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23 Months out - No windows - Need encouragement


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8 hours ago, [[N...] said:

Is the neuroplasticity/neuroretraining working so far for your chronic pain?

FWIW, I think it did help my back pain. It took time but 2 years ago my back hurt like hell and I had sciatica in both legs daily. Now it doesn’t happen much except for an occasional mild short-lived flare. 

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@[Na...] early days for me. And I got it wrong before as I would read about Sarno's work while still taking valium and ibuprofen, completely the wrong thing to do!  Now I take nothing at all but my brain is injured from the stupid valium and I am in worse pain than ever.  Bad advice from doctors, chiropractors, osteopaths and a whole host of others, not that I should blame everyone else for my condition, but really it would be nice if health was really about health and not about a business model!

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Hi Jordan

Im about 6 years out and I can promise I went through the same milestones as you, hang in there. It gets more and more manageable as time goes on, and then sometime soon you notice you are laughing instead of being terrified as you wake up refreshed and your beginning to have interest in life again. You just have to get through this tunnel that we all went through


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Hey jordan just thought Id tell you that at 24 months off i was way worse than I was when i was only a week off benzos. I came good at 3years. Totally good. Regained my life.

Im only bacj here because im in a setback 6years off from taking pepcid and antibiotics.

You will be okay and you will heal.

24mo is early.

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On 29/10/2023 at 02:00, [[j...] said:

Hey @[jo...] I’m 28 months out and also have this constant burning (neuralgia?). It’s a mix of burning and tightness. Head, brain, shoulders, back, neck and soles of feet. I hardly get windows also. Sorry this isn’t very encouraging. Just to say I understand and you’re not alone.  

Hi @[jo...]

I’m so sorry you’re experiencing the burning and tightness as well. It truly is so very difficult to bear. I also have extreme tightness and pain in my hips and hip flexors and my left leg. Do you get that as well?

I hardly sleep because of the pain. It scares me because it makes me think something else is causing all the symptoms. It’s just unbelievable what we are enduring. I sure hope we both turn a corner soon. It would be so nice to have a window, I pray we get one soon. Sending you big hugs! 💕🙏

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5 hours ago, [[j...] said:

Hi @[jo...]

I’m so sorry you’re experiencing the burning and tightness as well. It truly is so very difficult to bear. I also have extreme tightness and pain in my hips and hip flexors and my left leg. Do you get that as well?

I hardly sleep because of the pain. It scares me because it makes me think something else is causing all the symptoms. It’s just unbelievable what we are enduring. I sure hope we both turn a corner soon. It would be so nice to have a window, I pray we get one soon. Sending you big hugs! 💕🙏

Yes! I do get that and sometimes I get sciatica. More often that not though the extreme tightness and vice like feeling is my head/brain, back, neck and shoulders. But I do get a variety. I’m so sorry you’re in this hell also. It’s totally disabling. If I try to exercise to make my muscles stronger they just seize up and get extremely tight and painful. I’m completely exercise intolerant. Sending you huge hugs back and healing energy 😓🫶💜

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On 29/10/2023 at 02:05, [[j...] said:

Hi @[Wi...] I’m so sorry you have been struggling as well. It is truly difficult as you said, to see others healing much sooner and those who get windows which provide hope for the healing.

I’ve had multiple sessions with Angie as well and everyone is so different, yet the anecdotal evidence is that everyone heals. I think for me, if the burning body and deep nerve pain would lift, then the anxiety wouid be eased. I didn’t have the anxiety in year one, but I think having pain for so long has manifested the anxiety and fear. It’s the raging cortisol and adrenaline with a CNS that has been disregulated, now trying to find homeostasis.

I hope you feel better soon. Try not to go down the rabbit hole with the triggering stories, as I have learned that it’s necessary to protect my Benzo brain that wants to latch on to those. Everyone is different and often times we don’t know the full story.

Take good care and be strong. You will get through this. Hugs! 🤗

For me it’s the same - if the sensations, mostly burning and electricity, left, I would quickly get over anxiety and depression. 

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1 hour ago, [[W...] said:

For me it’s the same - if the sensations, mostly burning and electricity, left, I would quickly get over anxiety and depression. 

The same here. Hopefully our CNS is finding homeostasis soon!!!

I wish you both a swift healing and that the intense pain will fade away soon 🍀

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  • 1 month later...

