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24/7 brain symptoms

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Has anyone had severe 24/7 head/brain symptoms and they went away after a long time?

As for the head/brain symptoms:

The back of my head and neck are terrible. Severe, severe pressure. Recently it’s been hell. It feels like my brain is suffocating me, squeezing severely that it even hurts. It feels like there is a magnet pulling me backwards or like there is a vacuum cleaner in turbo mode stuck to the back of my head or my brain stem trying to suck it in. Brain jolts. Electrical explosions in my head. It’s not from time to time but when I am upright it’s just constant electric pulsing and jolts in my head like my brain is in constant motion, being pushed, pulled, squeezed, like there are constant waves in my head. Also vibrations like there is a motor running in my head. Usually back of head is the worst but can be my forehead and face too, it travels. Sometimes it’s like burning and pressure deep inside my head. There is pulsating electricity down my spine too when in worst waves but recently quite often. On top of that all sorts of nerve pains in my head but that alone is a cakewalk compared to the weird sensations. 

I am going crazy as my symptoms still keep getting worse, it’s unbelievable. My setbacks just ruined me, no idea how to survive this, really. Like why on earth am I not only not improving but still getting many of my symptoms worsen… I have had head symptoms for a long time but they came and went and this January they got 10x worse and constant. I don’t know if it was a setback from stopping breastfeeding or just how the injury goes for me. Then I got a bit better but head issues were bad still. However, again I either suffered a setback or it just spontaneously got worse. I was really trying to keep positive but at this point I am just so scared. It’s been almost 2 years since the original setback (that actually made me worse than anything before) and I am sooo much worse.

Please, anyone who has had experienced this or knows somebody who has - give me some hope. My baby’s 1st bday party was yesterday and I went there suffering like hell and had to pretend I was fine for a few hours feeling like I would just pass out most of the time. I am happy I managed to go but no way I am attending any other events any time soon. And I am bedridden again as the head issues and the electrical current just bring me to my knees and both get worse when upright.


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I just wanted to write to let you know you're not alone. I am just shy of 18 months off with most all of what you described. I feel plugged in 24/7 with waves of electricity throughout my brain and body along with all the sensations you wrote. <3 

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I am at 22 months and I understand exactly what you are experiencing. I’m here with you. 

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I feel the same. All the words in here. Keep holding on 💖

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It saddens me deeply to see people still suffering at 18mo . Like what the hell. 😔😔

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Really you guys, I am really sorry you have this too but also kind of relieved I am not the only one on this planet with this. I am going crazy, like my head or neck will just pop any minute now from the pressure and electric jolts. I hope we can all heal, we really deserve this to go away.

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I have electricity that comes from my brain. My chest hurts. Im worried that it might electricute my heart someday and I die. It is scary.

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Posted (edited)
1 minute ago, [[b...] said:

I have electricity that comes from my brain. My chest hurts. Im worried that it might electricute my heart someday and I die. It is scary.

Yes, I know this too. It comes from the brain as a steady current and pressure. It squeezes my throat, chest or stomach, like something is either squeezing me or like something is expanding. Sometimes it's more like some jolts from the brain or explosions. I am losing my mind, really.


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Yes. It is shot at different parts of my body every day. I could tolerate it when it was on my arms and back but when it comes to my chest, I get really scared. Idk what I can do when it hits my heart and stays there 

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Do you also feel like some parts of your brain swell when you walk or do something and are always filled with electricity like I do? Or do you just feel the jolts coming down?

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2 minutes ago, [[b...] said:

Do you also feel like some parts of your brain swell when you walk or do something and are always filled with electricity like I do? Or do you just feel the jolts coming down?

Yeah it feels like my brain inflating like a balloon tha wants to lift me up or explode. Sometimes it feels like something is burning and expanding deep in my brain and then my mouth and nose and throat hurt inside. My brain is in constant turmoil. I feel like I am going to explode because the electric pressure is so awful. I don't know if I will ever see healing. My case is so complicated. And how it's possible to still be getting worse, I just don't understand.

