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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Anyone else sick at six months off ???


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Please I need sone sort of hope is anyone else sick at 6 months off ? Tell me your symptoms I was on clonazapam 5 years .5 once twice a day did CT April bern sick all the time was sick on it  and sick off need any stories similar please also nothing tastes right bad blurred eyes this has destroyed my health 

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6 months is a great start, but unfortunately most take longer to feel better and start to see improvement.  I was only on 6 months (total), did a CT and did not see any significant relief until month 10 after my CT.  That doesn't mean your healing and recovery will take the same amount of time.  I am telling you this to give you hope.  I thought I'd never heal and would be stuck for life.  That simply isn't true.  Hang in there, a window could be just around the corner.  Do your best to get through each minute, hour and day.  Every day that passes brings you one day closer to feeling better and the nice thing about time is it always passes no matter what.  If you never had any of the symptoms you are describing prior to Benzos, then they are all Benzo withdrawal related and they will definitely end one fine day.  I had a plethora of symptoms including anxiety, severe insomnia, depression, burning skin, claustrophobia, DP/DR, SI, sound sensitivity, tinnitus, clench draw, trouble breathing, muscle pain and twitches, GI issues, constipation, etc.

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