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Our Concerns: The Witt-Doerring Youtube Channel


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Hello all,

The administration team and I have become increasingly concerned with the content appearing at Josef Witt-Doerring's (JWD) Youtube channel. Some of these matters have already been raised in more general terms by the team and members of this community in a number of threads over the past six months or so. But we have now completed a small sample review of the channel's content; this has raised further and very significant concerns.

In no particular order, our five main areas of concern:

  1. Anti-psychiatry, psych-medication scaremongering, and pill-shaming across much/most of the content (videos a, b, c, d, e)
  2. Promotion of conspiracy theories, medical disinformation and quack cures (video e)
  3. Offensive content and terminology (videos d, e)
  4. Apparent violations of ethical or professional standards (videos a, d)
  5. Serious and serial errors in judgment (videos a, b, c, d, e)

Because the Admins and I were so concerned, we asked three physicians (from three different specialties) and a psychiatric nurse to review some of the content from JWD's Youtube channel. For a variety of reasons, all four medical professionals are very sympathetic to BenzoBuddies and are natural allies to the plight of our members and the wider benzodiazepine withdrawal community. But they all were appalled by what they viewed. This confirmed our own views on the matter. We can only suppose that the vast majority of medical professionals and most of the general public would be similarly alarmed by the content. And if you read some of the comments to the videos, it is clear that even some subscribers to JWD's channel are deeply concerned and offended by some of content appearing there.

This is the kind of public face which only serves to damage the cause in reforming how these medications are prescribed and deprescribed. And much in the same way as Scientology allows detractors to dismiss the genuine concerns of mental health reformers, the referencing and use of JWD's Youtube channel output will cause many to dismiss the plight of BenzoBuddies members and associated communities as nonsense espoused by the mentally ill.

The following videos are far from the only ones which we find problematic. But between them they example our main concerns.

Video (a): Antidepressants Nearly Ruined my Marriage ('We Tried Zoloft')

JWD and MWD (Marissa, Josef's wife and fellow psychiatrist), describe how they self-prescribed prescription-only medicine for experimental, nonmedical purposes during residency.

Although JWD and MWD did not fulfil the profile for prescribing this type of medication (they were not depressed), and JWD details how he increased his dosage at a rate outside of prescribing guidelines, he examples his experience as evidence to support his views rubbishing Zoloft and psychiatric medication in general. This is unscientific and irresponsible.

Additionally, this video effectively invites the viewer to consider non-legitimate sourcing of and/or experimentation with psychoactive medications as acceptable behaviour. Further, its brazen publication demonstrates another serious error in judgment and an astonishing dismissive attitude towards professional standards and ethics. The Witt-Doerrings appear to view themselves as rule-breakers and mavericks.

I submit video (a) in support of areas of concern 1, 4 and 5.

Video (b): I Tried to Quit Residency... She Wouldn't Let Me ('I Almost Quit Residency')

Here, JWD demonstrates a total lack of awareness, and describes how he was labelled as 'unprofessional' by an attending physician during residency, resulting in his mandatory retraining. If you suppose this is him being honest and exampling how he has learned and grown from past mistakes and failures, you would be mistaken. It is quite clear he remains convinced that he was in the right.

The first six minutes or so of the video are probably of greater interest.

I submit video (b) in support of areas of concern 1 and 5.

Video (c): How the DSM really works...

The next video is described by JWD as 'satire'. It is intended to ridicule psychiatry and psychiatric medication, but it is not remotely funny. I think nearly all of our members understand that psychiatric care is generally substandard for most people. And unless the patient can afford private support services, talk therapy is out of reach for the most part. However, despite its shortcomings, psychiatric care is vitally important for millions of people. There is already a huge amount of online disinformation and scaremongering regarding psychiatric care and medications; it is shocking and unacceptable for someone so involved within the benzodiazepine and antidepressant communities to publish content which further discredits vital, life-saving medications and services.

Unfortunately, this is not just a 'funny' video which failed to hit the mark. It is emblematic of a large proportion of the content we sampled from JWD's Youtube channel.

BenzoBuddies is protective of members who rely upon psychiatric services. This is why we have rules restricting anti-psychiatry and anti-medicine content. And it is why we bring to the attention of members our concerns of similarly problematic informational sources and services where they target likely members of our community.

