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Trialing supplements during withdrawals


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I'm determined to go without supplements until I've reasonably recovered from withdrawals. I was taking melatonin and l-theanine the first week, but stopped after deciding I'd rather let my brain do its thing without any chemicals (which is how I ended up here to begin with). I figured I'd just force myself to eat a ton and try to get my support through food. 

Prior to w/d, I was taking a number of beneficial supplements and vitamins for months (b-complex, NAC, EPA/DHA, multivitamin, l-theanine, melatonin, monolaurin, ketotifen, luteal phase progesterone) that I'd like to eventually add back in. I'm terrified to do that while I still heal.

For anyone who was in a similar mindset, how long did you wait before you added back supplements and how did it go for you? When did you feel confident it was "safe" to go back to things you did before w/d?

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Supplements aren’t chemicals. They’re primarily used for deficiencies i.e. Vit C, D…

They can also help with the anxiety and stress that comes from w/d, especially Magnesium Glycinate which also promotes sleep.

B Complex vitamins are extremely important-Google the benefits! 

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Keep in mind everyone has a different outcome with supplements.

Just because a supplement is supposed to promote sleep or help with energy or anxiety, the opposite can occur.

With that said, the only way to know how you will respond to a supplement is to try it.


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  • 6 months later...
On 05/12/2023 at 03:17, [[M...] said:

Supplements aren’t chemicals. They’re primarily used for deficiencies i.e. Vit C, D…

This is not true, and most of all is not true for the group of supplements that You used as an example, almost all (and I use almost just in case there is one example to the contrary which I don't know of) of vitamin supplements are chemically derived forms of said vitamins.

Mineral supplements like magnesium glycinate are also chemically derived.

Example of a non-chemical supplement is a powdered herb which can also be a problem in withdrawal.

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@[Va...] It is true.

There is a difference between natural and synthetic sources for supplements, vitamins.

In natural supplements they list the ingredients as food based and are 100% plant derived.

For example, Pure Radiance C is 11 fruits and berries, no asorpic acid.

Benzos are known to deplete you of basic nutrients and vitamins so for many of us naturally based supplements/vitamins are crucial for repletion.

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