"Healing can cause severe pain"


Im not seeing anyone comming to Tell that their neuropathy got better, really wanted to see someone claiming that their pain, neuropathy and nerve damage got better, not wanting to discourage anyone, i suffer from severe pain, i didnt had this pain the previous times, zero, and had zero pain previous from my last withdrawal, my body inflammed so much and probably my spine seized and compressed several nerve roots or It  brusted and leaked from neuroinflammation, i had extreme iron levels and such, sometimes by taking a lot of stuff my pain is better, sometimes It flares, specially when cutting pregabalin during that time , often. I loose hope, daily basis, but where to run? No where to run..   pain like this, central sensitization, damage of this sort, there is a whole thing behind as what It happens at the celular level, some stuff helps to relieve, but its life ruining nonetheless, i feel the stuff that i take on the nerves, but i dont know If It Will do anything in terms of recovery, wouldnt be able to not take anything given How bad It is


Where are people the people that recovered from pain like this? I remeber Megan z that got better from pins and needles etc, but i dont know If her pain was severe..


Often i think, is It autoimune, is It cancer or  Just damage like chemoterapy índuced, 


How many suffering from pain like this ? I dont see many, probably one of the worst outcomes.. the brain heals, but the nerves ? Having to take antidepressants for pain management after years of trying to recover from this drugs is just terrific, and It would bê impossíble for me to stand the pain without the stuff that im taking, which Just relieves it, sometimes a lot, sometimes It flares bad and is crushing 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 29/10/2023 at 02:00, [[j...] said:

Hey @[jo...] I’m 28 months out and also have this constant burning (neuralgia?). It’s a mix of burning and tightness. Head, brain, shoulders, back, neck and soles of feet. I hardly get windows also. Sorry this isn’t very encouraging. Just to say I understand and you’re not alone.  

Hi @[jo...]

Im so sorry for the late reply. I sorry you have the awful burning as well. It truly is the absolute worst. Nobody can imagine it unless they’ve experienced it.  I get the awful deep nerve pain in my legs and hips too. 
I am now in month 26 and just can’t believe how this just keeps going on and on. I’ve never had a window. M

i pray we get some relief soon. Even if the intensity wouid lift, at least I wouid know that I’m healing.

I’m sending you healing love. Thank you for your encouragement. ❤️🙏

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On 30/10/2023 at 21:27, [[p...] said:

Hi Jordan

Im about 6 years out and I can promise I went through the same milestones as you, hang in there. It gets more and more manageable as time goes on, and then sometime soon you notice you are laughing instead of being terrified as you wake up refreshed and your beginning to have interest in life again. You just have to get through this tunnel that we all went through


Hi @[pi...]

Thank you so much for your encouraging words. Did you have the burning and nerve pain as well? It truly is so painful and hard to deal with day after day. I’m so glad you are now free and happy! I pray I get there too. 
Bless you! ❤️🙏

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On 20/12/2023 at 06:35, [[D...] said:

"Healing can cause severe pain"

Im not seeing anyone comming to Tell that their neuropathy got better, really wanted to see someone claiming that their pain, neuropathy and nerve damage got better, not wanting to discourage anyone, i suffer from severe pain, i didnt had this pain the previous times, zero, and had zero pain previous from my last withdrawal, my body inflammed so much and probably my spine seized and compressed several nerve roots or It  brusted and leaked from neuroinflammation, i had extreme iron levels and such, sometimes by taking a lot of stuff my pain is better, sometimes It flares, specially when cutting pregabalin during that time , often. I loose hope, daily basis, but where to run? No where to run..   pain like this, central sensitization, damage of this sort, there is a whole thing behind as what It happens at the celular level, some stuff helps to relieve, but its life ruining nonetheless, i feel the stuff that i take on the nerves, but i dont know If It Will do anything in terms of recovery, wouldnt be able to not take anything given How bad It is

Where are people the people that recovered from pain like this? I remeber Megan z that got better from pins and needles etc, but i dont know If her pain was severe..

Often i think, is It autoimune, is It cancer or  Just damage like chemoterapy índuced, 

How many suffering from pain like this ? I dont see many, probably one of the worst outcomes.. the brain heals, but the nerves ? Having to take antidepressants for pain management after years of trying to recover from this drugs is just terrific, and It would bê impossíble for me to stand the pain without the stuff that im taking, which Just relieves it, sometimes a lot, sometimes It flares bad and is crushing 

Hi @[De...] 