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yeah. mine feels like it is inflating too and they move all around my head. i thought only mine is like that because people just talked ablut jolts.


The jolts come through my teeth too and I taste some weird chemical things when it comes to my teeth. I think my saliva is being electrolysed

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1 minute ago, [[b...] said:

yeah. mine feels like it is inflating too and they move all around my head. i thought only mine is like that because people just talked ablut jolts.

The jolts come through my teeth too and I taste some weird chemical things when it comes to my teeth. I think my saliva is being electrolysed

I have both the inflated feelings, pressure and jolts. I have everything electrical it seems. It's hell. When it squeezes my throat it feels like I won't be able to swallow. 

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i get that too bro. you are not alone. what drug did u use and when did u stop taking it?


mine is xanax and im 30 days

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Just now, [[b...] said:

i get that too bro. you are not alone. what drug did u use and when did u stop taking it?

mine is xanax and im 30 days

I don't want to freak you out, if you want I think it's described in my history on my profile.

In short, I am long off psych meds, those issues came on after I suffered setbacks from non-psych meds. So my injury is more complicated. 


If you are 30 days off then you are in acute and it will calm down for sure. My story is rare.

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dang it really scares me. idk how to live in this world. i have taken xanax for just a few weeks and it is already toi much for me

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  • 3 weeks later...

When I think this shit is as bad as it could get, reality proves me I am wrong. I am even worse than when I opened this topic. There are explosions in my head, jolting me, pulling me. My other issues are also way worse. What kind of damage is that... I know I was polydrugged but come on... It's been over a year since I had any meds at all.

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17 minutes ago, [[W...] said:

When I think this shit is as bad as it could get, reality proves me I am wrong. I am even worse than when I opened this topic. There are explosions in my head, jolting me, pulling me. My other issues are also way worse. What kind of damage is that... I know I was polydrugged but come on... It's been over a year since I had any meds at all.

I feel for you bruv, and i know exactly how you feel. And when i think of what life has come to now. I get discouraged. Hang in there you not alone 🤝

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I wish I knew a method to get those symptoms in your head to ease up. They also are not the type that are easy to distract yourself from. It seems that recovery from benzos (and certain psyche meds) can sometimes cause people to feel worse as time goes by until things finally start improving gradually or even almost instantly.

Your past use is pretty complicated with various drugs used and setbacks experienced. Obviously time will be the most crucial factor in your recovery. Not knowing how much time is what causes fear and stress. I am sure that if you knew for certain that on July 17th of this year your symptoms would start drastically improving, you would mentally be more capable of enduring these symptoms.

Since I can't predict a specific time period or date I will only offer but a different way to interpret your symptoms until they cease. All these electrical sensations, explosions, etc... are obviously similar to construction and repair work. Each zap or jolt could be viewed as one neural pathway being 100% fixed and coming back online. The more that get fixed, the faster the repairwork can be done on each subsequent receptor/neural pathway, hence why things may seem like they are getting worse as your brain becomes more capable of repairing exponentially more of the damage as time goes on. This means you will experience an increase in the frequency/intensity of your symptoms (repairwork) on your way to the finish line.

Hopefully you are on the home stretch. Most healing tends to be gradual but, although not typical, many people that recover often had very rough experiences right before things rapidly changed for the better.

I hope relief comes sooner rather than later for you. Just remember, there is a date marked on your calendar that you just can't see.

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1 hour ago, [[C...] said:

I wish I knew a method to get those symptoms in your head to ease up. They also are not the type that are easy to distract yourself from. It seems that recovery from benzos (and certain psyche meds) can sometimes cause people to feel worse as time goes by until things finally start improving gradually or even almost instantly.

Your past use is pretty complicated with various drugs used and setbacks experienced. Obviously time will be the most crucial factor in your recovery. Not knowing how much time is what causes fear and stress. I am sure that if you knew for certain that on July 17th of this year your symptoms would start drastically improving, you would mentally be more capable of enduring these symptoms.

