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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

New Symptoms During Taper


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Is it possible for new extreme symptoms to come on out of nowhere during a taper? I’m specifically referring to my severe Benzo Belly that came on literally overnight. Im currently at .160mg K. It doesn’t seem possible that something can start like that out of nowhere when it wasn’t a problem the day before. I’m not just talking about digestive difficulties, I’m talking about complete abdominal explosion of symptoms in an instant. I still have normal bowel movements but I can’t eat any food without extreme gas pains/distension and bloating. The day before this started my gut was flat as a pancake and I ate steak and wings. Granted, I started a a liquid version of klonapin when this happened but one day I was fine and the next day I was in hell and it’s been that way for eight weeks. It is my plight the rest of the way down or can this get better while tapering. I’m terrified. I know some people have this the whole way down but I never have and I’m scared because I didn’t see this one coming and it’s life altering.

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I quit cold turkey and my symptoms would vary from day to day, I had no idea how I was going to feel, so yes, symptoms can appear and change whether you’re tapering or not.

Are you still using the liquid Klonopin, do you believe it’s the cause of your misery and if so, are you contemplating discontinuing it?

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No, I used it for 6 days and discontinued about 8 weeks ago. Back on my original brand of Accord pills. Damage was done, still a mess. When I went on the liquid my entire system heightened immediately. I became hyperaware of every sensation in my body immediately, the world around me was too real, all my senses went into overdrive with hallucinations, my stomach came alive. It was like the liquid hit my system in a way that it shocked it badly and set me on fire neurologically. It wasn't gradual symptoms building. I'm terrified.

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I should have checked your history, I see that now, I’m sorry.  This sounds awful and its lasted so long, I don’t blame you for being terrified.

A friend of mine who doesn’t use benzodiazepines has an enzyme deficiency and she has to take them to be able to digest her food, I guess you’ve tried pro and prebiotics and digestive enzymes?  I don’t know very much about it and don’t know if that would help. 

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I have a si.ilar issue. My muscles were first extremely tight and then suddenly from one day to the next they changed out of nowhere and became extremely weak and have stayed superweak throughout. I was on the same dose and everything when it happened.

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@[Pa...] it’s not tied to digestion, I have normal bowel movements every day. I can’t eat because my stomach cramps severely and I have spasms and all that horrible stuff it’s 100% neurological. It’s not like certain foods digest better than others, I just eat the stuff that doesn’t make my stomach cramp severely.

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