I’m so sorry you are dealing with the pain as well. It truly is horrific! The CT truly hurt me. 
I’ve spoken to Baylissa multiple times and she has seen over 13,000 clients of many who had the horrific burning and nerve pain. She said they all healed. I don’t understand why some of us get hit so hard! 
I think the fast taper off the AD and then using Xanax to cope and the CT from the Xanax truly boxed my CNS. I only took .25mg for 6 months but it hurt me badly because I was still so sensitive from the AD withdrawal.

I had to get on gabapentin to help with the burning; it helps some but it doesn’t cover it. I’m grateful for the little bit that it does help.  I have tapered down from it and will fully taper once I heal.

I’m so sorry you are suffering and I pray we both turn a corner soon. I have never had a window so I hope to see one soon as well. 
Bless you! ❤️

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On 08/11/2023 at 03:03, [[s...] said:

The same here. Hopefully our CNS is finding homeostasis soon!!!

I wish you both a swift healing and that the intense pain will fade away soon 🍀

Thank you so much Shamrock. I pray we get relief from this horrible burning and deep nerve and muscle pain soon.  I’ve never had a window so I hope we both experience one soon. 
Big hugs to you! ❤️🙏

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On 08/11/2023 at 01:55, [[W...] said:

For me it’s the same - if the sensations, mostly burning and electricity, left, I would quickly get over anxiety and depression. 


Yes, if we could just get past this burning body and deep nerve pain, the anxiety and depression wouid leave. All this pain has brought on so much anxiety! I didn’t have the anxiety until year two.  If I could get a window I would at least know I’m healing. 
I’m so sorry you’re suffering as well. 
Bless you! ❤️🙏

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On 05/11/2023 at 01:27, [[j...] said:

Yes! I do get that and sometimes I get sciatica. More often that not though the extreme tightness and vice like feeling is my head/brain, back, neck and shoulders. But I do get a variety. I’m so sorry you’re in this hell also. It’s totally disabling. If I try to exercise to make my muscles stronger they just seize up and get extremely tight and painful. I’m completely exercise intolerant. Sending you huge hugs back and healing energy 😓🫶💜


Yes, this muscle pain and deep nerve pain in the muscles is absolute hell. My hips are so tight and painful. I try to swim each day and stretch but I just get no relief. My neck and shoulders just stay seized up all the time, I think partly because I’m holding myself in pain. I have to wear a night guard because I clench so hard! Just brutal inconceivable misery. 
Sending you healing hugs! ❤️🙏

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On 04/11/2023 at 16:39, [[b...] said:

Hey jordan just thought Id tell you that at 24 months off i was way worse than I was when i was only a week off benzos. I came good at 3years. Totally good. Regained my life.

Im only bacj here because im in a setback 6years off from taking pepcid and antibiotics.

You will be okay and you will heal.

24mo is early.

Hi @[bw...]

Thank you so much for your encouragement. I’m now at 26 months and just feel like things are progressively worse. Maybe it’s the surge to healing? Never having a window during this whole hellacious journey has truly broken my spirit but I keep trying to hope it will get better. I hope I can regain my life like you did.

I’m so sorry you’ve had a set back from antibiotics and Pepcid. I’ve had to take antibiotics during all this too ( respiratory infections, tooth extraction, UTI) so I understand the trauma of the set back. 

You are so brave and I’m so sorry you had a set back at 6 years off! Geesh! Will we ever be able to not get setbacks? So disturbing what these poisons did to us. 
I pray you are feeling better and bounce back quickly! 
Bless you! ❤️🙏


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4 hours ago, [[j...] said:

Thank you so much Shamrock. I pray we get relief from this horrible burning and deep nerve and muscle pain soon.  I’ve never had a window so I hope we both experience one soon. 
Big hugs to you! ❤️🙏

I am so sorry you still have to suffer so much too! It’s unbelievable what these drugs did to us. I did have a window tuesday evening, not completely painfree but still manageable. I was even laughing… then after two hours of sleep it all came back!? since then crying instead of laughing once again. 

We deeply have to believe in our recovery and that the pain is a sign of deep healing going on. I know it is so incredibly hard and frustrating. Let’s hold on and believe in the words of the people who have healed. Baylissa, Jennifer and thousands more… I just read from someone who also was in nerve pain for a long time and then suddenly this person turned a corner and got so much better. 

