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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

When will it end? Anyone tempted to reinstate?


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Having a hard time functioning today. Numb all over. Burning. In a datk place

Left side of face is numb from forehead to feet. What is going on? I don't believe this will pass unless I know what it is

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@[...] I read your post a few hours ago about the burning you get or got. I'm sure you've mentioned it to me. You said it goes away. Just went away or slowly went away? Was it the fscial burning you referred to? As you've seen with my many posts this persistent burning I am getting is not giving me a break. Did you ever have numbness as well? This is horrible. I need s break. A window. A sign. Anyhing.


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10 hours ago, [[L...] said:

I withdrew from Klonopin about 5 years ago. I don't know if I'm a long hauler. Well I do know that I've developed

mental illness problems. That hasles  bod confused me about what to attribute my misery to. Is there any way to know if 

I haven't recovered from my Klonopin use? I was on it for almost 20 years. Does anyone recover in a reasonable

time after stopping? I've experienced a lot of anxiety for the last 5 years and it's made life very difficult. Is that also

a symptom of stopping Klonopin? I also have head pressure and facial tightness. Any help is appreciated.

Grace , les bos mentioned face stuff. The name of the post is My Klonopin Recovery.

you could ask about face stuff there.

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Any thoughts about these for nerve pain:  Gabapentin?  Cymbalta? Any other SNRI?  Or  reinstate? Maybe something like a benzo but not habit forming?  Is Doxepin or Trazadone one of  them? 

I need something to calm this. As I have mentioned, I am numb around and in my nose. This is just too strange. I don't have windows with this. I wish I did. It would bring me some hope that I don't have permanent nerve damage.  

Do these nerve symptoms we get, part of the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system (not that I understand it)?  

I am trying to see another neurologist. Maybe I will find someone who knows what to do, at least relieve symptoms while I heal. I want someone to tell me, this will help , not I think this will help.

Sorry, I have been so agitated, but this is night and day as with many here on this forum. I am in constant distress. I don't understand that by now I would have intermittent symptoms. I have to find a way to make this go away.  Just 2 things, the burning in my skin (face) and the numb/swelling/pressure in and around my nose. It feels like I got novocaine and the needle cartridge was left in my nasal passage. Maybe one day I can chuckle about this, but right now I am desperate to relieve this pain and discomfort. I know no one here has answers because we are all suffering from these maddening drugs. 

I do believe we should report our withdrawal symptoms to the governing bodies, i.e. FDA, etc. They need to know so they can make updates and maybe if more symptoms are reported, there would be a stronger warning. I, as with many, did not ever think withdrawing would be so complicated. I figured some shakiness, even what the manufacturer says, butt they don't know the rest of it unless we tell them. I've reported mine to them.


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3 minutes ago, [[G...] said:

Any thoughts about these for nerve pain:  Gabapentin?  Cymbalta? Any other SNRI?  Or  reinstate? Maybe something like a benzo but not habit forming?  Is Doxepin or Trazadone one of  them? 


@[Gr...]  Gabapentin is a medication that helps nerve pain, but there is no guarantee it will help with the nerve pain from benzo withdrawal.   Also, it has to be tapered off of as well.   Cymbalta, Trazadone, and Doxepin are anti-depressants.     Is someone suggesting these will help with your nerve pain?   

Do you have any other symptoms besides the burning skin and numbness in your face?

As far as windows go, it is different with each person.   Some people get them, some do not.  

I know you are desperate for some relief but please be careful not to complicate your situation by introducing new medication.   You might use the search engine here to see what other members have said about using these drugs during their recovery from benzo withdrawal.   I know lots of people have used Gabapentin, but not sure of the outcome.  

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@[de...]  I threw out there the Gabapentin, Trazadone and Doxepin just because I've heard of them. My dog once had Trazadone because he was nervous going to the vet. All it did was make him have dry cough.

Neurologist and primary suggested Cymbalta, insisting this is anxiety. I can agree with part of that. Yes, the anxiety is coming from within, my nervous system is haywire. The pain then causes me to be anxious because it hurts. I am trying to see another neurologist in a different health network to start with a clean slate and see what he says. I want to be prepared if he suggests any of those mentioned above. 

