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Can withdrawal mimic dysautonomia? ?? Am I stuck in this hell forever???


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Ok lots of my symptoms don't come under the dysautonomia symptom bracket but I've had a few and still getting some including low blood pressure.

Ive not fainted but the dizziness has been torture, horrendous..vomiting, diarrhea with it and other things. I'm terrified I have dysautonomia and may never get better. 


Please help me, I'm in a awful wave and again, I'm terrified. 

I can't live the rest of my life like this, I just cannot. It's too much


God please stop this torture😭😭😭

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Hi Birdy, I am so sorry you are suffering, it sounds like you are in a bad wave, since you do not have all the sx, try not to borrow trouble, about having something that has not occurred. I wish that all of your sx would get better and please hang in there, things will get better, healing takes a lot more time than we like. You matter to us here at BB, keep posting and I am sure that you will have more posts from others. When you are feeling so badly try to do some deep breathing to try to calm yourself, and please know that you are stronger than you think and one day you will help others to get through a horrible time. Stay Strong.

💖Peace and Healing.



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Hi @[Bi...]

You are most likely just going through a wave of symptoms, and healing is still taking place. The constant fear of dysautonomia will be pushing you deeper into your sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) and making your symptoms worse. Try to reason with yourself, convince yourself that you are just in a wave and that the wave will pass in time. I’m not saying don’t get checked out if that’s something you need to do to help alleviate your fear, but just be aware that members often have all sorts of tests done only to find that they all come back completely clear. BW mimics all sorts of medical conditions, so please keep that in mind when you feel panicked by your symptoms. The wave will leave just as it arrived. In the meantime, just use whatever distraction and mindfulness techniques you can to avoid feeding into your fear. 

You will come through this wave! 

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  • 1 month later...

Hi I’m having this. I almost pass out when I stand up, headaches with standing and pulsatile tinnitus. I even get dizzy just turning over in bed. My gut isn’t working. My heart rate sky rockets after standing or after meals. Sound like your symptoms? 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 02/11/2023 at 15:10, [[M...] said:

Hi I’m having this. I almost pass out when I stand up, headaches with standing and pulsatile tinnitus. I even get dizzy just turning over in bed. My gut isn’t working. My heart rate sky rockets after standing or after meals. Sound like your symptoms? 

Yes very much so. My tinnitus is more like a pulsating buzzing than a ringing. I have a fuzzy head feeling in the front of my head. And yes dizziness even in bed

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  • 7 months later...

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