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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Just musing....can we be grumpy, miserable and isolated and still heal? And what about the subconscious mind?

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On 08/01/2024 at 16:01, [[W...] said:

So perhaps the G.P's of the future might offer repressed anger retreats

I would be quite cheery if there was a town we could all move to and go through this hell with others who are the same.  If anyone is like me, there sure would be a whole lotta shaking going on!!!  Seriously, tho I really wished such a place existed.  This world isn't ready to understand that we really were duped and bankrolled Big Pharma.  They see this as an addiction and judge us for it. (Family has even recommended I go on "Nerve Pills AKA Benzos because it works for them....I don't even bother to try and tell them what kind of hell they will be living anymore). At times, I don't blame them for judging, I judge myself and do feel like an addict with a very educated dealer!

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1 minute ago, [[W...] said:

@[Da...] Yay! We have our "inner knowing" to thank for finally giving us the information we needed.  It was the pills, the pills!

lololololololol it WAS the pills!  OMG

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@[Da...]  "duped and bankrolled Big Pharma"

Yep, pretty much.  I have this imaginary scenario with the GP's I have seen over the years e.g. what if they said something like: Well what has been going on with you to cause so much distress and physical pain? What is your family life like? Are you coping financially? How much support do you have? What things do you do to enjoy yourself? Let's work on these things over the next few months and perhaps we will see some improvements. 

Can you imagine that happening? Instead we get: Here take these and come back in six months, bye

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1 hour ago, [[W...] said:

@[Da...]  "duped and bankrolled Big Pharma"

Yep, pretty much.  I have this imaginary scenario with the GP's I have seen over the years e.g. what if they said something like: Well what has been going on with you to cause so much distress and physical pain? What is your family life like? Are you coping financially? How much support do you have? What things do you do to enjoy yourself? Let's work on these things over the next few months and perhaps we will see some improvements. 

Can you imagine that happening? Instead we get: Here take these and come back in six months, bye

Yes in an ideal world.  Instead of looking of new treatments, how about recognizing that society and free created this MH Crisis...too too many young people are on some kind of medication, drinking and smoking pot among other things.  My hope is that they look at preventative measure and make routine blood test as part of their treatment plan to ensure they are not giving them medication if they are using other substances.  I cringe to think of what can happen when these youth start having kids with docs telling them it is safe to stay on medication!!!  We're gonna need AI!!!  Now that's a different topic lol

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1 hour ago, [[W...] said:

@[Da...]  "duped and bankrolled Big Pharma"

Yep, pretty much.  I have this imaginary scenario with the GP's I have seen over the years e.g. what if they said something like: Well what has been going on with you to cause so much distress and physical pain? What is your family life like? Are you coping financially? How much support do you have? What things do you do to enjoy yourself? Let's work on these things over the next few months and perhaps we will see some improvements. 

Can you imagine that happening? Instead we get: Here take these and come back in six months, bye

Gosh this resonates. Mental health needs a new title & something kinder.  
I’m coming at this 5 years later with view that when I got ill it was my whole self in complete melt down & deep distress. 
Did anyone ask what led to this? No. Did they look at all factors? No. Fix was benzos/z pills which did take edge off anxiety. For a bit. But for me it’s not solution. It is not sustainable. 

Edited by [Ka...]
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Withdrawl symptoms???

Irritated nerves and spasms running through my body. From right foot to hip numb, up my rear end thru my bowel,  stomach and outside of me. Can't hardly stand up! Is this some crazy withdrawal symptom? Happens before my 11am dose and intensified after I take my dose. I am literally crippled with this, can't stand to walk without jerking all over and tremors inside and out. Thinking my belly issue is from this! Has anyone else experienced this. O literally feel like I have MS or something!

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  • 5 months later...
On 08/01/2024 at 13:30, [[W...] said:

I say this with burning tongue in burning cheek!  Seeing people who have healed on YT vids they have become almost saint-like, or does healing do that to us, make us more grateful and alive and generally better people all round?   I also wonder how much our subconscious mind has to do with all of this. I think mine must be furious with me for taking these pills in the first place and might even be stringing this out a bit longer to get its own back !  Mind you I still can't quite understand what happened last year, out of the blue I suddenly got the message that the pills were the problem, so maybe my subconscious mind came to the rescue saying "right that's it, I'm intervening, this has gone on long enough!"

I wonder if whomever heals becomes famous?

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