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Anybody else have positive results with a low glutamate diet

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It seems every time I eat anything with too much ingredient added glutamate (soy lecithin, natural flavor, seasoning, carrageenan, maltodextrin and the list goes on) I get major tinnitus and rev ups. I can tolerate some, but it seems to build up in me. I try and eat decent, but when I get lazy and eat some 'cheat' foods I seem to get hit pretty bad for a day or two after. 

What have been your results with a low (added ingredient) glutamate diet. I understand things like tomatoes, pumpkin seeds, peanut butter, etc have naturally occurring glutamates, but I feel these are balanced with other things in them cause they are just foods. 

Like did you feel a MAJOR rev up when eating these added ingredient foods? And did you feel better once you eliminated them?

And is it possible to do some kind of glutamate 'flush' so to speak. I have heard lots of water can get it out of you faster, but who knows. 

Benzo tapers and withdrawals are bad enough. 

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I to take high amounts of glutamine for awhile and i think I slept really good during that time. You can get it at gym stores. I'm a bit curious on how it would work now.

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Glutamine breaks down glutamate 

But guess you know that

It definitely had a calming effect on me. I took it ad a gym compliment 

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Mabey glutamate is the morning anxiety trigger. We just don't know do we.

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7 minutes ago, [[r...] said:

It seems every time I eat anything with too much ingredient added glutamate (soy lecithin, natural flavor, seasoning, carrageenan, maltodextrin and the list goes on) I get major tinnitus and rev ups. I can tolerate some, but it seems to build up in me. I try and eat decent, but when I get lazy and eat some 'cheat' foods I seem to get hit pretty bad for a day or two after. 

What have been your results with a low (added ingredient) glutamate diet. I understand things like tomatoes, pumpkin seeds, peanut butter, etc have naturally occurring glutamates, but I feel these are balanced with other things in them cause they are just foods. 

Like did you feel a MAJOR rev up when eating these added ingredient foods? And did you feel better once you eliminated them?

And is it possible to do some kind of glutamate 'flush' so to speak. I have heard lots of water can get it out of you faster, but who knows. 

Benzo tapers and withdrawals are bad enough. 

I do low carb high fat. I find I have less revups as a result. I eat plenty of meat eggs dark chocholate etc. I occasionally treat my self to a packet of crisps or a bar of milk chocholate but not too much or I pay! Some people can eat whatever they want... others have benzo belly...go figure. I dont have benzo belly just some of the obvious things I have to avoid too much of.

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Excellent Thank you 

There is something to be said for lots of healthy fats for the nerves and brain. I exercise pretty intensely so I do need some fruit carbs or I will 'bonk' on my bike. I definitely stay away from white sugar. I feel it is poison. 

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Glutamine is needed as it will convert the proper way so you are onto something very valid there.

I guess my thing is that I am trying to find out about these "additives" and if people had success eliminating them. 

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I eat a low glutamate diet for the most part.  The main thing I avoid is the aged cheeses (Parmesan, etc), fish/soy sauces and tomatoes and tomato products.  The first two have much higher glutamate contents than most other foods.  I had stir fry once with a bunch of soy sauce and felt so messed up afterwards.  

I haven’t had much of a problem with other foods.  Really just the super high content stuff…that includes MSG too.

Peanut butter is fine.  It’s not high in glutamate.  Things with soy lecithin haven’t bothered me.  

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5 hours ago, [[r...] said:

It seems every time I eat anything with too much ingredient added glutamate (soy lecithin, natural flavor, seasoning, carrageenan, maltodextrin and the list goes on) I get major tinnitus and rev ups. I can tolerate some, but it seems to build up in me. I try and eat decent, but when I get lazy and eat some 'cheat' foods I seem to get hit pretty bad for a day or two after. 

What have been your results with a low (added ingredient) glutamate diet. I understand things like tomatoes, pumpkin seeds, peanut butter, etc have naturally occurring glutamates, but I feel these are balanced with other things in them cause they are just foods. 

Like did you feel a MAJOR rev up when eating these added ingredient foods? And did you feel better once you eliminated them?

And is it possible to do some kind of glutamate 'flush' so to speak. I have heard lots of water can get it out of you faster, but who knows. 

Benzo tapers and withdrawals are bad enough. 

I have been in benzodiazepine withdrawal for the past 7 weeks. I find that improving my nutrition and diet definitely helps me to get better and better each day. Lots of water helps to aid the healing process also. 

