plight, but he posts terror inducing videos over and over and then charges people 25-50k just to prescribe tapering doses of Valium. Maybe his heart was in the right place in the beginning, but I truly believe he is preying on our community. 

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4 minutes ago, [[B...] said:

I personally believe this guy preys on Benzo withdrawal sufferers. I appreciate him bringing awareness to our plight, but he posts terror inducing videos over and over and then charges people 25-50k just to prescribe tapering doses of Valium. Maybe his heart was in the right place in the beginning, but I truly believe he is preying on our community. 

Hi @[Be...]

Welcome to BenzoBuddies!

Thank you for sharing your opinion.

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This is why bb should only be visited once a month just to remember you’re not alone. I thought the revamp of the site , under new management? Would have changed the dramatic nature of the “leaders”. Ridiculous. At least you disclosed the four “medical professionals” are biased to bb. 

I find his content to be informative and his interviews to be informative. 

never once did I feel his content to be shaming or contain “misinformation”. 

if anything he confirms time and time again that no one really knows what’s going on and provides the best current information and literature. 

get a fng grip. Or maybe a job … 



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I am 100 percent anti big pharma, anti psychiatry and I’ve only ever watched one of his videos. I have a mind of my own so can make my own decisions. I think it’s up to the individual to decide who and what to believe. BB should remain a place for support only without agendas being pushed regardless which side or the argument you sit on. 

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2 hours ago, [[H...] said:

This is why bb should only be visited once a month just to remember you’re not alone. I thought the revamp of the site , under new management? Would have changed the dramatic nature of the “leaders”. Ridiculous. At least you disclosed the four “medical professionals” are biased to bb. 

I find his content to be informative and his interviews to be informative. 

never once did I feel his content to be shaming or contain “misinformation”. 

if anything he confirms time and time again that no one really knows what’s going on and provides the best current information and literature. 

get a fng grip. Or maybe a job … 


Hello @[He...]. Welcome (back) to BenzoBuddies (I guess).

Whatever 'drama' you might perceive as associated with BB, I suggest that it is only a fraction compared content appearing at JWD's YT channel. Imagine that - BB has standards, rules and even an editorial line.

BenzoBuddies should be a safe place for all those going through withdrawal - this, of course, includes our many members who make use of psychiatric services.

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It is the nature of life. No area of medicine is perfect, and other types of medicine can 'poop out' too. Like all medicine, we - in consultation with our doctor - should make a risk-benefit analysis to determine what is best for us in our particular circumstances. Sometimes (often) doing nothing conveys more risk than doing something.

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Thank you all for your comments. And it has been noted by the team that many of you indicated your support of our position through use of reactions throughout the thread rather than posting a response.

If any members have comments they would rather not post publicly, you can make use of the Helpdesk forum (only admins and moderators can read your posts there), or you can send me a PM. Again, thank you understanding.

And for those who strongly disagreed with my post and purpose of this thread, thank you for keeping it (for the most part) within acceptable bounds of discourse. Of course, you are welcome to contact me privately too.

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To all posted on this thread:

When BB was renewed, I singed in, and read @Colin's statement regarding any conspiracy or anti-psychiatry topic should be avoided, then I thought this must be an issue of some sensitive kind and it would be significant for BB to be intact. As he wrote, it has been too difficult to run this site, which sounds very easy to imagine for those who suffered unreasonable harm from benzodiazepine.

 Having said that, it is kind of bewilderment to me when I see the comment like: conspiracy theorist has a tendency of vulnerability or an BB is not anti-psychiatry, (I know BB must have a neutral position, so I do NOT disagree these policies as an adult).

 Benzodiazepine's serious problems are not only how to paper smartly, but also terrible injured folks who deprived their life or took own life.

 As for Witt-Doerring YT vids, I respect his part of work like#5: Exposing big pharma. The guy used to be a pharmacist talks in a profoundly serious manner, we should watch it. However, trying Zoloft is silly thing.. :idiot:also he appeared to be insufficient on knowledge for tapering meds( i haven't seen his entire video.), but is it BB has to be so nervous about?


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2 hours ago, [[S...] said:

I am 100 percent anti big pharma, anti psychiatry and I’ve only ever watched one of his videos. I have a mind of my own so can make my own decisions. I think it’s up to the individual to decide who and what to believe. BB should remain a place for support only without agendas being pushed regardless which side or the argument you sit on. 

