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What happened to the people who became protracted long ago?


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What happened to the people who became protracted back in the 90's/2000's? People who are long off this stuff. I don't see many people who are 20, 30 years off benzos hanging around the supports groups. I've heard that people get functional and move on. I'm in a very scary long setback and I'm having trouble seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Does this shit ever really get better? I wish some old timers would come back and tell us their journeys.

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I would imagine they just want to forget about if they have recovered. Also groups weren’t  then. I’m 5 years off still not recovered. Some of the success stories recovered quite a while ago. I do wonder if it ever gets better.

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Maybe it's a good sign that you don't see people who are 30 years off on this site. I would think at least a few people who were that far off and still badly suffering might still be seeking support. idk.

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I think most people eventually recover and never come back; a few might not fully recover and may no longer come on to these forums because they don’t want to scare others.

I’m 16 years off and am still sensitive to stress and left with some tinnitus that comes and goes; it doesn’t bother me too much anymore. I’m mostly recovered after a couple of setbacks over the years, but have a pre existing anxiety disorder which was made worse by the drugs.


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Hello, those of you who have more time, when you mention that you have symptoms, is insomnia one of them? I am truly terrified that this insomnia will last much longer. The rest of the symptoms have already gone away, I am now 24 months old.

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I am still hanging around though I don't post much here nowadays.  Nearly 11 years off benzos.   For me it has been a very slow process of gradual recovery with one major setback at year 5.  This is the best I have been and recovery seems to be accelerating now.  I don't want to count my chickens though as I know things can change and go the other direction.  I can't cope with stress now, the whole process has been very traumatising and has weakened me physically.  I have rather a complicated situation in that I have to come to terms with the fact that all my poor health over the past 50 years has been due to benzos as well as antidepressants which were added on top but I think I can do that, however my brain still doesn't function normally or as I would like it to. 

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8 hours ago, [[l...] said:

I am still hanging around though I don't post much here nowadays.  Nearly 11 years off benzos.   For me it has been a very slow process of gradual recovery with one major setback at year 5.  This is the best I have been and recovery seems to be accelerating now.  I don't want to count my chickens though as I know things can change and go the other direction.  I can't cope with stress now, the whole process has been very traumatising and has weakened me physically.  I have rather a complicated situation in that I have to come to terms with the fact that all my poor health over the past 50 years has been due to benzos as well as antidepressants which were added on top but I think I can do that, however my brain still doesn't function normally or as I would like it to. 

Thank you for still hanging around and I hope you continue to heal. I can't believe the mess I have made of my life - all because I went to a "subject matter expert" to get help for anxiety. I was so foolish not to do my own research but I can't help but wonder if this "expert" who I would think knew the research - just didn't give a crap that my (female) brain was being damaged - after all he liked the money I kept paying him.

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21 hours ago, [[m...] said:

Thank you for still hanging around and I hope you continue to heal. I can't believe the mess I have made of my life - all because I went to a "subject matter expert" to get help for anxiety. I was so foolish not to do my own research but I can't help but wonder if this "expert" who I would think knew the research - just didn't give a crap that my (female) brain was being damaged - after all he liked the money I kept paying him.

Thank you,  I understand.  I find it hard as well to come to terms with the mess I have made of my life and all because I went to to a doctor!!   I don't feel quite so bad now because millions have done exactly the same!!

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On 08/03/2024 at 11:58, [[l...] said:

Thank you,  I understand.  I find it hard as well to come to terms with the mess I have made of my life and all because I went to to a doctor!!   I don't feel quite so bad now because millions have done exactly the same!!

My life went off a cliff because I had a bike accident.  Yes seriously. 

I was on about a 10 mile bike run that day. I hit a groove in the road which caught my front tire and went over the handlebars and face first into the pavement. Broke my nose and the insides of it and my sinuses were a real mess. Had chronic sinus issues for several years until I went to a surgeon to have it addressed.

Unfortunately he damaged a facial nerve while he was in there. Left me in excruciating pain. Felt like the right half my face was on fire. 

Couldn't sleep.

But these wonderful new z-drugs that weren't addictive nor had any of the bad side effects of benzo came on the market just about that time.

I did end up taking a benzo a few years later after the Ambien quit working.

