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Anyone dizzy after 30 months?


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Someone with dizziness after 32 months? This seems never-ending and it worries me a lot. I would like to know if someone is in the same situation. 
I am homebound and this is exhausting. Thank you.

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Oh yes. I was dizzy for years after quitting. 

It sort of faded out over time so it's difficult to tell you exactly when that went away. But it's not really much of an issue now. Every now and then I'll get some dizziness, but it passes after a day or so. Doesn't happen all that often now. But back in the day after quitting it was pretty much full time. 

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Hi aim111.... I'm at nearly 28 months off.... dizziness was very bad for me, before, during and after my taper.... I was nauseated most of that time too.  Then it sort of disappeared towards the end of the second year.  I was pretty smug about it. 

It's back now.... a bit... very strange... nothing is linear.   Do you have any days dizzy free?

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I get occasional head spins i feel like falling sometimes. It's part of the neurological dysfunction of the drugs

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Hi I wanted to chime in on the dizzy boaty question. If you ask me, I was and still am the boaty/ couldn’t tolerate sitting or standing or walking/ suddenly falling over ( ataxia) QUEEN…everyday was that way for over 2 years! It was one of my very first symptoms. Today, at 45 months I’m still boaty BUT it has greatly improved since my 3rd year and continues to do so. Now I have periods of feeling no boatiness at all for hours at a time or it’s barely there. Even when it’s hanging around, now it doesn’t prevent me from being functional. But it is annoying! It has been very slow but gradual going away. What helped me the most is to ignore it as much as possible. If I feel like going for a walk, boaty or not, I do it!  I say “ ok, you must want to go on this walk with me! Let’s go! “ Mine is at its worst in the morning and at bedtime and on my rougher wave days - Wednesday, Thursday and  sometimes a little bit spilling over into Friday. Those symptoms made me completely bedridden all that time! Now it’s healed enough to not keep me from doing what I need to do even on my worst days. I’m a witness that it gets better and better. I know it’s frustrating and can wear you down after so long but give it more time. When I became an observer of it and not participate in its madness, it started healing quicker. I’ve gained most of my functionality back. What’s left is driving / riding in the car. I’m currently working on that everyday that my symptoms allow. I’ve made progress in it in the past month of driving in the parking lot about 5 minutes straight. Wow does it rev up my boatiness/ dizziness! But, it’s worth it to be able to finally after nearly 4 years to drive a little again. The tearful joy when I park my car outweighs me “ rocking and bobbing” as I walk back inside. 
i hope this helps. Big hugs 🤗 

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On 18/03/2024 at 23:09, [[S...] said:

I get occasional head spins i feel like falling sometimes. It's part of the neurological dysfunction of the drugs

I had this too but it’s now gone! I call it ataxia episodes where all of a sudden your brain on the inside starts spinning everything and you lose your balance. This was so scary for me every time it happened. One day, it just suddenly spin randomly but less intense. It waited about a mont and popped up even milder…then about 2-3 months even milder. Then gone! Mine was coupled with a pulling down sensation as if a magnet was pulling on me. Now…..gooneee,,,,!

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