If only we knew how long it will take…right!?

I dearly wish you a nice window and a swift healing! big hugs ❤️🍀

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Well if anything, I'm 26 months off and still suffering the same. The symptoms have been going on for 35 months? I only keep track of the months I've been off, because otherwise it gets way too depressing. I don't even know if it's the benzos at this point. Multiple doctors, multiple tests, everything looks normal. Great, but things are not normal. My head feels like it's going to pop every single second of every single day. I hope we can turn a corner soon.

Edited by [Pa...]
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On 18/01/2024 at 13:34, [[P...] said:

Well if anything, I'm 26 months off and still suffering the same. The symptoms have been going on for 35 months? I only keep track of the months I've been off, because otherwise it gets way too depressing. I don't even know if it's the benzos at this point. Multiple doctors, multiple tests, everything looks normal. Great, but things are not normal. My head feels like it's going to pop every single second of every single day. I hope we can turn a corner soon.

Hi @[Pa...] 

I’m so sorry you’re suffering such pain in your head as well. It’s so discouraging to be this far out with no windows or signs of healing. I keep hoping the next day will be better, but sadly it just seems even worse. Maybe it’s the “worse before better”? I sure hope so. It’s just unbelievable how long this has been going on, surely we must heal soon.  I’m sending you big  hugs and pray we turn a corner soon. ❤️🙏

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On 18/01/2024 at 02:57, [[s...] said:

I am so sorry you still have to suffer so much too! It’s unbelievable what these drugs did to us. I did have a window tuesday evening, not completely painfree but still manageable. I was even laughing… then after two hours of sleep it all came back!? since then crying instead of laughing once again. 

We deeply have to believe in our recovery and that the pain is a sign of deep healing going on. I know it is so incredibly hard and frustrating. Let’s hold on and believe in the words of the people who have healed. Baylissa, Jennifer and thousands more… I just read from someone who also was in nerve pain for a long time and then suddenly this person turned a corner and got so much better. 

If only we knew how long it will take…right!?

I dearly wish you a nice window and a swift healing! big hugs ❤️🍀

Hi @[sh...]

I'm so glad you had some reprieve in your symptoms and were able to laugh and have a nice window.  I sure hope I can get a window too.

i am now 26 months out. It’s just unbelievable to be this far out with no relief but I just keep holding on to my faith and the success stories. I read the success stories on Baylissa’s membership site and watch her videos  which are very encouraging. I’m so grateful for the encouragement of from our buddies here as well.

I’m sending you healing hugs and pray we see a nice healing window soon and rapid healing. Thank you again for your encouragement ☘️.



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On 22/01/2024 at 21:48, [[j...] said:

Hi @[sh...]

I'm so glad you had some reprieve in your symptoms and were able to laugh and have a nice window.  I sure hope I can get a window too.

i am now 26 months out. It’s just unbelievable to be this far out with no relief but I just keep holding on to my faith and the success stories. I read the success stories on Baylissa’s membership site and watch her videos  which are very encouraging. I’m so grateful for the encouragement of from our buddies here as well.

I’m sending you healing hugs and pray we see a nice healing window soon and rapid healing. Thank you again for your encouragement ☘️.


Hi jordanjack, thank you for your good wishes 🙏❤️the same to you!!! big hugs 🍀

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  • 1 month later...
On 25/01/2024 at 06:55, [[s...] said:

Hi jordanjack, thank you for your good wishes 🙏❤️the same to you!!! big hugs 🍀

Thanks so much Shamrock.☘️ I hope you’re feeling better. Things are about the same for me; brutal nerve pain and chemical anxiety.  I’m at 27 months off now. Just unbelievable that this pain just wants to hang on.  It’s mostly on my left leg, arms, and hips. I’m so discouraged. I’ve never had a window, so I hope we all have one soon. ❤️🙏

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Jordan I just wanted to come in here and give you a virtual hug! You hang in there. Time will improve things. I just read something Baylissa wrote about some people not getting windows then wake up one morning HEALED! Or they wake up with windows and the waves are milder as well as shorter…then heal. 

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  • 1 month later...

Hello dear Jordan. 
How are you now? Much hugs and best wisher for u warrior!

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