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First I tried a low-oxalate diet first and had some small success; unfortunately it allows things like white bread, soda and other highly refined foods. I was losing weight at an alarming rate.

As the months wore on and I found myself feeling a bit better, I allowed night-time treats like animal crackers or semi-sweet chocolate. It took a while for me to notice but I learned that if I avoided gluten, I felt better the next day. I still avoid gluten products. 'Avoid' to me means eating rice, potatoes and corn but bread much less often. Still have a sandwich but with thin sliced rye and only one slice!

I think gluten messes too much with the bacteriological flora in the gut. I applaud your efforts to track in down in even slight amounts; I could never research well when things were bad. 



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8 hours ago, [[r...] said:

It seems every time I eat anything with too much ingredient added glutamate (soy lecithin, natural flavor, seasoning, carrageenan, maltodextrin and the list goes on) I get major tinnitus and rev ups. I can tolerate some, but it seems to build up in me. I try and eat decent, but when I get lazy and eat some 'cheat' foods I seem to get hit pretty bad for a day or two after. 

What have been your results with a low (added ingredient) glutamate diet. I understand things like tomatoes, pumpkin seeds, peanut butter, etc have naturally occurring glutamates, but I feel these are balanced with other things in them cause they are just foods. 

Like did you feel a MAJOR rev up when eating these added ingredient foods? And did you feel better once you eliminated them?

And is it possible to do some kind of glutamate 'flush' so to speak. I have heard lots of water can get it out of you faster, but who knows. 

Benzo tapers and withdrawals are bad enough. 


Now you know why I have such a strange diet.

Nut butter, cashew abd almond butter on wheat bread for lunch. Eggs, bread breakfast, chicken, broccoli or green beans, baked potato dinner, meatloaf no canned tomato sauce. 

This diet came from narrowing down foods with glutamate in them. I didn't realize at the time that glutamate was the problem. I thought it was histamine. I researched every food I couldn't eat, narrowed all down to eventually finding high added msg, high glutamate foods. Canned foods, all fast food, deli meats, cheeses, all prepared foods basically. 

It's not easy to find low glutamate foods. Mostly organic and grass fed beef, range free chicken. 

I needed a diet to gain weight. It worked.

Canned green beans are the only canned food I eat and it's getting harder to eat them!

I'm tired of thus diet after a yr.

I sneak chocolate in like a muffin and I'm doomed 😳 

Another high glutamate food. Sugar is the worst. 

I drink fat milk, use butter for baked potato too 

I'm still miserable but it's worse if I eat anything else. 

I'm slowly adding to my diet. 

I get stinging, tingling, numbness in my mouth, itchy skin, 

Basically, symptoms rev up with high glutamate foods.

Sometimes i think it's not worth the small amount of relief i get with this diet but then I remember once I eat other food. 

Hope your able to figure a plan that helps you 😊 

Take care


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God thank you for that amazing detailed list. FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!

I love ideas on what to eat in all of this. We are so sensitive to chemicals in food. And I really believe this with all my heart. 

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54 minutes ago, [[r...] said:


God thank you for that amazing detailed list. FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!

I love ideas on what to eat in all of this. We are so sensitive to chemicals in food. And I really believe this with all my heart. 

Also, garlic and other spices ate full of it! Ate garlic last night on hamburger and what a mistake! But it was yummy lol

I'll take that sometimes. 

Glad I could help, 

Take care 


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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
On 01/05/2024 at 15:38, [[r...] said:

It seems every time I eat anything with too much ingredient added glutamate (soy lecithin, natural flavor, seasoning, carrageenan, maltodextrin and the list goes on) I get major tinnitus and rev ups. I can tolerate some, but it seems to build up in me. I try and eat decent, but when I get lazy and eat some 'cheat' foods I seem to get hit pretty bad for a day or two after. 

What have been your results with a low (added ingredient) glutamate diet. I understand things like tomatoes, pumpkin seeds, peanut butter, etc have naturally occurring glutamates, but I feel these are balanced with other things in them cause they are just foods. 

Like did you feel a MAJOR rev up when eating these added ingredient foods? And did you feel better once you eliminated them?

And is it possible to do some kind of glutamate 'flush' so to speak. I have heard lots of water can get it out of you faster, but who knows. 