Constant 24/7: Symptoms of biggest concern -- debilitating facial burning (cheeks) feeling, and numbness and pain in and around my nose. Ugh!

Waves and windows: These come and go -- burning throughout my body from head to toe with pins and needles (neck, scalp, hands, feet, knees). Wobbly and weak legs, headache, scalp numbness and throbbing. I have been dealing with those as they come. When they come on, they are scary and painful, but they pass and are not constant like my 2 other ridiculous issues. 

Windows(?):  Sweats, chills, and tremors. I hate to jinx it, but I think they have passed.

No windows with my 2 main concerns that I wish and pray would let up and go away (forever). I was told my nasal passages are not dry, contrary to the way they feel to me. It's good they are not dry. Whatever is causing the numbness may not be allowing them to work properly, I think. I have no problem breathing.  I don't get any mucus. Yesterday I thought I was getting some kind of sign that they were easing up. I had some stuffiness on one side and I was elated. I blew my nose as if it was normal. It was a nice feeling for a few minutes. It didn't last long. When the numbness goes away, I think that will be the sign it is getting better, but I've yet to experience that.  

Okay, I will accept if it's anxiety because that's not permanent damage. That means in time it will relax. Permanent nerve damage does not sit well with me. I am very scared I have some kind of sudden neuropathy. How could that happen though? I am not diabetic?  I don't know if the neurologist will be able to tell if it's permanent. They must have some kind of nerve function tests?  I am scared to know. 

I don't understand how this WD can do so many things, and in such peculiar places. 

I was given an inhalant with Flonase in it (Xhance). A device you blow in and shoots the stuff up your nose. I wasn't keen on it when I first got it last year and only used it twice. I'm not big on steroids, especially up the nose. I used it twice this week by advice from ENT, but I won't use it again. I am afraid it may complicate things.  On the other hand, I would think that a steroid would be a good thing because it is an anti-inflammatory?

It's a shame I cannot get treatment for things that I may actually need, but it's hard to tell if they are needed during this time, if that makes any sense.

My facial skin has been itching. Probably because I am not caring for it. Everything that goes on it burns and it flares up. I am able to wash it with colloidal oatmeal. 

Can poor circulation cause numbness and/or burning sensation? I wonder if neurologist would know that. Eh, the ones around here probably don't.

Next Wednesday is 4 weeks since last Ambien and 8 weeks since the symptoms started. 

I am losing it. It's like someone left something stuck up my nose that went all the way up to my forehead. Like someone put acid on my skin. These 2 issues get worse at night. I dread nightfall.  I cannot sleep. It gets that bad. 


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Thanks for all that info!    Very helpful.

I don't know, but I am guessing your nerve pain is from the Ambien withdrawal.     Ambien withdrawal can be particularly nasty.    

Also, when you go to a doctor, unless they are benzo wise, they are most likely going to diagnose something, because that is what they are trained to do, but it is most likely not going to be a correct diagnoses.  All these symptoms are most likely from withdrawal.  Having said that, if you feel you need to go to the doctor, by all means do that.

Also, let me explain a little about waves and windows.   A wave is where your symptoms intensify, and a window is when the symptoms are not quite as intense, and more management.   A window does not mean you are without symptoms.   A lot of people think they should have periods of time with absolutely no symptoms, and that rarely happens until you are completely healed. 

The fact that your sweats, chills and tremor have subsided is encouraging.   Hopefully they will not return. 

I think it would be advisable to not take Flonase right now.   Steroids have been known to cause complications with people withdrawing/recovering from benzos and ambien.   I wouldn't take a chance.

I believe poor circulation can cause all kinds of issues, but your numbness and tingling are most like related to your withdrawal from Ambien, as those are pretty universal symptoms.

Just know that is is very common to try and figure out what is causing these symptoms, but if you did not have them before withdrawal, in your case 4 weeks ago, they are probably related.  

Do you have any hobbies?   Is there anything you can do to try and distract?   I don't know what you like, but I have used all kinds of things to distract; puzzles, knitting, movies, visiting with friends on the phone, etc.   Sometimes I have to force myself to do these things, but they always help me in I am having a bad day.   