I submit video (c) in support of areas of concern 1 and 5.

Video (d): Depression is a 'YOU Problem'

Here, JWD delivers an unusual 'pep-talk'. Basically, your mental health problems are your fault, and yours to solve. If you think I exaggerate, please review the video for yourself. And if you read the comments accompanying the video at Youtube, even some of his subscribers are appalled.

If a patient seeks consultation with a psychiatrist, psychotherapist or counsellor, they should be assumed to be vulnerable and might feel quite desperate. At least initially, they might be overwhelmed by what they are experiencing and feel unable to cope. They are explicitly seeking the support of a mental health professional and might be in a dangerous place. For them to be instead told—by someone who is there to supposedly help them, no less—that they are beyond external help and they should resolve it for themselves is an extraordinary, unempathetic message.

I submit video (d) in support of areas of concern 1, 3, 4 and 5.

Video (e): Exposing Big Pharma's Dark Influence on Medicine: Eye-Opening Interview with the Redpill Pharmacist ('Exposing Big Pharma')

JWD interviews Graham Atkinson, pharmacist, COVID-denier and anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist.

There are multiple problems with this video. JWD refers to psychiatrists as 'Nazis', and benzodiazepine withdrawal as 'The Holocaust' (timestamp: 56:00). I surely do not need to explain why use of these terms within this context is offensive, alienating, and extremely unhelpful.

JWD and Atkinson also promote COVID-denialism, anti-vaccine propaganda, homeopathy, and other pseudoscientific medicine. Like the Witt-Doerrings, Atkinson seems to view himself as another rule-breaker and maverick.

I submit video (e) in support of areas of concern 1, 2, 3 and 5.

To Sum Up

We expect views to vary about JWD's Youtube channel and our decision to address this matter here. Although regrettable, it even might cause some fallout. But we consider this too important for us to ignore and not bring to the attention of members.

As already stated, our views regarding much of the content appearing at Josef Witt-Doerring's Youtube channel are shared by the medical professionals we consulted, by many member comments at BB, and even in comments by JWD's own supporters at his channel. If there was a single problematic video in the review sample, we might take the view that it was an aberration and contact JWD privately to address our concerns. However, much of the content we sampled and reviewed contained highly problematic materials (and not all are represented above). We also note that negative comments at Youtube from JWD's own supporters/subscribers have failed to prompt him to pause and reconsider—nor has he responded to critical comments to any the videos we reviewed. The (escalating) use of scaremongering, clickbait and irresponsible shock tactics by the Witt-Doerrings appears to be wilful.

The Admins and I have concluded that JWD's Youtube channel contains far too much questionable 'information', is detrimental to the wellbeing of many of our members, and does not reflect the BenzoBuddies mission or our values. Further, use of the channel's materials at BenzoBuddies creates a poor impression of our community, potentially alienating prospective members and supporters.

For these reasons, we have decided to disallow use of videos from JWD's Youtube channel at BenzoBuddies. This is not a total ban on discussion about the Witt-Doerrings—we understand that some of our members are reliant upon them to supply prescriptions and other services and will wish to discuss these. However, use of any other content originating from or involving the Witt-Doerrings (including interviews, podcasts, vlogs or blogs) must be justified within the context of the post/topic and not fall foul of our areas of concern. Additional context-driven exceptions for Witt-Doerring content might be justifiable in the furtherance of general, genuine discussion. But please apply your best judgment and ask for team guidance if in doubt.

It is OK to post your frank views in response, whatever they might be. But our position has been months in the making and unless there are radical changes to the video content and how the Witt-Doerrings operate, our position is unlikely change.

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I cannot believe what i am hearing here. Do you guys NOT want people to get better. And need BB for life or something in an echo chamber of sickness and taper madness.  

If you go far enough you can find negative things about ANYONE. 

This seems like a smear campaign against someone trying to fight the good fight and give those gaslit by EVERYONE in the medical community a chance to speak out and be heard. If there were MORE Witt Doering in practice even with  his short comings which I don't deny they exist. There would be MUCH less damage. 

This is a sad day for BB and I feel this site has been infiltrated in someway by pharmaceutical companies. Or you are at least being monitored by them. Of course I can't prove this. 

