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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Abdominal Symptoms Improve?


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I know a ton of people suffer with GI symptoms, I’ve heard it a lot. I get that it’s part of this journey. However, I am looking for people who had a severe flare up of Benzo Belly when a taper got destabilized, who then got back to a livable baseline when things restabilized. Please I’m not interested in anyone who has suffered the whole way down because I haven’t. I do stabilize rapidly with some medication changes of my brand and my stomach exploded in pain and hasn’t let up in two months. Did anyone have a severe uptick in the nervous system activity in their gut, making it almost unbearable and then later stabilize, while still tapering and continuing with their previous baseline of minimal symptoms in their abdomen. I could eat a lot of food with minimal problems and then one day I felt the nerves in my stomach turn up to 1000 and all of a sudden I couldn’t eat anything and my stomach is bloated. I still have normal bowel movements but they cramping and bloating and severe gas pains are off the charts and I can’t stop thinking about it. 24 hours a day. It wasn’t even trending this way, I wasn’t getting slowly worse, I was eating dairy and fatty meat and loaded nachos and I was stable and then I became unstable and then all of a sudden my stomach exploded. I can’t imagine it stays this way, the rest of the way down if I re-stabilize my whole thing. I’m not looking for any negative stories please, I know there are tons out there. I just want people who destabilized, got symptoms, and then stabilized again and had their gut settled down. Thanks. 

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