As am I. To think that pharma companies and psychiatrists have no skin in this game is absurd. All you have to do is read some the psychiatrists forums to see it. Most only care about money. They push drugs that they know have serious side effects. I for one will never take another drug unless it is for an emergency. Hell after this experience I no longer even trust doctors. 

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I don’t like the term “misinformation “ 

that’s a cover up term pharma uses to gaslight the injured.

if big pharma believed we here at BB were spreading misinformation they could shut this site down. 

Some people are greatly helped by Benzos so does that mean all of us here are spreading misinformation? 

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1 minute ago, [[S...] said:

I don’t like the term “misinformation “ 

that’s a cover up term pharma uses to gaslight the injured.

if big pharma believed we here at BB were spreading misinformation they could shut this site down

Some people are greatly helped by Benzos so does that mean all of us here are spreading misinformation? 

They really could not.

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I don’t think that’s the important take away of my comment tho Colin. 

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Posted (edited)

I understand BB may have thought best to bring to our attention the reasons why we shouldn’t watch the videos. But I bet there were a few people who were blissfully unaware of jwd that are now taking a deep dive into them. 

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13 minutes ago, [[S...] said:

I understand BB may have thought best to bring to our attention the reasons why we shouldn’t watch the videos. But I bet there were a few people who were blissfully unaware of jwd that are now taking a deep dive into them. 

But his videos are regularly posted at BB. His services are regularly discussed here. He on the medical board of BIC. Not all of our members need to be aware of him for it to create an issue for BB.

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19 minutes ago, [[S...] said:

I don’t think that’s the important take away of my comment tho Colin. 

Come on. Its inclusion was meant to be persuasive (of something), but without actually saying anything.

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Can anyone say......................... "stirred up a hornet's nest" :starwars:

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Oh dear god, this thread... What is going on here? Is there some reason people can't just watch the videos of people they agree with and not watch the videos of people they don't agree with? I mean, this is simple stuff. Do we have to make a big drama out of it and amp up everyone's nervous system? Surely getting everyone worked up over something isn't great for recovery. 

This is starting to remind me of church, everyone splitting hairs over this or that belief instead of having grace for a variety of views and approaches, and so splitting off into a million factions when there ought to be unity.

Personally, I agree with most of what JWD says. I think psychiatry and their meds do a tremendous amount of unrecognized harm. But guess what? If I didn't, I just wouldn't bloody watch him. People on here might be going through it but that doesn't mean they're stupid. They can figure out for themselves what they like or dislike, agree with or don't agree with. 

The guy is running a business. To run a business, you charge money and you charge it based on your qualifications and experience. My god, you should see what some people charge in other genres. Like business coaches who help you set up your own business. They charge a fortune. Are they preying on people?? No, they're running businesses. Businesses require marketing. You HAVE to use marketing techniques or you will have no clients. YouTube videos, social media, dramatic headlines, white coats...these are marketing techniques. Is he not allowed to run a business just because he deals in withdrawal? If you don't like his techniques, don't use the guy! 

A couple years ago there was a BB attack launched at Baylissa. Now I come back here and there's one launched on this guy. Two people who are actually BELIEVING US  and ACKNOWLEDGING THE PROBLEM. I don't understand this at all. All I know is every time I return to this forum, I regret it.

I don't know what's going on these days in the withdrawal community, but it's becoming very difficult for anyone to help us because of this Cancel Culture attitude, the dissention and the attacks and the villainization. 

The absolute last things we need are drama and shooting ourselves in the foot by ostracizing people who are trying to help. I work in a helping field myself, but I wouldn't work in withdrawal in this climate for anything. I don't know what else to say. I just find this whole thing bizarre.

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Posted (edited)

People, including me, are getting caught up in their opinions on the whole trade instead of if this material is helpful on BB. Colin is likely right that it does no good here and that is coming from someone that agrees with some of the messages. 

Hard thing for people here, again including me, to consider without getting worked up. 

My opinion is these videos serve no good being posted here where it will always degenerate into arguments like we see here in this thread and upset people without any real benefit. Would I want this media not to exist at all… on the fence.  It could succeed i getting attention where others havent. 


I dont agree with Colins description of the video or concerns about them. I do agree they maybe bad for the BB community. 