Benzo tapers and withdrawals are bad enough. 

I am food sensitive. I dont know what to eat anymore. I asked this question before and got no real answers. I eat on a budget so I was eating a lot of canned foods and ready made. Now i cut that out of my diet. Last night i thought i would try eating some lasagna. I have heightened anxiety this morning. I guess i cant have cheese or tomato. I have been sticking to whole wheat bread with margarine and romaine lettuce with a bit of ranch dressing. This has been ok but I can't eat that everyday. I also eat fruit and fresh vegetables not canned. I stay away from sugar. Confused on what I can eat and am scared to deviate from what works. 

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Eng 101:

I know when I go off just a bit with my food and have anything with higher ingredient content like coke (natural flavors) Snack foods (maltodextrin, extract, etc) or any of this I get really symptomatic

I think natural foods WITHOUT any added ingredients is what you wanna be looking for. You can definitely get packaged/canned foods with low ingredients in them. You just gotta look. And everything you have ever been told about the food and it's lobby  industry (butter bad, eggs bad, bacon bad, red meat bad,) as well as a lot of the functional docs with their obsession with cow milk bad has to be rethought. The food pyramid gives all this goofy info due to it's lobby with the agri industry with the introduction and protection of GMO wheat and corn and seed oils. And some grains are fine and I am not really anti grain at all. But I would limit servings of grains to maybe one or two a day just to keep the calories up. And try and get GMO free grains. 

I think what we need most in this is Red Meats (especially organs if you can stomach them) Poultry, Eggs, Yogurt, Pork, Fish (be cautious of the Histamine though if you are in MCAS) for the exceptional amino acid profile and peptides.  And animal proteins have an abundance of B vitamins which are crucial for or CNS.

Then I would say a close second would be oils like grass fed butter(kerrygold), Olive Oil, Cod Liver oil, Avocado Oil and palm oil (natural peanut butters have this usually)

And then third is foods high in TRYPTOHAN

Tryptophan is the main precursor to serotonin and then MELATONIN which is so important for ALL this hell. 

 Tryptophan's  usual suspect is Turkey, but in addition

Peanuts (butter), Almonds, Pistachios, Yogurt, Bananas and you want to combine a protein tryptophan like turkey with something higher in carbs like Banana or even honey just to push it into your cells quicker. I swear by peanut butter and tart cherry juice. Or turkey and orange juice. 

Fruits and veggies are GREAT but just not as important for BRAIN health with the exception of Berries and greens possibly. I think fruits and veggies are great for the body and definitely the organs of the body. But the brain needs a strong amino acid and peptide profile that only animal based proteins provide and eating high amounts are crucial in this faux TBI we have experienced.  

And TONS of plain water. Just make sure you are getting enough salt. Salt will usually keep the rest of your electrolytes in balance. And as usual salt has been demonized as well. The only way salt is bad is if you are not drinking enough water for your kidneys to filter it correctly. Your kidneys more than any other organ NEEDS salt. Healthy cultures for centuries have had high salt diets as they had to use salt to keep the food from spoiling before the advent of refrigeration. I think our electrolyte stores in withdrawal get battered real bad. As a society I think more salt and more water alone would help us so much in our health in general. 

Hope this helps you 

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  • 4 weeks later...


I experienced the same issue with added glutamates. Switching to a low-glutamate diet reduced my tinnitus significantly. Naturally occurring glutamates in whole foods didn't cause problems. Drinking lots of water helps, but there’s no quick “glutamate flush.” Eliminating processed foods worked best for me. For more healthy options consider to buy wegovy online. It is a supplement to make ur diet better. Good luck.


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On 28/05/2024 at 12:20, [[r...] said:


And then third is foods high in TRYPTOHAN

Tryptophan is the main precursor to serotonin and then MELATONIN which is so important for ALL this hell. 

 Tryptophan's  usual suspect is Turkey, but in addition


Hope this helps you 

How does Melatonin figure in to this?  Im starting low glutamate today but take melatonin at night.

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On 20/06/2024 at 07:14, [[O...] said:

I experienced the same issue with added glutamates. Switching to a low-glutamate diet reduced my tinnitus significantly. Naturally occurring glutamates in whole foods didn't cause problems. Drinking lots of water helps, but there’s no quick “glutamate flush.” Eliminating processed foods worked best for me.

@[Od...]Do you mind providing specifics of what you eat?

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