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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

When will it end? Anyone tempted to reinstate?


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Hi grace2023 

Sorry to hear you are suffering 

I'm more or less like you all these different sensations I cope by thinking my body and brain are intelligent enough to heal me.....I hope you get some rest soon I'm the same I don't sleep 🙏

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@[me...] Are you starting your taper soon? Have you had more than 1 withdrawal? Does it get harder? Do you go into protracted? Are you apprehensive to do this taper?

This is first for me. I don't know whycI have these weird symptom locations. I am praying this numbing and burning sensation go first and never come back. I don't like the other symptoms, but these 2 are the worst for me. You've probably read my rants that I want to get my skin back to normal so I can wear makeup and look decent. I am petrified they won't show signs of letting up soon. I am told I should still be in acute but that timeline is undefined. I'm tired of it. I am tempted each day to go back, but reality is I will be doing harm again to myself and I would not last on one small dose per day. What a mess this is.

You must have good reason to want to decide to stop it.

I thought I'd sleep, but I'm so uncomfortable I'm having trouble. I'm having crawling, pins & needles, burning in my fsce now. I'm worn out. 

I wish I could go back in time. 

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Hi grace 2023 

I just feel ill with all the meds I'm on I've partially withdrawn from pregablin not nice but it's worth it if I get well. Then I'm going to start with the clonazapam 1mg for 6years then I will start cutting out my antidepressants yes I'm scared but I'm more scared of getting more I'll I see it this way for 6years I've lost my self so I look on this as a journey to find my self I'm 69now I can't remember nothing of the last ten years at the moment I'm not sleeping and my throat is tight and sore but I just think bring it on 😠  

Hope you get some relief soon grace. Withdrawing from benzos will be like recovering from an illness and it takes time be kind to your self.🙏

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@[me...] You were on a few things. You stopped Lyrica. Then work on Klonopin and then more than 1 antidepressant (which one)?  Is that right? Will you do a slow benzo taper? Would you start the AD taper along the way?

I am petrified of this whole thing. I feel like a washed up addict. That's no reflection on anyone else, just myself. I feel worn out from this stuff since the day I started taking it and the Ambien. I lost sight of taking care of myself. I stopped them because of that. I neglected myself for too long and I haven't caught up yet because of how I feel. I can't see how these meds cause so many residual problems.

My toes are tingling now. My face is numb. My throat closed up earlier. When will it end?  It has caused me depression. I hope I sleep. I'm wound up. How can any of us relax with all this going on? It's a sin. I wonder often if I should reinstate.



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Hi grace2023

Yes I shall try and taper each one I'm on sertraline 100mg for 6monthsvso I'm hoping that won't be too bad I have to go slowly as it's dangerous to go cold turkey.i fell out of bed the other night and got wedged between my side table and the bed I was there ,two hours stuck.  It was difficult to get out due to my pinned arm and leg I'm very badly bruised I wonder if it was partly the withdrawal that caused it

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I know it's frightening you are not an addict it's the doctors causing this they should be sued.grace if you think you are not coping could you talk to your medical provider?

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@[me...] Oh no! That's a serious fall. Dangerous. You could have hit your head. These docs commit elder abuse giving us meds that can cause falls while taking them. Mine said it was ok to have Ambien and Xanax at same time and both at higher doses than our age group is supposed to get. That means he prescribed off-label. Wrong! 

I hope we get sleep. Can you take your meds in morning so they don't keep you up?  Klonopin made me a zombie. I was tired all day. I should have scrapped it. I told doc I didn't like it and he offered Xanax. It didn't seem a problem to me to just stop it since it was short-acting. Little did I know. This whole thing is wearing me out. It's put me in a bad place. I want my life back, and not in a few months, I want it now.

Are you in the US? It's after 1am here on East Coast USA.


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@[me...] My fam doc doesn't understand this. He just wanted to give me Cymbalta for the pain. I do think maybe an AD could help me get through the pain but then I am not sure if it will be worse because I'll be on another pill. I put a post out there asking if anyone had luck with one during WD.  

I want to be alive again. No more pills. I need to feel better before I get my hair done and go places. I feel tired, empty, dead, worn out. I cry all the time. These are evil meds. I regret every tab I took. 


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Like bugs crawling on me and around my face. Burning. Insane. I'm losing it. No patience for this. I'm tired. I miss being human.