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@[de...] I know they will give some kind of diagnosis, they have to for the record. And what are the chances I came down with something just like that? Although, could the withdrawal cause a disruption to my system and cause some kind of problem? 

 I didn't realize Ambien would cause that much with withdrawing. They don't say much about it on the paperwork with the prescription.

Sure, I am an adult and know better not to abuse it, mix it with alcohol or other drugs, etc., but where do they warn us that withdrawal IS a problem?  That it should be carefully tapered?  Not even does Xanax say that except that it may cause dependence in people who have addiction problems. Withdrawal symptoms are listed, but there is no warning that these are definite.

The pressure inside my nose gives me a bad headache above the bridge of my nose and into my forehead. It feels much better when I ice it. I could very well have some kind of sinus pressure. I did run the AC all summer which was very drying. I have allergies and missed a lot of my shots. I wasn't taking my allergy medicine and I was outside pulling weeds. I don't want to use the Flonase. They want me to use it everyday forever. There are warnings on that say it can cause cataracts. 

I have some hobbies. In as much pain as I've been, I was able to candy jalapenos that I grew. I have a deck garden, it's not much so it doesn't take up a lot of time. I usually bake this time of year when it gets cooler. Not much really. No family. My husband works a lot. If I wasn't so distracted with this, I'd probably be doing things around here that are needing to get finished. I am in so much pain, it's hard to describe. 

I have temptations to take the Xanax again. I know I still have 5 more months to fill the Rx. It's very tempting. Have others who reinstated had success staying stable on a benzo and symptoms dissipate? 



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3 hours ago, [[d...] said:

@[Gr...]  Gabapentin is a medication that helps nerve pain, but there is no guarantee it will help with the nerve pain from benzo withdrawal.   Also, it has to be tapered off of as well.   Cymbalta, Trazadone, and Doxepin are anti-depressants.     Is someone suggesting these will help with your nerve pain?   

Do you have any other symptoms besides the burning skin and numbness in your face?

As far as windows go, it is different with each person.   Some people get them, some do not.  

I know you are desperate for some relief but please be careful not to complicate your situation by introducing new medication.   You might use the search engine here to see what other members have said about using these drugs during their recovery from benzo withdrawal.   I know lots of people have used Gabapentin, but not sure of the outcome.  

I've been on gabapentin and pregablin they didn't work for me and I'm reducing my pregablin now before I start reducing clonazapam I feel really ill with it all

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@[Gr...] has the burning sensation and numbness in your face and body been present for 8 weeks or longer? Or 4 weeks since your last dose of Ambien? I hope you don’t mind me asking. I am so sorry to hear about the pain you’ve been going through. I hope you have a better night tonight.

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@[Gr...]  Please do not beat yourself up about not knowing what could happen when withdrawing from Ambien or Xanax.   None of us really understood how difficult it could be.      Please be kind to yourself where that is concerned.  

As for reinstating the Xanax, I certainly cannot tell you what you should do, but there are lots of people who reinstate, it doesn't really help and then they have to taper again.    Just know that there is no guarantee reinstating will be helpful. 

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@[de...] Oh, Decatur, I can't help it. I've done this to myself. If I have to have symptoms, I want them to shift somewhere else. I think I have paresthesia. I'm scared. That's listed as a protracted symptom. I read it can cause neuropathy which is permanent.

I missed doses for a few weeks or I was downsizing, I couldn't remember at the time what I did, then I went back on the X at a lesser dose and did the 3.5 wk taper. Was there too much time in between to be considered off and on again, or is it usually a longer time in between? Like in a protracted stage? I probably asked that already but I think I left out going back after the skipped doses.

The bridge of my nose is raw from the nerve irritation and compresses. My skin is raw, too. This is insane. I care a lot about my appearance. I have a lot of anxiety over this. I am not sleeping because how bad it gets at night. I am numb, tingling, burning. Why the h*ll is my nose numb inside??  

I often think if I go back to the med then it can calm me and I will sleep. I am so scared I will do that and would be sorry because I'm so far out, but I'm frustrated there's no end in sight. This forum is the only reason I haven't made that stupid move. I am so desperate.

