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29 minutes ago, [[p...] said:


" Be polite towards, and respectful of, your fellow Buddies." 

Thank you @[pi...]for reminding us to the guideline....  . It is so uplifting to read this. Not because of this conversation. In general:hug:...... 

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On 14/11/2023 at 13:19, [[G...] said:

@[Pa...] The Lex did not last. It was horrible. I stopped after a couple of days. I was profusely sweating and it made me sick. I want no part of it. Bad enough I have Val now to try to stabilize which I think is making my symptoms even worse. I am getting headache, swelling in my face, sweats, dryness, waking to a hot burning flash at 5 am, and I feel worse after I take it -- I get the burning again. Though when I am making it through without burning when I haven't taken it for hours. I think I will be getting off this, too. I am at 3 months WD from X and I am hoping I can make it on my own. 

I will admit the 1st two weeks on the Lexapro were rough but I rode it out. By week 3, all the negative side effects were gone and by week 4, I started experiencing the positive therapeutic effects (better sleep, anxiety is almost gone, reduced muscle tension, little to no SXs from from my Valium w/d, etc). SSRIs may not be for everyone. I can't tolerate prozac or paxil for example but the Lexapro is working really good for me now with virtually no side effects that I can discern. I actually reduced from 10 to 7.5 mgs about a month ago and I am still doing remarkably well. I am also still exercising one hour per day (mild to moderate) on a stationary bike and that is also helping me tremendously. Fingers crossed.🤞

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I will admit, I too thought the valium was helping Grace a little. Our fear of these pills can make us CT, start and stop them abruptly,  and do other harmful things. True, these meds have made us all sick but you also have to use these same meds to eventually get off them if that makes any sense. Many here have used valium to stabilize and are now successfully, slowly tapering off the valium but you can't let the fear of still being on a benzo stop you from using a benzo to eventually get off all benzos.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@[mi...]  I was in Boston in 2004 right after the World Series. Manny Ramirez and Johnny Damon were there in town for a short speech.  

I'll close with this:  The Bambino.  Jeter, Derek  Derek Jeter!   GO YANKEES #28 in 2024!

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10 hours ago, [[G...] said:

@[An...] Hi AB7:  I've adjusted well. I hear what you say, though. How far are you now? You seem to be getting closer.  

Hi Grace, I am doing well. I am in a little bit of a holding pattern until I get some dental surgery done. After that is done, I will resume my taper. I hope to be completely off sometime in early 2024. Fingers crossed! 🤞

I am glad to see you again Grace. How have you been? Have things settled down a little for you?

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On 03/12/2023 at 12:48, [[A...] said:

Hi Grace, I am doing well. I am in a little bit of a holding pattern until I get some dental surgery done. After that is done, I will resume my taper. I hope to be completely off sometime in early 2024. Fingers crossed! 🤞

I am glad to see you again Grace. How have you been? Have things settled down a little for you?

Hi there AB7.  Good luck with the dental surgery. I hope it's not too painful and you heal well and fast. Will you be taking an antibiotic? You are so almost there being done, time will go so fast that it will be over before you know it. Next thing the birds will be chirping and flowers will be blooming. And poof! You'll be free!

Things have settled down, except I have constant crying spells, like some manic woman. Drives me batty. Is that from the WD or Val?  I anticipate going skiing next week and hope my lack of exercise during this ordeal didn't weaken my muscles. I don't want to sprain or break anything. It will probably be a lot of work on my legs and arms, so I'll be going to the gym. I need to make up for the time I missed to tone up for skiing because my time was taken up with the WD. These pills turn everything upside down. Have yourself a great holiday if we don't communicate before then.

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Thanks Grace. I have always been prescribed amoxicillin I believe. I hope you enjoy your skiing excursion. It sounds like fun. Good to also hear you will be going to the gym Grace. As you know or may not know, I am a fitness enthusiast. Just start out very slowly so you don't injure yourself. I also wish you a very Merry Xmas. These drugs rob us of so much joy. It is always good to see when you can take some of that joy back.💪

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  • 6 months later...
On 14/11/2023 at 13:19, [[G...] said:

@[Pa...] The Lex did not last. It was horrible. I stopped after a couple of days. I was profusely sweating and it made me sick. I want no part of it. Bad enough I have Val now to try to stabilize which I think is making my symptoms even worse. I am getting headache, swelling in my face, sweats, dryness, waking to a hot burning flash at 5 am, and I feel worse after I take it -- I get the burning again. Though when I am making it through without burning when I haven't taken it for hours. I think I will be getting off this, too. I am at 3 months WD from X and I am hoping I can make it on my own. 

How are you doing now?

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