Since I can't predict a specific time period or date I will only offer but a different way to interpret your symptoms until they cease. All these electrical sensations, explosions, etc... are obviously similar to construction and repair work. Each zap or jolt could be viewed as one neural pathway being 100% fixed and coming back online. The more that get fixed, the faster the repairwork can be done on each subsequent receptor/neural pathway, hence why things may seem like they are getting worse as your brain becomes more capable of repairing exponentially more of the damage as time goes on. This means you will experience an increase in the frequency/intensity of your symptoms (repairwork) on your way to the finish line.

Hopefully you are on the home stretch. Most healing tends to be gradual but, although not typical, many people that recover often had very rough experiences right before things rapidly changed for the better.

I hope relief comes sooner rather than later for you. Just remember, there is a date marked on your calendar that you just can't see.

Thanks. I hope I will finally see some healing. I have never been worse than this month. It's hard to think I am not permanently damaged. 

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3 minutes ago, [[W...] said:

It's hard to think I am not permanently damaged. 

Usually permanent damage means a static state in regards to symptoms. Since you are experiencing periods where you symptoms are getting more intense, I feel that alludes to major active changes going on which is more akin to the fluidity of recovery, rather than a lack of progress/change found in permanent damage.

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1 minute ago, [[C...] said:

Usually permanent damage means a static state in regards to symptoms. Since you are experiencing periods where you symptoms are getting more intense, I feel that alludes to major active changes going on which is more akin to the fluidity of recovery, rather than a lack of progress/change found in permanent damage.

Yeah, I go through changes in my symptoms but the back of my head is always off, just different intensities. But it's really worrying me my symptoms haven't peaked yet. It's been so long.  

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@[Cr...] A lot of people don’t get windows and feel their symptoms are ‘static’. That doesn’t mean their injury-not damage-is permanent.

Hope people who are extremely fearful they will never heal do not come to this conclusion.

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Correct Mary, I should have clarified some things. When I think of permanent injuries I think of things like major spinal injuries like paralysis, to where the main result of the damage is present 24/7 with no variance hourly, weekly, monthly, etc. That is what I mean in regards to the use of static. Although in some circumstances, improvements still happened.

If people 2 years into withdrawal say they have been dealing with tension headaches the whole time, they often don't actually mean the headache has been present every literal second for the whole 2 years neither increasing or decreasing in intensity. They often means it is with them what feels like most of the time and always intense (fluctuating between 7 to 10/10) in a broader sense. Not a constant 8/10.

Persistence is not to be confused with permanence. That is why I said 'Usually' when saying a static state (symptom-wise) was more of a possible result of permanent damage than it would be of temporary damage. A static symptom alone is not enough to suggest a permanent issue, but may be one of many other prerequisites required to make a declaration out of certainty. I had the aforementioned issue like paralysis on my mind which is often the result of actual physical damage being done to the physical components of the nervous system.

I do not recall coming across anyone in withdrawal that has had a symptom start on day 1 and remain 24/7 at the same exact intensity nonstop 2 years later. If they do exist, I appologize and like to state I have no background in neuroscience and am basing my speculation on what I have observed and my limited understanding of the brain itself.

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Not able to read thread but read your first msg and yes, have had bad neuro stuff thru the taper and off and never not one day without it and surging electricity everywhere to point I can’t but be in dark room and laying with it is so intense yet I can’t move.

i am so sorry you’re suffering so much.ill never understand this all and why it takes so long and the aka added on is beyond words plus hormone hell I think you’ve said you have too and that’s about out me over the top now having a period again that mirtazapine brought back (after stored off K I didn’t have period for 7mo which was a welcome but mirt brought it back). It’s about 50 symptoms non stop and just so hard after so long.

hang in there and it’s great you’ve been off all for a year, huge deal. Your better days are coming they really are. It eill happen, it is too dang slow though,

Glad you made it to your daughter’s bday. I hate that the joy this all steals and just being able to do anything out of the house is too much for us. It’s ridiculous. 

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