I can't help but think - if only I had veered a little to the left or right that day and missed that groove, how different the last several decades might have been. 

You never know what little thing is going to totally change the course of your life.

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20 hours ago, [[N...] said:

My life went off a cliff because I had a bike accident.  Yes seriously. 

I was on about a 10 mile bike run that day. I hit a groove in the road which caught my front tire and went over the handlebars and face first into the pavement. Broke my nose and the insides of it and my sinuses were a real mess. Had chronic sinus issues for several years until I went to a surgeon to have it addressed.

Unfortunately he damaged a facial nerve while he was in there. Left me in excruciating pain. Felt like the right half my face was on fire. 

Couldn't sleep.

But these wonderful new z-drugs that weren't addictive nor had any of the bad side effects of benzo came on the market just about that time.

I did end up taking a benzo a few years later after the Ambien quit working.

I can't help but think - if only I had veered a little to the left or right that day and missed that groove, how different the last several decades might have been. 

You never know what little thing is going to totally change the course of your life.

I understand that thinking.   I was 11 years old when I was exploring in a cemetery where children were not supposed to be but I may not have noticed the sign.  As a result a tombstone, quite a large one, came crashing down on top of me that day.  After all these years I now think that might have been the start of my issues, muscle spasms starting in my teens, possibly triggered by stress and fad diets.  Then came the benzos, diagnosis of mental disorder due to paradoxical reaction, etc etc etc.  Here we are today.  If only I hadn't been in that cemetery I might not be here on BenzoBuddies today.  Life is like that. 

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On 15/03/2024 at 17:00, [[N...] said:

My life went off a cliff because I had a bike accident.  Yes seriously. 

I was on about a 10 mile bike run that day. I hit a groove in the road which caught my front tire and went over the handlebars and face first into the pavement. Broke my nose and the insides of it and my sinuses were a real mess. Had chronic sinus issues for several years until I went to a surgeon to have it addressed.

Unfortunately he damaged a facial nerve while he was in there. Left me in excruciating pain. Felt like the right half my face was on fire. 

Couldn't sleep.

But these wonderful new z-drugs that weren't addictive nor had any of the bad side effects of benzo came on the market just about that time.

I did end up taking a benzo a few years later after the Ambien quit working.

I can't help but think - if only I had veered a little to the left or right that day and missed that groove, how different the last several decades might have been. 

You never know what little thing is going to totally change the course of your life.

So true. ❤️

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On 01/03/2024 at 16:49, [[t...] said:

What happened to the people who became protracted back in the 90's/2000's? People who are long off this stuff. I don't see many people who are 20, 30 years off benzos hanging around the supports groups. I've heard that people get functional and move on. I'm in a very scary long setback and I'm having trouble seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Does this shit ever really get better? I wish some old timers would come back and tell us their journeys.

The people i know who took these drugs in the 90's are either dead or permanently maimed in wheelchairs. Neurotoxicity is real.

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9 hours ago, [[S...] said:

The people i know who took these drugs in the 90's are either dead or permanently maimed in wheelchairs. Neurotoxicity is real.

Yes yet baylissa is saying oh everyone heals even those form bygone generations 

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11 hours ago, [[D...] said:

Yes yet baylissa is saying oh everyone heals even those form bygone generations 

She doesn't know what she's talking about and just saying that to give hope. The fact is these drugs are very dangerous and can cause permanent neurological injuries. 

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14 hours ago, [[S...] said:

She doesn't know what she's talking about and just saying that to give hope. The fact is these drugs are very dangerous and can cause permanent neurological injuries. 

Yep, I get sick of hearing that everybody heals. It’s obviously not true. But what else can the coaches say. They wouldn’t get any business if they told the truth. Look at all of the coaches out there now. How many them have client success stories. I haven’t seen any.

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1 hour ago, [[G...] said:

How exactly was Melissa bad…..asking for a friend?

She has YouTube video..u can google 

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For those of you who may be new to Benzo Buddies, I wanted to give you a heads up.   We have changed our policy concerning who may post in the Long Haulers group regarding who may join in the discussion.     This group is specifically for members who are 18+ months benzo free.   If you are less than 18+ months benzo free we respectfully ask that you do not post in Long Haulers.   Please read the above post for more information.   Thanks!!

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