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Hi grace yes it was also the clonazapam that caused me to have a serious fall I slipped backwards off the bottom stair I had partially moved a sml wardrobe down stairs and it had go stuck on the bottom stair I went down not noticing I was in the bottom stair benzos affect your vision to give the wardrobe a push I fell backwards and knocked my self out when I came round my neighbours had come in the wardrobe leg had gone thro my leg and broke my ankle I snapped the bone at the top of my arm broke some ribs and punctured a lung and a head injury I was in trauma hospital for 3monthsand18months rehabilitation.i blame the clonazapam because I was a fit person before I started this nasty benzo

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Grace you will feel human again our bodies have a huge capacity to heal...it's just we have to put up with the sensations of healing.

Look like I will have to try and catch some zzzs some time today.. I live in the UK.in a small village it's very quiet which I like

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I need to heal now. I realize I do need to be 100% calm for any anxiety related symptoms to calm. I can try to do that consciously. Considering my internal workings are misfiring, I may need help to calm those. What if I took a 0.25mg Xanax once or twice in a 2-day period to calm my inner self, would those set me back? They most likely will, but just throwing it out there. As with the rest of us, my insides are on fire and I don't know any other way to calm them.

Plus I need to sleep. 

I am allergic to melatonin. Deep breathing not doing anything.



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No sleep again. Does anyone know why my nose would swell up and go numb ay night? It causes a headache which is reason I can't sleep. I've had it. I can't live lije this. I'm too old to miss sleep

Reinstating seems attractive today.

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@[Re...] I read your posts about your neurological problems, burning skin. Did you have numbness? I'm having numbness and all day in my nose. Then it swells at night and causes a headache. I have the burning skin sensation on my face. I get it in my feet and scalp, but it's 24/7 on my face. Why I have these all day with my face, I don't understand.

I am at end of my rope


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numb & tingly all over. Skin is crawling. everything is throbbing

I didn't sleep

I need to reinstate to stop this. Start with .25? See if I can get someting else thst's better than Xanax?


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don't reinstate! 

In some ways I wish I was tapering off a short-acting benzo instead of diazepam. I know the withdrawal is so much more acute for you guys, but won't last as long. 

When I bridged over from xanax to diazepam I felt extra shitty for about 3 weeks. Felt like a long time then, but in retrospect, was instantaneous compared to how drawn a diazepam taper can be. If you've tapered properly you can absolutely get through this without reinstating. 

Ultimately, reinstating will *probably* make the process worse. Look into what kindling means. 

Do you have a doctor who will prescribe comfort meds? Do you live in a state with medical cannabis? 

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16 minutes ago, [[G...] said:

numb & tingly all over. Skin is crawling. everything is throbbing

I didn't sleep

I need to reinstate to stop this. Start with .25? See if I can get someting else thst's better than Xanax?

Grace, I fully understand. I was where you currently are when an inpatient detox hospital took me CT off Klonopin in 2006. Even tho reinstatement comes with the risk of not working, I felt during this turbulent time in my life that I had to take that risk. I did not go back on the Klonopin though. When I was discharged from the hospital, I had been off Klonopin a month and I felt like death warmed over the day I was released. I had tried valium in the past when I was still on Klonopin w/o much success I think because Klonopin is just so much more potent.

I figured since I had been off the Klonopin a month that trying valium again might work and it did work. All the horrid SXs from the Klonopin CT detox gradually faded and I eventually became stable after the valium built up in my system. The mistake that I made because I was so traumatized by the whole Klonopin ordeal was that I decided I was just going to stay on the valium. In hindsight, that was a huge mistake. After I got stable, I should have started to formulate a plan to get off the valium using the 5-10 % reductions every 2 weeks like BB recommends but unfortunately, I did not do this.

I am doing this now with the aid of Lexapro and things have been going quite smoothly for the most part. I am by no means SX-free but the w/d is tolerable, unlike what you are currently experiencing.

*Just giving you things to think about and possibly consider before making your decision. We are all here to support you no matter what you decide.


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@[ca...] Been like this in  horrible pain 24/7 for 7.5 wks. Nothing letting up. I didn't taper right way, it was for 3.5 weeks & I only stayed on .25 Xanax about a wk at the end. I continued with Ambien another 4.wks. This coming Wed will be 4 wks last Ambien. No improvement. In agony. I'm told I'm in acute, but wow, it's taking forever for anything to drop off. Pain unbearable. Not sleeping.

