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Red warm face :(

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I have had a red, inflamed face for a long time. Sometimes it is a slight shade of red, and sometimes it is even tomato red. Has anyone had a similar problem? Before the benzo I had no skin problems. I have tried various rosacea ointments, but they don't help. 
If anyone has had this withdrawal symptom, has it passed? 
I'm desperate, I look like an alcoholic on draught. I haven't taken a benzo for 4 months. I've also had neuropathic pain, dizziness, insomnia, sleep nightmares and other crazy symptoms, but they've gone away and this one hasn't. In addition to benzo, I took phenibut and baclofen for many years (they also work on gaba, but B, not A, like benzo). 



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Hello @[ma...], welcome to BenzoBuddies,

We're glad you found us and yes, skin problems are very common but they do clear up.  Unfortunately, we have no idea when that will happen because our recovery can take many months and even years depending on our length of use and too many other factors to count.

Hopefully some other members will stop by with suggestions for you but you can use the search function to find what others have said.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Greetings! Your post caught my eye because I developed unilateral rosacea (rosacea on one side of my face) about a month after finishing my clonazepam taper. You might find it interesting that the dermatological research community now acknowledges the existence of something called “neurogenic rosacea,” in which neuronal dysfunction is deemed integral to some rosacea cases. Broadly speaking, rosacea pathogenesis is still something of a mystery, but the papers on neurogenic rosacea are compelling.

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My face is on fire today.  It makes my anxiety worse.  I think I’m going to buy a LED light.  Supposedly that works.  

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By the way I just noticed that there is a post from 2020 titled “neurogenic rosacea” in the BB forum. Might be worth a look. Personally, my rosacea has responded somewhat to metrogel 1% (a classic!), but indeed some people do not respond at all to typical treatments, topical or systemic. Some people have had real success with LED devices, and there are even laser treatments available for those with type 1 and/or 2 rosacea. Good luck to us!

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this post definitely caught my eye!

me too, the left side of my face & ear & neck is flushing & hot all the time now since I stopped the Klon. this symptom is the worst out of all for me that causes the anxiety. when I flare up I dont even leave the house most times because its just that painful & also embarrassed about it. any kind of heat or physical exertion & causes a full flare. icing your face with cubes can help calm it down sometimes the Derm showed me this. also the laser treatment "Clarity" is designed for rosacea & hair removal. apparently good results with rosacea. im going to have to do it to repair the damage this has caused in just a short 4 months. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 29.03.2024 at 23:16, [[M...] said:

Swoją drogą właśnie zauważyłam, że na forum BB pojawił się post z 2020 roku zatytułowany „neurogenny trądzik różowaty”. Może warto rzucić na to okiem. Osobiście mój trądzik różowaty zareagował nieco na metrożel 1% (klasyk!), ale rzeczywiście niektórzy ludzie w ogóle nie reagują na typowe leczenie, miejscowe lub ogólnoustrojowe. Niektórzy ludzie odnieśli prawdziwy sukces dzięki urządzeniom LED. Dostępne są nawet zabiegi laserowe dla osób cierpiących na trądzik różowaty typu 1 i/lub 2. Powodzenia nam!


I have just been reading about this neurogenic acne. The question is whether this will one day go away on its own like the other symptoms, or whether this red skin is excoriated and needs to be rescued somehow. I have now started using azelaic acid (supposedly works wonders on the redness). Except that I'm afraid it's a neurological problem and it won't do me any good. Second in line to try out is this very metrogel.  



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On 30.03.2024 at 00:11, [[n...] said:

ten post zdecydowanie wpadł mi w oko!

ja też, lewa strona mojej twarzy, ucha i szyi cały czas się rumieni i jest gorąco, odkąd przestałem Klon. ten objaw jest dla mnie najgorszy ze wszystkich, który powoduje niepokój. kiedy wybucham, przez większość czasu nawet nie wychodzę z domu, ponieważ jest to właśnie tak bolesne i też zawstydzone z tego powodu. jakikolwiek rodzaj ciepła lub wysiłku fizycznego i powoduje pełny rozbłysk. posmarowanie twarzy kostkami może pomóc, czasami Derm mi to pokazał. również zabieg laserowy „Clarity” przeznaczony jest do usuwania trądziku różowatego i owłosienia. podobno dobre rezultaty przy trądziku różowatym. będę musiał to zrobić, aby naprawić szkody, które to spowodowało, w ciągu zaledwie 4 miesięcy. walczę z tym objawem i czasami myślę, że to coś poważniejszego, ale jestem prawie pewien, że to benzo

I practically don't tingle or sting that skin anymore, but it's just a psychological problem for me. As I wrote earlier I look like an alcoholic. My face is red and the rest of my body is pale. I'm afraid of summer and full sun so that it doesn't get worse.

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I’m very glad to hear that there’s little to no tingling or stinging anymore. Thank goodness!

Ultraviolet radiation contributes strongly to the skin’s inflammatory response, so a good sunscreen (one you like and will use every day) should really help.

First: I want to state that I’m not a medical practitioner, and it’s important that I abide by the Benzo Buddies rule about not “prescribing” treatments. I’m sure seasoned readers generally appreciate that, but I just wanted to be clear and not mislead anyone.

Indeed metrogel can be helpful for those with vascular and/or inflammatory rosacea. I’m still not convinced it’s the best treatment for me, but I do see some real improvement. There are other topicals that also have anti-inflammatory properties such as Soolantra (ivermectin) and Finacea (azelaic acid), and many people have good results with them. In your literature search you might have seen what I saw: that patients with neurogenic rosacea fare better with neurolologically-oriented treatments rather than conventional rosacea treatments. It can be frustrating for some rosacea patients to have no luck with the topical and/or systemic treatments a dermatologist would likely prescribe, but the new information about neurogenic rosacea seems promising. One interesting thing about my own benzo taper is that I’ve been on beta blockers for many years, so I wonder if my tapering experience (which was quite mild and uneventful) and my rosacea might have been mediated by that drug. You’ll see beta blockers show up in the literature on neurogenic rosacea as well. Again - - I’m not a doctor, but I sure am interested and - as I hope everyone can see - supportive of my fellow Benzo (and Rosacea) Buddies!


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  • 2 months later...

I just developed this symptom when I restarted my taper seven days ago. We are in a bad heat wave here and I walked a week ago and that started it. Also I suddenly developed red irritated and itchy skin on my left foot. My anxiety is thru the roof. 

Are any of these topical meds that the derm prescribes going to aggrevate my w/d symptoms does anyone know?

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My dermatologist prescribed a topical called RhoFade for my facial redness. It’s ridiculously expensive and not covered by my insurance, but a local WellPack pharmacy was able to compound it for much much less. I apply it once per day and it’s been very effective for me. 

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15 hours ago, [[C...] said:

What is it treating? Did she diagnose you with rosacea or eczema


15 hours ago, [[C...] said:

What is it treating? Did she diagnose you with rosacea or eczema


15 hours ago, [[C...] said:

What is it treating? Did she diagnose you with rosacea or eczema


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