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It’s probably permanent


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@[...] I don’t mean to be condescending, as I am sure after 2 years you have looked into everything, but have you researched Doxepin for sleep? It’s very affective at very, very low doses and has an impressive lack of side effects profile.

I believe Ashton also mentioned it. Maybe your system could handle that…?

I hope you can get some rest very soon 🙏

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My grandmother was telling me back in the depression years they used to worry about so much and it was hard getting to sleep so often and staying asleep.

she said she would make her and grandpa this “sleep milk” when things were bad.

I tried it the past couple of nights and it did help a little. She says she swears eating the organ meats of their livestock kept them very healthy.

Sleep milk: one serving is 8oz of fresh warm milk from dairy cow-can substitute oat milk but she said something in dairy gets released when warm

one half teaspoon fresh churn butter 

1/8 teaspoon each ground cinnamon, turmeric 

dash of nutmeg

splash vanilla extract 

Juice from crushed nettles 


drink one half hour before retiring to your bedroom 

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This is killing me not sleeping. 4th night in a row zero sleep. Can’t believe after 5 years this keep coming back. How long can you stay sane with zero sleep. Literally can’t do anything so exhausted have lost any sort normal life. So angry was CT off zopiclone took tiny amount and had a life. Have resorted to ordering online tablets but having been told delivery 4/5 days now being told 10 days. Dictirs have no idea how it ruins lives no one will prescribe anything. Believe me I would kill fir 4 hours broken sleep, zero sleep is living hell.

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@[Gi...] thank you for the kind words. Unfortunately, not everybody heals. Look at Christy Huff. She had everything to live for. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

No, I never really feel sleepy. I really don’t know how I go to sleep. I just somehow go unconscious 

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I think therapistss say everyone heals to get more clients. I do think depends what else you’ have going on. I have a lot if repressed emotions from emotional abuse from my family. I think

 insomnia and mental symptoms take lot longer to heal than physical symptoms. Truth is no one really knows knows. Currently getting one OK day but today haven’t got out of bed just crying all day.. Haven’t slept more than 4 hours a night for years which think definitely adds to recovery time. All we can do is hope this isn’t permanent..

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Hi Leann.  Just curious as you said you were going to take a break from BBs?  Maybe you are feeling better and want to engage again?



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Just feeling really weird get one day sort of OK but today can’t get out of bed. Just agreed with the comments about therapists saying everyone heals, don’t think anyone truly knows. Hope it is true but hard to believe on black days. Hoping rapid cycling symptoms a good sign.


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Leann, I also am having some rapid cycling symptoms lately, probably because of the awful antibiotic I took last week!   All I can say as I “celebrate” my four year anniversary on the 28th of this month, is that I refuse to give in to the idea of not healing!   Much too scary to give any credence to that awful thought, so I have to hold on to the evidence that most of us benzo injured get better in time.  I always go back and re-read the success stories of those horribly injured such as Traumatized80, now Brighterdays.  Also Sofakingdone.  She said she went through five years of no windows, and everyday was in the form of shitty, shittier, or shittiest!  Traumatized80 relayed her story on YouTube, which is beyond  remarkable as she suffered over 150 symptoms!  She was sure she was never going to recover, but she has!

Have the best day you can!!!


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Yes I managed to pm her some weeks ago..

Wat a legend.

Do u know her story? Was she as bad as me?

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1 hour ago, [[G...] said:

Leann, I also am having some rapid cycling symptoms lately, probably because of the awful antibiotic I took last week!   All I can say as I “celebrate” my four year anniversary on the 28th of this month, is that I refuse to give in to the idea of not healing!   Much too scary to give any credence to that awful thought, so I have to hold on to the evidence that most of us benzo injured get better in time.  I always go back and re-read the success stories of those horribly injured such as Traumatized80, now Brighterdays.  Also Sofakingdone.  She said she went through five years of no windows, and everyday was in the form of shitty, shittier, or shittiest!  Traumatized80 relayed her story on YouTube, which is beyond  remarkable as she suffered over 150 symptoms!  She was sure she was never going to recover, but she has!

Have the best day you can!!!


Is this YouTube available? How can I find it?

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1 hour ago, [[D...] said:

Yes I managed to pm her some weeks ago..

Wat a legend.

Do u know her story? Was she as bad as me?

Her story was absolutely the worst I had ever read about, if you are referring to Traumatized80.  You can search for her story under member search, or search on YouTube for her video.  She gave birth while suffering 150 symptoms.  Also, google under the member name Sofakingdone.  She really gave me hope when I was in a state of constant waves.  She is forthright and pulls no punches, all while giving hope!

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1 hour ago, [[D...] said:

X-ray..I think u can sleep..just that no proper sleep cycle or architecture...damaged brain go straight to stage 3 and 4 with vivid dreams and wake up dozen times..and feel unrested.

I'm sure yr sleep will improve 

Thanks @[Du...] for the encouragement. After this long though I don’t really have any hope for improvement.

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On 23/03/2024 at 01:57, [[S...] said:

How was your sleep this week? @[...]

Hey @[Sh...] it’s still the same. I don’t think it’s ever going to get better and without sleep I cannot function anymore. Thank you for asking though😀

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On 19/03/2024 at 09:29, [[G...] said:

Traumatized80 relayed her story on YouTube

@[Ga...]I can’t find any YouTube videos under this name or the other name you said.  Can you post a link to it? Thanks in advance 

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Sorry I have not been able to track her down!  I saw it several months ago!



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