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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

When will it end? Anyone tempted to reinstate?


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@[Wi...] I know you're not suggesting. I'm still on the fence. Fear of the unknown.

I read somewhere Ashton said to jump at .5 or 1mg?

On another note, Klonopin seems like a really hard one to stop.

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Please keep in mind that reinstating is very unlikely to resolve all of your symptoms, but will probably just ease symptoms a bit as you taper down slowly. 

Some jump at 1mg, others at 0.5mg, whereas others prefer to taper right down and walk off. 

My concern over you reinstating is that it may not be what you hope it will be, and then wish you had pushed through the acute recovery phase.  

None of us knew what we were getting ourselves into with these medications. 

Best to not look back… only forward to a bright future. 

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@[Wi...] My concern too. Plus, I don't know what to expect from Valium.  Ease symptoms as I taper vs first starting?  I would like to relax my nervous system so that maybe things will calm down or new ones won't start. I have reservations about reinstating. Trying to see what options are.  Antidepressants scare me too. What about drinking chamomile tea a couple of times a day to relax?

Am tired of these symptoms. Like my numb eyelids. I feel inhuman. I miss my old self. 

Too bad looking forward is to ruined skin and other stuff it damaged. Still csn't figure how it damages things thst aren't directly connected to CNS.


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It can affect anywhere because you have nerve endings everywhere in the body. 

Cant advise on chamomile tea as every individual is different in how they react. 

I know others with numb ears, lips, mouth, and many various other parts of the body. 

All we can do is take one moment at a time and trust that all symptoms will eventually resolve. You are still early on in recovery, but you are healing. 

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@[Wi...] We heal, but scary when people are a decade out and still have symptoms. Could some of them be health related instead? But sone have the same symptoms, some very weird and unexplainable.

Do people report back when symptoms stop or do not come back because they probably feel better? 

I can't help but feel despondent over this experience. It's been frightening. I hope by now, 9 wks Xanax and 5 wks Amb is far enough where I am past acute and start getting better?  How do you know when you are past acute or at the end? Are there signs?

I heard chamomile has gaba? All of that with glutamate and histamine is confusing. There was something in Ashton about not worrying about food because people from all over the world with different diets get through this. I was watching everything, but going forward I'll go back to the Med diet.  

Are you doing okay with your taper? How far do you have to go? 

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hope I sleep. very numb & pain. Why is this?  I hope tomw is the day it's gone. Have some sniffles. Good sign? I hadn't been able to make mucus. 

Hope you who are reading this are hanging in there. I wash I had sonething to say about getting through this. I will soon, I believe. 

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It’s impossible to say if reinstating will resolve the numb feeling. I do know of members tapering who experience the numbness even though they are still on a reasonably high dose. 

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I wish this was getting better. Halfway through medicine, no improvement. I don't understand why this happened and what it is. I had all that other stuff, wasn't that enough? This is unreal. I am really disfigured. You cannot understand unless you saw me. Not doing well with this. I didn't sleep. Too much pain. IDK. Benzo WD or something else doc isn't figuring out? I am praying.

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7 hours ago, [[W...] said:

If you reinstated to Valium 4mg, you would want to taper much slower, once you’d found a level of stability. You wouldn’t reduce from 4mg to 2mg. That’s a 50% reduction. You would want to reduce by no more than 10% every 10 - 14 days. 

I totally agree here. If you do decide to try reinstatement Grace and can get somewhat stable, I would not try to rapidly detox as you did with the Xanax and Ambien. You saw what happened there. Give your brain a little time to adjust as you slowly step down. If you decide to wait it out, keep posting here for support. No one stays in the acute w/d phase forever. I know the SXs are horrible right now and tough to live with day in, day out but they should start to slowly subside with time.

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@[An...] I don't know right path yet for the V. I don't even knowxwhocwoukd give it to me. 

I wish I knew if this symptom I have is actually related to WD or medical. So far no change since starting medicine, but maybe too soon? I started on Sat, 3 days. I thought for sure there would be a subtle difference by now. I guess I'm impatient bc it's been going on so long. I hope doc is on right track and this clears up. It's too much for me to take in.  Weird stuff. I was sick with covid for 3 months, it was weird. I didn't have typical symptoms.  It was in my chest wall and chest cavity and didn't show up on x-ray.. 

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6 hours ago, [[G...] said:

@[Wi...] My concern too. Plus, I don't know what to expect from Valium.  Ease symptoms as I taper vs first starting?  I would like to relax my nervous system so that maybe things will calm down or new ones won't start. I have reservations about reinstating. Trying to see what options are.  Antidepressants scare me too. What about drinking chamomile tea a couple of times a day to relax?

I will share my experience with chamomile tea. I did drink it during recovery. Typically I’d have a cup before I started teaching. I made it quite strong, letting the teabag steep for a long time. I had no ill effects and it provided a sense of calm and relaxation.