But to give warnings and disallow on someone NOT over prescribing. You guys are becoming part of the problem over part of the solution. 

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I'd never thought I would see the day when BB has....................................

"Jumped the shark"


But everything great has to come to an end sadly. 

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21 hours ago, [[r...] said:

I cannot believe what i am hearing here. Do you guys NOT want people to get better. And need BB for life or something in an echo chamber of sickness and taper madness.  

If you go far enough you can find negative things about ANYONE. 

This seems like a smear campaign against someone trying to fight the good fight and give those gaslit by EVERYONE in the medical community a chance to speak out and be heard. If there were MORE Witt Doering in practice even with  his short comings which I don't deny they exist. There would be MUCH less damage. 

This is a sad day for BB and I feel this site has been infiltrated in someway by pharmaceutical companies. Or you are at least being monitored by them. Of course I can't prove this. 

But to give warnings and disallow on someone NOT over prescribing. You guys are becoming part of the problem over part of the solution. 

Hello @[re...]

Forgive me for putting it like this, but your post rather demonstrates the problem. When people (especially those in positions of trust) publish videos speaking the language of the antipsychiatry movement, they serve to encourage ideas such as yours. The idea that BB...

"has been infiltrated in someway by pharmaceutical companies. Or you are at least being monitored by them. Of course I can't prove this"

...is patently ridiculous.

BB has not changed its position in such matters. BB should be a safe place for those who rely upon psychiatric medication and services. For these reasons we determined that members deserve to be informed of our concerns. Concerns, I should add, which have already been expressed by various members over the past six months and more.

I note that you acknowledge Witt-Doerring's shortcomings - the ones I outlined in my post, I presume. Are they not serious enough for you?

BB will remain a safe place for those reliant upon psychiatry. They should not encounter content or promotion of content which might damage their care. Because let's be clear about this, Witt-Doerring's Youtube channel serves to sow doubt in psychiatry. (Well, expect for his own services of course.)

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I am sure many of your members if they were being honest with themselves would of LOVED to run into Witt Doerring before unfortunately having to come here from the hell that their PRO med Psychiatrists got them in.

This man could of avoided them going on the worst journey of their lives.  

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Sure let's me know my brain isn't totally deteriorated.  It only took one video of WD's to turn me off to him.

Thanks much for this and all the home-work you put into it Colin :classic_love: oregonlady

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I have few objections with josef. That you are insulted or challenged by this and cant be objective concerns me. Calling psychiatry scientific is a joke. 

He doesnt say there is no place for pharmaceuticals. he says they are almost always used poorly and irresponsibly. 

What you call lack of empathy telling people they need to work on their issues and not turn to drugs seems harsh to you but responsible to me. If you will harm a person more with drugs than what they already suffer from which is almost always the case then you shouldnt be prescribing. 

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On 03/06/2024 at 14:34, [[r...] said:

I am sure many of your members if they were being honest with themselves would of LOVED to run into Witt Doerring before unfortunately having to come here from the hell that their PRO med Psychiatrists got them in.

This man could of avoided them going on the worst journey of their lives.  

I think most of us here would have preferred to have never been prescribed benzodiazepines. But this is not the issue. What is at issue is that a Youtube channel which is heavily slanted against psychiatry is being promoted at BB and elsewhere within the wider benzodiazepine withdrawal community. And as I outlined in my opening post, the four medical professionals we consulted (who are all very sympathetic to BB and what it does) were appalled by the content.

The admins and I were appalled too by the content we discovered - and, again, it was only from a small sample of the videos available at the channel. We also know many members are very unhappy with many aspects of how JWD operates.

BB is not a space where anything goes so long as it increases engagement. We have seen how that has devastated other forums, where it results in content catering to lowest common denominator. We have standards, and we will stick to them.

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8 minutes ago, [[o...] said:

Sure let's me know my brain isn't totally deteriorated.  It only took one video of WD's to turn me off to him.

Thanks much for this and all the home-work you put into it Colin :classic_love: oregonlady

Thank you. And thank you for posting, @[or...].

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2 minutes ago, [[L...] said:

I have few objections with josef. That you are insulted or challenged by this and cant be objective concerns me. Calling psychiatry scientific is a joke. 