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Posted (edited)
36 minutes ago, [[r...] said:

Can anyone say......................... "stirred up a hornet's nest" :starwars:

Yes, and everyone was so happy to jump in and help add their opinion.  Looks like many really enjoyed themselves.  I know I did, it just reinforced my faith in BB and the people that have provided this site, free of charge, to help save us from the benzos, and show me there is quality of life after taking a benzo, oregonlady, thank you @[Co...] and admins :hug:

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18 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

People, including me, are getting caught up in their opinions on the whole trade instead of if this material is helpful on BB. Colin is likely right that it does no good here and that is coming from someone that agrees with some of the messages. 

Hard thing for people here, again including me, to consider without getting worked up. 

My opinion is these videos serve no good being posted here where it will always degenerate into arguments like we see here in this thread and upset people without any real benefit. Would I want this media not to exist at all… on the fence.  It could succeed i getting attention where others havent. 

My goal is to truly be fair when disagreeing with something, or posting my opinion.  Not being rude or unkind, and I have been before on this site.  Thanks to this site I have hope for my future now, even at my age, oregonlady

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Lovin all you have been saying BTW. You are on fire and it's a great thing. 

It's hard to sometimes stay on topic and focus when we have endured real harm from pharmaceuticals and then when someone brings the hammer down on someone (Witt Doerring) that actually seems to have "our best interests" as his focus on his you tube channel. It feels like a knife in the back. So I think there is going to be a somewhat emotional response and venting. Not saying this is conducive just the way it is. :D There seems to be a recent uptick at BB this quick rush to defend mainstream medicine if you are critical of it. 

Witt Doerring has motives like anyone else, sure. A lawyer in a case cares more about the big payout and court victory than your damages if we are being honest, but it doesn't mean that justice is NOT being done or at least it is a positive when one is made to pay and there are consequences for their disgusting actions. Witt Doerring grifter or not doesn't make his knowledge any less valid. 

Witt Doerring no matter what his intentions he is still getting the message out about the dangers of these pills and the subsequent BLAMING the patient if and (most likely) when the pills turn on you and to me this is incredible.  And a step in the right direction for getting out of the dinosaur age of what modern medicine has become and the old guard way in how most practitioners think.  He is one of the few EVOLVING!!!!!!!!!

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13 minutes ago, [[P...] said:

A couple years ago there was a BB attack launched at Baylissa. Now I come back here and there's one launched on this guy. Two people who are actually BELIEVING US  and ACKNOWLEDGING THE PROBLEM. I don't understand this at all. All I know is every time I return to this forum, I regret it.

Nope. Members were posting positive and negative comments regarding their experiences with Frederick and other counsellors. But in response to one particular member, who posted a thoughtful, albeit, mixed-bag report (certainly no diatribe), Frederick (Baylissa) created an account at BB to publicly correct him. It is also worth pointing out that in her introductory post (which had to be approved), she stated that she was here to learn - she joined BB under false pretences.

It was wholly unethical, unprofessional and disgraceful behaviour from Frederick. She had the member's email address - if she was so unable to resist responding, she should have contacted him privately.

The thread might be a bit difficult to follow in parts, because usernames were not preserved in all quote headers when we migrated to this software. But the opening post is clear enough.

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37 minutes ago, [[P...] said:

I don't know what's going on these days in the withdrawal community, but it's becoming very difficult for anyone to help us because of this Cancel Culture attitude, the dissention and the attacks and the villainization. 

Anyone who is familiar with other benzo forums which have come and gone over the years will realise just how unrestrictive BB is compared to all those failed and closed forums.

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30 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

People, including me, are getting caught up in their opinions on the whole trade instead of if this material is helpful on BB. Colin is likely right that it does no good here and that is coming from someone that agrees with some of the messages.

Hard thing for people here, again including me, to consider without getting worked up.

It is understandable. Benzodiazepine use and withdrawal can do real number on us. And there can be very good reason to feel angry.

30 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

My opinion is these videos serve no good being posted here where it will always degenerate into arguments like we see here in this thread and upset people without any real benefit. Would I want this media not to exist at all… on the fence.  It could succeed i getting attention where others havent.

I think the content I posted in the opeining post of this thread is harmful. And I suppose more to the point, harmful for many of our members.

30 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

I dont agree with Colins description of the video or concerns about them. I do agree they maybe bad for the BB community. 

Well, that's OK, isn't it. We can agree to disagree. But the admins and I feel a responsibility to BB that most members will not. I suggest that many of you might feel differently if you operated in role where you felt a greater responsibility to protect members.

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That baylissa thing could really add to the tension here :)    all those strong words and opinions in there. unethical. disgraceful. :)  Too bad that didnt stay in the past. 

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