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Ms hug and rib pain

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Oh my goodness @[Fo...]. This was one of my first symptoms of tolerance, I believe. Both MS hug and rib pain. My doc said it was from lyme, but it ONLY started after being prescribed 1 mg of ativan at night for sleep. I really, really feel those symptoms were from the benzo. NEVER had those before benzo. 

Are you having these symptoms right now?

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I had to look this up, but yes, I had this for a few months after I finished my taper (I didn't know what it was called).  It is mostly gone now, but flairs up when my insomnia worsens.

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8 hours ago, [[A...] said:

Oh my goodness @[Fo...]. This was one of my first symptoms of tolerance, I believe. Both MS hug and rib pain. My doc said it was from lyme, but it ONLY started after being prescribed 1 mg of ativan at night for sleep. I really, really feel those symptoms were from the benzo. NEVER had those before benzo. 

Are you having these symptoms right now?

Not now but when I think back to everything that happened, it was the most painful,  the hug felt terrifying and the pain was unreal. I was also told if was from a mold infection, but I think too it was benzos

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2 hours ago, [[B...] said:


I had to look this up, but yes, I had this for a few months after I finished my taper (I didn't know what it was called).  It is mostly gone now, but flairs up when my insomnia worsens.

Awfully stressful 

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Did you ever get it in sections?  Sometimes it would be all around my midsection and other times it happens on one side or even one quadrant, if that makes sense.

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19 hours ago, [[F...] said:

Did anyone else have ms hug and rib pain in their early days ? Mine was pretty excruciating. 

Hi Foxclover, thank you for sharing these symptoms. I’m still experiencing them. Mine cycles round between torso and back with squeezing tightening sensations and spasms.

Did this resolve for you?

Thank you 🙏

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7 hours ago, [[G...] said:

Hi Foxclover, thank you for sharing these symptoms. I’m still experiencing them. Mine cycles round between torso and back with squeezing tightening sensations and spasms.

Did this resolve for you?

Thank you 🙏

Yes, it took a long time but it did eventually finally stop. Ha

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1 hour ago, [[F...] said:

Yes, it took a long time but it did eventually finally stop. Ha

@[Fo...] Thank you so much for responding. I’m pleased to hear this. 

I am in a wave now and I hate it 😔.

Healing vibes to all of us.

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It took me over a year to get over the severe rib pain and it still comes back from time to time and what’s odd is it moves from the front ribs to the back ribs.Unbelievable the damage that drug does. I’m a few days away from being 18 months free of benzos /alcohol, free, and meds and still suffering with horrible symptoms, but still able to manage life.

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9 hours ago, [[G...] said:

It took me over a year to get over the severe real thing and it still comes back from time to time and what’s odd is it moves from the front to the back? Unbelievable the damage that drug does I’m 18 months almost benzo, alcohol, free, and meds


Thank you Grateful for this. It does move round for me as well. It is a type of spasm, pulling, pain, tightness and seizing up. So it did go for your apart from the occasional flaring up then? Mine is up and down I’m 8 months off.

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But yesterday I was able to work in the yard digging up some old yard pavers and putting in a sidewalk without any pain other than my legs feeling like lead so the pain does go away and then next week it’s liable to flare up for a day or two for no apparent reason crazy

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4 hours ago, [[G...] said:

But yesterday I was able to work in the yard digging up some old yard pavers and putting in a sidewalk without any pain other than my legs feeling like lead so the pain does go away and then next week it’s liable to flare up for a day or two for no apparent reason crazy

Yes things flare up on exertion as our bodies are still sensitive and our healing ‘glue has yet to dry up’. It sounds like you have made considerable progress.

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Hey @[Gi...]

I had this horribly last fall for a couple of months and then it nearly disappeared during December and January when I was sleeping better.  It is back off and on now with my current wave of insomnia.  It is definitely not as bad as before though.  I think it will probably go again when this current wave of insomnia lifts.

Have you noticed any correlations between the squeezing and the timing of other symptoms?

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5 minutes ago, [[B...] said:

Hey @[Gi...]

I had this horribly last fall for a couple of months and then it nearly disappeared during December and January when I was sleeping better.  It is back off and on now with my current wave of insomnia.  It is definitely not as bad as before though.  I think it will probably go again when this current wave of insomnia lifts.

Have you noticed any correlations between the squeezing and the timing of other symptoms?

Thank you @[Bu...]

Pleased to hear this symptom is getting better for you.

As for symptom-timing correlation, this symptom tends to happen when I sit up and try to relax also when I lie down on my back to try and relax. I hate it.

Weirdly the squeezing is accompanied by brain fog and cognitive issues. 

It doesn’t happen when I drive and use my feet, legs and arms to drive only when I sit still and the car is stationary. Very odd 🤦🏽‍♀️🤷‍♀️

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Sometimes the correlations just don't make any sense!  I am glad that you have times where it calms down though.  Hopefully it will just stop soon. :)


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 25/02/2024 at 19:00, [[A...] said:

Oh my goodness @[Fo...]. This was one of my first symptoms of tolerance, I believe. Both MS hug and rib pain. My doc said it was from lyme, but it ONLY started after being prescribed 1 mg of ativan at night for sleep. I really, really feel those symptoms were from the benzo. NEVER had those before benzo. 

Are you having these symptoms right now?


Did this symptom subside for you?

Do you experience squeezing muscles that cycle round between your torso and back?

Thank you 🙏

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@[Gi...] ugh.  I have this still. But, I'm tapering so very slowly. I think that is why. Because I'm in tolerance. Sorry you have dealt with this, too. So uncomfortable. 


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22 minutes ago, [[A...] said:

@[Gi...] ugh.  I have this still. But, I'm tapering so very slowly. I think that is why. Because I'm in tolerance. Sorry you have dealt with this, too. So uncomfortable. 

Thank you AnnaMeg.

I was on Zoplicone/zolpidem for about 5 weeks sparingly twice a week not more. I used about 10 tablets in total. I don’t know whether this symptom was caused by this med or whether lexapro caused it after a fast taper. I have no idea.

Yes I still have it but I have not tapered so I’m scared this symptom will stay with me a long time 😔 I hope no.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 26/02/2024 at 20:28, [[F...] said:

Yes, it took a long time but it did eventually finally stop. Ha

How long did it take for this symptom to go for you if I may ask please?

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On 25/02/2024 at 10:22, [[F...] said:

Did anyone else have ms hug and rib pain in their early days ? Mine was pretty excruciating. 

Yep. This is why so many people get misdiagnosed with MS in psych drug withdrawal! I got a frozen shoulder from the drugs and it set off a cascade of this type of pain.

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2 minutes ago, [[R...] said:

Yep. This is why so many people get misdiagnosed with MS in psych drug withdrawal! I got a frozen shoulder from the drugs and it set off a cascade of this type of pain.

Did this go away for you?

Thank you ❤️

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Just now, [[G...] said:

Did this go away for you?

Thank you ❤️

@[Gi...] I had the hug pain for three months every day. I felt like my muscles were being ripped off of my bones. I am not exaggerating. I still have the frozen shoulder, it has been six months now but it seems to be slowly improving. What about you?

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