He doesnt say there is no place for pharmaceuticals. he says they are almost always used poorly and irresponsibly. 

What you call lack of empathy telling people they need to work on their issues and not turn to drugs seems harsh to you but responsible to me. If you will harm a person more with drugs than what they already suffer from which is almost always the case then you shouldnt be prescribing. 

Well. I did not say state that there is no content of value. The problem is that there is significant proportion of content with very serious issues.

I have not stated that there are no problems with psychiatry - I believe I stated the opposite. But let's be clear about this: BB is not, and has never been, an antipsychiatry website. And many of our members rely upon psychiatry. They should not be subjected to such content at BB.

If you read our many years old policy documents, you we understand that our position is unchanged.

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Posted (edited)

It is just hard to see it any other way when you ban someone fighting the good fight. He is a bit extremist I won't deny it. And I feel he is a bit of a grifter and way too expensive. But it doesn't change the fact that he is offering great advice to people in crisis and giving them other solutions beside toxic brain meds. 

But I would like you all to reconsider and get some more input from your members before you go into an extreme decision like this. But of course it is your forum and you need to do what you must. But I do think you should be open to the fact that not all anti big pharma solutions to health is "quackery" and should not be viewed so. To shut down people offering alternatives to mental health is WONDERFUL and ground breaking and we as a society should embrace this. 

Colin you have to look at the BIGGER picture and look at all the people he is HELPING. You can't just go down and find someone's bad you tube casts and say ALL IS BAD................BANNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel you have become shortsighted here and BB is becoming extremely biased in regards to meds. And the modern medical model at large.  It's all I am saying and it's become that even you say something like "medical malpractice" is the THIRD leading cause of death. WHICH IT IS!!!!!!!!! In the United States at least. You will be put in moderation which is madness to me. I am only stating facts and I have NEVER said "do not seek medical help" to anyone on here. I always tell them to seek care, but be careful. 

I feel I am a rational person and forgive my conspiracy questioning. But when this site starts to come down on ANYTHING critical of a modern medical model which let's face it is not doing a great job it seems. The fact that  you are put in Mod Purgatory................ speaks great volumes to me. 

Edited by [re...]
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I think our experience and not Witt Doering has us all doubt psychiatry. There have been other recent publications questioning current psychiatric methods, there was one in the Economist a while ago and I have read many other articles stating the need for a change in mental health care and basically putting an end to the practice of prescribing pills. Also, using the ocassional benzo for a surgery is not part of psychiatry. 

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11 minutes ago, [[r...] said:

It is just hard to see it any other way when you ban someone fighting the good fight. He is a bit extremist I won't deny it. And I feel he is a bit of a grifter and way too expensive. But it doesn't change the fact that he is offering great advice to people in crisis and giving them other solutions beside toxic brain meds. 

But I would like you all to reconsider and get some more input from your members before you go into an extreme decision like this. But of course it is your forum and you need to do what you must. But I do think you should be open to the fact that not all anti big pharma solutions to health is "quackery" and should not be viewed so. To shut down people offering alternatives to mental health is WONDERFUL and ground breaking and we as a society should embrace this. 

Colin you have to look at the BIGGER picture and look at all the people he is HELPING. You can't just go down and find someone's bad you tube casts and say ALL IS BAD................BANNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel you have become shortsighted here and BB is becoming extremely biased in regards to meds. And the modern medical model at large.  It's all I am saying and it's become that even you say something like "medical malpractice" is the THIRD leading cause of death. WHICH IT IS!!!!!!!!! In the United States at least. You will be put in moderation which is madness to me. I am only stating facts and I have NEVER said "do not seek medical help" to anyone on here. I always tell them to seek care, but be careful. 

I feel I am a rational person and forgive my conspiracy questioning. But when this site starts to come down on ANYTHING critical of a modern medical model which let's face it is not doing a great job it seems. The fact that  you are put in Mod Purgatory................ speaks great volumes to me. 

No one got banned, just the other side of the story is what I see coming from Colin, and I need to hear both sides, even when I don't want to.  I can't speak for anyone else, oregonlady

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Took an instant dislike to Witt Doering, its a presentation thing, the funny faces he pulls on his YT channel, the white coat, the whole thing looks like a joke. BUT having said that I am totally against the medical profession prescribing these psychiatric drugs.

