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stress is too much


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Everything is too much. When i sleep i have horrifying nightmares. When im awake my brain is literally shaking from anxiety, past memories and pain. It seems degenereve now my bodys shutting down physically and mentally. nobody can figure it out anymore

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The brakes in your body are not working so it's on overrdrive. I hate to say this but there's nothing for anyone to figure out. The drugs damage our brains, they need time to heal. If there was a treatment other than time this site would be empty. Mine does the same thing, it's terrifying. But your gas pedal neurologically is stuck to the floor and that explains everything you are feeling. It's scary, it's ok to be scared, but that's what this is. It won't last forever but nobody is going to be able to dx you with anything or treat you. We are all in the same boat.

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Have you tried breathing exercises, meditation-I use Inside Timer, especially when having panic attacks at night. Search for guided meditations-they work!

Obviously, distraction during the day is key…

Some find relief with Chamomile tea or supplements like Magnesium Glycinate, L’Theanine… or even a beta blocker like Propanolol can help calm you physically. For me, if I can c  as I’m the body the mind will follow.

 I f you’re having migraines/headaches a lot find relief with Tylenol.

Most importantly just remember this IS temporary. Breathe, center yourself. Try to observe those intrusive thoughts like clouds passing through and try not to engage with them. They’re just stupid fleeting thoughts and they LIE!!  🙏

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I can relate to the nightmares and obsessive, intrusive thoughts that you are talking about.  Meditation and breathing exercises have helped a lot.  I used to be able to do them while sitting, but now I crawl back in bed a couple times a day to accomplish this.  Anxiety was the main reason that I started taking benzos over ten years ago.  So far, that hasn't been too much of a problem during WD, but a am taking another SSRI (venlefaxine).

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Psych drugs never worked. I've had many people in mainstream medicine (and holisitic/alternative) say my symptoms regarding anxiety, worry, fear is extremely abnormal. I'm medication and therapy resistant.

Nothing to do with wd, but I'm throwing so much $$$$$ to treat my lyme that some of the best specialty docs in the country are giving up on me and cant explain my symptoms.

I've lost more in 5 years than I gained in 38 yrs (almost 39) of my life.

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I tried meditation but got more anixety and rage from it, Id be laughed at told I looked stupid. I have severe ptsd and bad memories are popping up.

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Things are quieting down. At my parents for the weekend and trying to make things better with them. Of all weekends, unfortunately today's the 25 yr of my aunt's death (mom's sister) so I really wanted to spend time with my mom and distract her.  We're decorating her and my dads tree, driving tonight around town to see christmas lights, watch some movies and tomorrow might brave the malls.

I need to get out and go back to what I was, what I liked and who I was 5 yrs ago prior to the **** hitting the fan. 

Also, after 3 yrs I  am FINALLY working from home starting the 18th, new position but still with same hospital and same team members, I couldn't ask or a better outcome. If I couldn't heal anytime soon I wanted this job I waited so long for, and there was an opening and I fought for. That was my Christmas wish, to cry *happy* tears for a change.

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Thank you Mermaid.  Wouldnt wish Lyme and company on anyone, not in the chronic state.

Hoping once I start working from home it'll be easier. With winter approaching, I have a long commute and an unreliable car so timing is perfect. I wont have to wake up as early too.

I love holidays and this time of year so really want to enjoy it and take it in more, before you know it its over.

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I know how did you contract lymnes when I used to hike I was alway afraid of getting a bite but it's weird because now I've come down with an auto immune problem wish you well

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We'll never know. Grew up in a rural country town, I could have been bitten more than once. Never had a bullseye. Its not just ticks that can spread it too and lyme has co-infections that can be even harder to treat than actual lyme. I have maybe 2-3 co-infections.

I don't regret being an outdoor kid, being outside hiking, playing in the woods, playing sports when younger out on soccer fields, jumping in leaves with my brother and neighbors growing up.  No, I am happy I experienced that compared to whats "normal" now..social media, cell phones, internet/computers nope thankgod that didn't become popular till after. I am glad I had that experience and (god willing) if eventually I have a child or family of my own I want them to have the same, just be more cautious and mindful of these vector bourne illnesses..it'll be hard, i'll be torn  at times but you still have to live life

I lost and gave up too much for this disease and treatment and it made me more paranoid and depressed.  It sucks. I don't get a break or vacation from this. Try to distract myself as much as possible.

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  • 6 months later...
On 03/12/2023 at 13:17, [[A...] said:

Everything is too much. When i sleep i have horrifying nightmares. When im awake my brain is literally shaking from anxiety, past memories and pain. It seems degenereve now my bodys shutting down physically and mentally. nobody can figure it out anymore

How long have you been of 


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On 03/12/2023 at 15:57, [[M...] said:

Have you tried breathing exercises, meditation-I use Inside Timer, especially when having panic attacks at night. Search for guided meditations-they work!

Obviously, distraction during the day is key…

Some find relief with Chamomile tea or supplements like Magnesium Glycinate, L’Theanine… or even a beta blocker like Propanolol can help calm you physically. For me, if I can c  as I’m the body the mind will follow.

 I f you’re having migraines/headaches a lot find relief with Tylenol.

Most importantly just remember this IS temporary. Breathe, center yourself. Try to observe those intrusive thoughts like clouds passing through and try not to engage with them. They’re just stupid fleeting thoughts and they LIE!!  🙏

Somebody told me that app's free. Don't you need some type of membership for it to work?

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