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Heart palpitation


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At least I think it is, I've never had a Heart Palpation before this is something very recent for me. It started with air hunger which I've had for the past week now, now it snow balled into chest pain and now heart palpitation I thing... I've had my heart checked out and all is well. 

It generally happens when laying down and especially after eating. There is this heavy BAM in my chest more so in the center of my chest that hits fast and hard and quickly goes but it'll go, come back, go and come back and this can happen for hours. 

My heart seems to be beating much faster when it happens I don't know if this is part it or anxiety. When I'm in these episodes I can hear my heart beat in my ears it's very scary stuff. I think it's called "PAC heart palpitations". I was having a episode, decided to sleep it off and bam I got hit with a big Thump which scared the crap out of me. 

There's no pain it's just rapid heart speed, I pay more attention to my heart, sometimes there's some fluttering and then it'll start going into these episodes of "Thump" goes away, "Thump thump" goes away and so on and so further with each "Thump" either being more scarier or not so much. 

What is weird is that I'm completely fine outside of these episodes. Has anyone had these and it went away for good? 

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I had something similar happen to me. I thought it was withdrawal, but turned out I had a potassium deficiency. It might not be the cause for you. But since i were no longer afraid to have an adverse reaction from taking suppliments, I decided to try it out. Took maybe 2-3 weeks before it went away.

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Air hunger and heart palpitations go away.

30 years of Klonopin. The air hunger was at most a month and the heart health anxiety lasted a few months. Very scary, especially with sore nerves.  

You will heal. Work on your mindset and nerves. 

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