I think it is valid to criticise the psychiatric profession in the same way we would criticise any other. Here is an an extract from  The American Psychiatric Association psychiatry.org 

"Most medications are used by psychiatrists in much the same way that medications are used to treat high blood pressure or diabetes. After completing thorough evaluations, psychiatrists can prescribe medications to help treat mental disorders. While the precise mechanism of action of psychiatric medications is not fully understood, they may change chemical signaling and communication within the brain, which may reduce some symptoms of psychiatric disorders. Patients on long-term medication treatment will need to meet with their psychiatrist periodically to monitor the effectiveness of the medication and any potential side effects."

Doesn't sound very scientific to me when they themselves admit they don't know how these pills work. All sounds a bit experimental. And it is even worse here in the UK as GP's are still prescribing them long term and I am now a long term casualty as a result.

So even though I don't like Witt Doering's style we do need to heavily criticise psychiatry and GP's and any other medics for continuing to prescribe these horrendous drugs.

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God I have been so happy and quiet post jump and now you got me GOIN again. WTH. :2funny:

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Posted (edited)

and I hope that the benzos are not taken away before every person is allowed to taper off them.  Also, I believe if used/prescribed properly, they are of benefit. 

I don't believe in throwing the baby out with the bathwater and I don't see that coming from Colin.  I've never felt anyone is denying me anything I choose to do on this site, ever, oregonlady PS and to be honest, at my worst, opinionated behaviour, I have still been accepted here.

Edited by [or...]
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On 03/06/2024 at 14:54, [[r...] said:

It is just hard to see it any other way when you ban someone fighting the good fight. He is a bit extremist I won't deny it. And I feel he is a bit of a grifter and way too expensive. But it doesn't change the fact that he is offering great advice to people in crisis and giving them other solutions beside toxic brain meds.

Hi @[re...]

His fees are a perfectly good topic for discussion. Indeed, there have been several threads already about this. Even much of the topics he raises might be discussed here. But the whole tone of his channel is antipsychiatry. And many other problems too (which I outlined in my opening post).

His channel is controversial. I expect this is deliberate as it increases engagement and eyes on his channel. This will drive traffic to his services. I have to seriously question how much the free content is an altruistic act, when said content is so potentially damaging, but also likely to drive traffic to his website.

On 03/06/2024 at 14:54, [[r...] said:

But I would like you all to reconsider and get some more input from your members before you go into an extreme decision like this. But of course it is your forum and you need to do what you must. But I do think you should be open to the fact that not all anti big pharma solutions to health is "quackery" and should not be viewed so. To shut down people offering alternatives to mental health is WONDERFUL and ground breaking and we as a society should embrace this.

We already know that many members are unhappy with JWD's approach. All the admins here are very unhappy about much/most of his content. All the medical professionals we consulted over this were appalled by the content.

On 03/06/2024 at 14:54, [[r...] said:

Colin you have to look at the BIGGER picture and look at all the people he is HELPING. You can't just go down and find someone's bad you tube casts and say ALL IS BAD................BANNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the bigger picture. Some of our members might like the channel's content. But that same content can cause some members huge distress and even harm.

On 03/06/2024 at 14:54, [[r...] said:

I feel you have become shortsighted here and BB is becoming extremely biased in regards to meds. And the modern medical model at large.  It's all I am saying and it's become that even you say something like "medical malpractice" is the THIRD leading cause of death. WHICH IT IS!!!!!!!!! In the United States at least. You will be put in moderation which is madness to me. I am only stating facts and I have NEVER said "do not seek medical help" to anyone on here. I always tell them to seek care, but be careful.



On 03/06/2024 at 14:54, [[r...] said:

I feel I am a rational person and forgive my conspiracy questioning. But when this site starts to come down on ANYTHING critical of a modern medical model which let's face it is not doing a great job it seems. The fact that  you are put in Mod Purgatory................ speaks great volumes to me. 

Ask the admins about that - it is rarely permanent. (And you will note that I approved all your posts to this thread.)