Fam doc and neurologist suggested Cymbalta SNRI for the pain. I'll try low dose to start. I know there's a WD process for it, hope to stay at low dose not for long. I'll test waters. I hope it works. I really don't want a higher dose. I never tried it. Never had AD. Lyrica (pregabelin) did nothing. I am desperate. I don't know what I'll do without relief. I read anxiety can cause facial pain and numbness?  Docs seemed to think so. Am I anxious? Not really on the whole, but the pain makes me anxious and I think the misfiring nerves are causing anxiety in my body. IDK. I'm running out of ideas besides reinstating which may happen if Cymbalta fails.

I am keeping my fingers crossed this Cymbalta relaxes the nervous system to get through this and help me sleep.

I think there is med cannibis here. I toyed with idea of CBD no THC, but I worried if I have allergy.

I don't know what to do anymore. Reinstating seems easy, but like you said, could be worse.

You say short-acting may mean shorter withdrawal? Why is mine so fr*gging long?

My prayers went unanswered.

How far are you with the diazepam taper?  What symptoms do you have and for how long? Are you taking anything else?

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24 minutes ago, [[A...] said:

Grace, I fully understand. I was where you currently are when an inpatient detox hospital took me CT off Klonopin in 2006. Even tho reinstatement comes with the risk of not working, I felt during this turbulent time in my life that I had to take that risk. I did not go back on the Klonopin though. When I was discharged from the hospital, I had been off Klonopin a month and I felt like death warmed over the day I was released. I had tried valium in the past when I was still on Klonopin w/o much success I think because Klonopin is just so much more potent.

I figured since I had been off the Klonopin a month that trying valium again might work and it did work. All the horrid SXs from the Klonopin CT detox gradually faded and I eventually became stable after the valium built up in my system. The mistake that I made because I was so traumatized by the whole Klonopin ordeal was that I decided I was just going to stay on the valium. In hindsight, that was a huge mistake. After I got stable, I should have started to formulate a plan to get off the valium using the 5-10 % reductions every 2 weeks like BB recommends but unfortunately, I did not do this.

I am doing this now with the aid of Lexapro and things have been going quite smoothly for the most part. I am by no means SX-free but the w/d is tolerable, unlike what you are currently experiencing.

*Just giving you things to think about and possibly consider before making your decision. We are all here to support you no matter what you decide.

@[An...] You are back on valium and tapering with Lexapro as buffer? Is that right? You have been on V since ending K in 2006?" Wow. I shouldn't have such intense and CRAZY side effects for so long being on K 2 yrsand lastly X for 11 mos? Factor in Ambien until mid-Sept 2023. This should get better soon, right? 

I will be getting Cymbalta to buffer this WD bc of the pain. I never took an AD. Ivhope it calms my nervous system. I am in a state of burning & numbness head to toe as I write this. My nasal passages seem to want to expand? ENT said they are not dry. I have that feeling bc they are numb and swollen with no activity inside, mucus at standstill. Ugh. Being vain, and a female, I feel unattractive bc it isswollen. Plus it hurts! Feels like novocaine up my nose and syringe carteidge stuck up there. A lot of pain on the bridge. Why? My facial skin burns. I hate this!! 

Sick of this! Sometimes I want to jump ship and reinstate. I wish I had a crystal ball.



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Hi grace 2023 the maxfacial have blamed my facial pain tight facial muscles got worse after dentist wrongly though extracting my top teeth would aliviate it but made things worse I've took all sorts of polypharmacey tablets they have not worked and now I'm left bedridden in pain and I have sjrogens now an autoimmune disease hope you are coping🙏

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My sinuses feel like they are on fire.

Please, God, stop it! I want it stopped, not better.

This is pushing me off the edge. No end in sight. Why??  I've asked this over and over, "Why in these places?" I have burning in my scalp, toes and fingers, thst I expect. But this is ridiculous! I want just this to go away. I'll deal with other body part issues. I need prayers. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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@[me...] Did you get Sjogren's from the med? Did get Sjogren's from dental procedure? 

My eyes are tired and feel like they are being sucked in my head. 

I might reinstate X with Cymbalta. I hate taking any med but. I hsve to get rid of this. 

Dear Lord. What is happening to me? Agonizing. My entire face is numb.  I look like a stroke victim 

Life goes on right?  I have things to do if I can get around with numb & tingling feet. Ugh!÷

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