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For over 7 years now I have been dealing with this sense of being disconnected from reality and even disconnected  from my own body. The world seems "other worldly" to me. I have gone through surgeries and am now dealing with cancer in my body. And somehow none of it seems real. Anyone else have this terrible symptom? Also I imagine sleep deprivation adds even more to the constant fog I exist in.

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My DP and DR fortunately has mellowed out somewhat but always in the beginning of my setback it is so severe with all my other symptoms and it is like I am withdrawing all over again.  It is one of the worst feelings for me.  It currently is a symptom but not as bad as it was.

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I had it for the first couple of years. It was strange. It felt like I was a passive passenger in my own body just watching things happen to me but not actually being an active participant. 

I am so glad that's gone and so sorry that you're still dealing with it. I know it's miserable. 

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Ive had DR consistently for 6 years. Its hasnt let up once. I view the world in a fishbowl. Everything is unreal.

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Thank you guys for responding to my topic. Again I guess it's just a matter of time and I hope I can heal before time runs out for me. I am not a young person...

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Hi Mowgli. 

I am so sorry you have been dealing with this for so long. My heart goes out to you, unfortunately I don’t have much other to offer than I understand. I too have suffered from DPDR for 7 years now chronically (it all came from the meds). It has ebbed and flowed but it has always been there. I haven’t been in this reality fully or recognize myself in the mirror for seven years. During my acute and setbacks it has always gone to acid trip levels of insanity. 

I wanted to write because I rarely hear from others who have had it severely for so long and it made me feel less alone. 
I am hoping that this too shall pass and that we will be able to regain a sense of normalcy with this symptom. May I ask, when did it first start for you?

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11 hours ago, [[W...] said:

Hi Mowgli. 

I am so sorry you have been dealing with this for so long. My heart goes out to you, unfortunately I don’t have much other to offer than I understand. I too have suffered from DPDR for 7 years now chronically (it all came from the meds). It has ebbed and flowed but it has always been there. I haven’t been in this reality fully or recognize myself in the mirror for seven years. During my acute and setbacks it has always gone to acid trip levels of insanity. 

I wanted to write because I rarely hear from others who have had it severely for so long and it made me feel less alone. 
I am hoping that this too shall pass and that we will be able to regain a sense of normalcy with this symptom. May I ask, when did it first start for you?

I actually can't remember. I was aware pretty quickly of the tintitis and the foggy vision right away. Then I did have this sense of difficulty fully realizing exactly where I was in space. Didn't know anything about benzo withdrawal - just knew my anxiety never quit and insomnia was acute as well as the akathesia which propelled me to start exercise walking. Other symptoms followed. You are not alone. I can't even remember what I felt like without this stuff going on.  I think, in my case, my difficulties are so protracted because I was decades on benzos plus other stuff. Sometimes it's so easy to think I may not be able to heal but.... my future self is counting on me to get through this. I visualize her waiting for me as a sort of meditation. And she is so calm and grateful. Thank you for responding.


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"Life is but a dream" was my montra for so long. I consider the times my mind clears as windows. All the other symptoms don't really define windows or waves for me.

At about 18 months I've had some short windows and just recently I've had some healing. I think I'm at 75 percent back to reality overall.

Your healing will come. But in the meantime "life is but a dream" ...

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