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I dont think anyone would claim psychiatry is science. They are dealing with something so extraordinarily complex there is no chance of being successful and trying to simplify and market it. If you dont have the tools and knowledge faiths like this are created.  Much like seeing gods in the shapes of the constellations. The trade is like astrology and astronomy is very far in the future. 
I would be happy to see people benefit from it and am certain there are some but one who benefits for every hundred harmed isnt success. 

I really enjoy seeing a rational and sceptical mind criticize this trade. Few people like that enter the medical trade and he is very refreshing. 

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3 minutes ago, [[C...] said:

Hi @[re...]

His fees are a perfectly good topic for discussion. Indeed, there have been several threads already about this. Even much of the topics he raises might be discussed here. But the whole tone of his channel is antipsychiatry. And many other problems too (which I outlined in my opening post).

His channel is controversial. I expect this is deliberate as it increases engagement and eyes on his channel. This will drive traffic to his services. I have seriously question how much the free content is altruistic act, when said content is so potentially damaging, but also likely to drive traffic to his website.

We already know that many member are unhappy with JWD's approach. All the admins here are very unhappy about much/most of his content. All the medical professionals we consulted over this were appalled by the content.

This is the bigger picture. Some of our members might like channel's content. But that same content can cause some of our members huge distress and even harm.



Ask the admins about that - it is rarely permanent. (And you will note that I approved all your posts to this thread.)

Noone is altruistic. It isnt a thing that exists. Some people do nice things because it makes them feel good and they benefit from it. 

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4 minutes ago, [[o...] said:

and I hope that the benzos not taken away before every person is allowed to taper off them.  Also, I believe if used/prescribed properly, they are of benefit. 

I don't believe in throwing the baby out with the bathwater and I don't see that coming from Colin.  I've never felt anyone is denying me anything I choose to do on this site, ever, oregonlady PS and to be honest, at my worst, opinionated behaviour, I have still been accepted here.

One of my longstanding concerns has been the overzealous reaction against benzodiazepines - they should be banned, that kind of thing. Because, at least in part, I suggest this has resulted in an overreaction by many doctors, yanking away benzos from the benzodiazepine-dependent patients, against their will, and without enough time to taper off sensibly. Emotionally-driven reactions, although understandable, can lead to unintended negative consequences.

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2 minutes ago, [[C...] said:

One of my longstanding concerns has been the overzealous reaction against benzodiazepines - they should be banned, that kind of thing. Because, at least in part, I suggest this has resulted in an overreaction by many doctors, yanking away benzos from the benzodiazepine-dependent patients, against their will, and without enough time to taper off sensibly. Emotionally-driven reactions, although understandable, can lead to unintended negative consequences.

This concerns me too. has there been a spike in people CTed that has been seen?  Dangerous times. 

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16 minutes ago, [[W...] said:

Took an instant dislike to Witt Doering, its a presentation thing, the funny faces he pulls on his YT channel, the white coat, the whole thing looks like a joke. BUT having said that I am totally against the medical profession prescribing these psychiatric drugs.

I think it is valid to criticise the psychiatric profession in the same way we would criticise any other. Here is an an extract from  The American Psychiatric Association psychiatry.org 

"Most medications are used by psychiatrists in much the same way that medications are used to treat high blood pressure or diabetes. After completing thorough evaluations, psychiatrists can prescribe medications to help treat mental disorders. While the precise mechanism of action of psychiatric medications is not fully understood, they may change chemical signaling and communication within the brain, which may reduce some symptoms of psychiatric disorders. Patients on long-term medication treatment will need to meet with their psychiatrist periodically to monitor the effectiveness of the medication and any potential side effects."

Doesn't sound very scientific to me when they themselves admit they don't know how these pills work. All sounds a bit experimental. And it is even worse here in the UK as GP's are still prescribing them long term and I am now a long term casualty as a result.

So even though I don't like Witt Doering's style we do need to heavily criticise psychiatry and GP's and any other medics for continuing to prescribe these horrendous drugs.

None of that type of discussion is banned. So long as comments are measured, are discussional in tone, and - even better - include referencing, there should not be a problem. The problem JWD's channel is that it is rarely those things. And, really, as medical professional, his standards should be higher than what is required at BB, not way lower.

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