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On 11/10/2023 at 18:14, [[G...] said:

@[me...] Did you recover? How long in acute? I can't imagine me being in it very long as I wasn't taking the meds for decades. I seems like I should get better soon. I want to back to me. I"m concerned things have been altered. What is swelling my nose like this and numb yet with pain inside? Any ideas?  My skin. I never had anything like this.

I'm not sure about taking another benzo or something like an AD. Scares me. 

That doc should be sued for what he's doing to people.

Hi grace 2023. I've only just started as I'm tapering a few meds  I don't like going out anymore I find it stressful. I don't sleep. My gp is no helping so I'm going alone. Thought about going to a drug rehabilitation place but with what we be read here is scary and I don't want to rush it 

Hope you manage some peace 🙏

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Does anyone know of neuropathy in the face from WD? Permanent?  How about especially the nose?

What about tingling (this seems common)?  Permanent?

Reason I ask, you'll remember I have this odd thing going on. Honestly, I look like I was punched on the nose. It's numb, too. Neuropathy? Permanent?

Numb is one thing, but swelling is another. I don't believe numbness would cause swelling? There is pain inside. I am plagued with this 24/7. Yes, I'm concerned it's permanent nerve damage, but then maybe it is independent of this believed-to-be infection. I sure hope it is a treatable infection that responds real soon to meds I am taking. Disappointed no change yet after 3 full days. It affects my self-esteem because of my appearance. I'm on top of doc to get better now. Too many days with this.

Or is this something benzo WD causes?  I sure hope not.



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Oh dear grace 2023 hope it clears up soon have you had it looked at....our bodies do weird things when trying to heal...at the moment I've got blocked sinuses and my eyes are red and oozing something terrible but I just think it's part of healing and detoxing 

Hope you improve soon🙏

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@[me...] How are you feeling today? Still no sleep? If you go to rehab, how long would you stay? This is too much for me sometimes. Just always in shock I got in this mess.

Try not to ignore some things because not everything can be WD. If your eyes have some kind of mucus, you may have infection. 

I ignored this and it may be infection. I hope it is because it can be treated. I saw a maxillofacial ENT. Treating as nasal cellulitis infection. I really, really hope he's right so I can feel better asap. It's distressing. It can spread if not treated. Unusual thing. I've never had or seen anything like this. Fingers crossed doc has it right. Meds not doing anything yet. I dread if it doesn't respond to meds, then it is a weird benzo thing.

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Grace 2023 

Hi it must be uncomfortable I used a nasal spray but it's made things worse....I'm not going into rehab but it's a place were they treat addicts and alcoholics I'm neither but they might be able to help.

Never heard of cellulitis in the nose..it's no wonder you are in pain...my mum had it in her legs the inflammation was terrible 

Hope you get some sleep I don't sleep either ❣️

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5 hours ago, [[G...] said:

@[pi...] Thank you. That's good to know because I saw somewhere to avoid it during WD bc of gaba. IDK

I personally think things like chamomile tea are great to try. They will not harm. It will either do nothing to make you feel better or might help a little....if you are lucky, it might help a lot!

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I am amazed how anyone gets through this with acceptance and distraction.  I am mentally and physically in pain today, once again.

I dream of how I was able to be myself and be free. I want that so, so much again. It makes me cry.  I had minor aches and pains, not like this. I could go hours standing on my feet. I didn't have a burning sensation through my body. I put anything on my skin, it was not sensitive. It didn't burn. I was not swollen. I didn't have continuous pain and a lingering headache. I rarely got headaches. I was never numb unless my foot fell asleep. So many things this has taken from me. I am broken.

I've been trying to go with this. I am having a rough time. It's tearing me up. Too much for me. Just like you, I stopped a med I believed was doing me harm and I thought I'd be on my way back to my old self and rebound with energy, I looked forward to getting ME back. Instead, it left me worse, with all kinds of unexplained pain and agony I never expected. Something you all can relate to.

I haven't been able to enjoy anything. It's so hard with 24/7 pain. On top of it I have some strange possible infection that I wonder if I would not have if I wasn't going through a WD. (I rarely got sick.) This is wrong what we have to endure. These meds are designed to disrupt our chemistry and rob us of happiness during and after use. Taking toll on me. I just want to scream!

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20 hours ago, [[G...] said:

@[Wi...] I'm trying to figure that out. How. do you do reduce by 10% for a pill?

The 2mg are scored. Split to get singles?  4 to 3 to 2 to 1? 

Do they crush these up? Yuck. Must taste bad. 

Or, 4 to 3.5 (split them?)

3.5 to 3?

The rest, I don't know. 

This is one possible method for reducing your dose, crushing and weighing your dose using jewelers scales are another.  If you’re considering reinstating you’ll want to research possible methods for tapering. 


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@[Pa...] I have reservations about this. I was going to try it to help balance my nervous system. I am having such a difficult time, so much pain, I am afraid to start that up and be worse off. This is overwhelming. I want to get through this. I am numb and burning all over. I can't stand it. I am in tears

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