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@[El...]  I've had the burning and numbness all over since I ended the Xanax, but the facial numbness seems to have shifted.

The facial numbness strangely moved to my nose, inside and out, including pain on the bridge about 7-10 days after I stopped the Ambien on Sept 13. Maybe stopping the Ambien caused that? 

I do hope I sleep.

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@[me...] Are you not taking gabapentin anymore and just pregabalin with clonazepam? 

Lyrica doesn't help me with any of this. I never liked taking it when I had trigeminal flares. It makes me too out of it.

Are you having any kind of pain right now? What would you take if you experience pain?

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Hi grace over the last 6years I've been on gabapentin now I'm on pregablin clonazapam and sertraline nothing worked I'm the meds are making me ill.

So I'm reducing my pregablin I was on 300mg aday I have more or less off that I'm now reducing my sertraline and then the last hurdle will be the clonazapam.

To answer your question I've never had any kind of relief taking pregablin/gabapentin.

It may work for you everyone's different. Hope you find som ease,😌🙏

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P s I just take parcetamol I don't want to up my mef I'm coming off and heat mask and distraction it's not easy as I don't sleep but I read

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@[me...] I had taken 75-150mg pregabelin a day and it was a lot. I wonder if I have a pregabelin withdrawal also. I took some here and there during this. OMG, what have these meds done to us? They should not be designed to have wihdrawal symptoms. 

Are you planning to taper all you are on and at the sane time? 

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Another rough night. Where is my window? Forehead, face and body burning horribly. Bad headache. Tinnitus loud as usual when pain increases. Every fr*gging night. It has to stop! This is agonizing. I am disgusted with this and reading what others go through. This is a crisis.

I am tempted... I feel physically worse without that garbage. 

Has anyone had any luck with any kind of gentle medication for pain? Tylenol seems to work here and there, but it's hard on kidneys & liver taking too much.

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I'm tapering pregablin slowly I am still on 175 aday and I'm tapering sertraline also it's rough but I feel ill anyway and I'm getting older then I shall start on clonazapam.....I'm having trouble going out and I'm exhausted all the time not doing much in the house just the nessassary things there is only me to think about my family do not care and I've not seen or heard from them since my accident. But I'm switching off from that and taking care of my self it's scary and lonely at times but I'm 69yrs old now it's my time to be a little selfish

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Hi grace 2023  it looks like we are in the same boat in pain can't sleep tinnitus I can't think what else could help you as every med has a negative in the end....I don't have caffeine or chocolate.  I've tried sleeping tablets but they don't work my sleep hygenie is terrible I live my life upside down up and down all night then in and out if bed in the daytime.i cannot motivate myself for anything at the moment which is weird because most of my life I've lived at 100miles an hour.doing everything for everybody my cortisol levels were very high my gp told me to slow down but I was looking after my parents which was a pleasure not exhausting..   but I was always trying to pre EMT disaster I have PTSD so that didn't help....

Could go and have a chat with your gp grace..

Wishing healing for you🙏

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This is unacceptable. I cannot keep losing sleep and be in constant agony. I am lost. I feel I need to try the med again. I am growing impatient waiting for a miracle. As if this will just stop or even feel better. My body's been hijacked. I am numb with pins and needles all over, head to toe. My airways have felt like they are wide open. Uncomfortable feeling on top of the numbing, pressure and headache. ENT said it's not empty nose. I was glad to hear. But what is it? There has to be something to treat it. What is this burning? Maybe the X which can lower my anxiety about this. I am scared to try it, scared to ho on like this.

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I think if I reinstate I will not be able to get it again after I use up the 2 wks doses still at pharmacy. I'm trying everyting treadmill, keep busy, but the pain and numbing is killing me from inside. I have bad thoughts of my future

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I am panicking. I am alone this weekend as I had been the last 4 days. Husband comes back for a night and then I will be alone again 5 more days. I am having hard time holding on. I even told my husband I'd show him where my papers are. My dogs will have to go in a shelter. This is no way for me to live. I am in a panic. Pins & needles all over. A bad night, and day today. How many more till a light?

Anyone who has reinstated, does it help? Does it stop the pain? 

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