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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

The other night


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The other night I was at the start of a nervous breakdown. Sorry if I upset anyone on here.

I was told I should learn to accept my life is over, had been over for a while the signs were there. I'm only going to get worse and let people push me around,  it's not worth defending myself anymore. I was told to get used to this life,  this is only the "first course of the night" so far.

I guess it pays to be a bad person in life now too? I see it all the time. The same ones skate through life and get pulled to the front of the line.

I asked what they felt about euthanasia becoming legal in some states and I was screamed at and said I'll burn in hell if I support that. Ok then.

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I had lunch with my mom yesterday and told her I was discontinuing treatment and canceled my f/u in 3 weeks. She was devastated and heartbroken as this crap we think is effecting my heart now. I told her I have a legal right to say no to treatment. I'll never have a normal life.

I found out last night a cousin got engaged recently, saw pictures. One of their siblings had their first child last spring, another was married last summer (that we knew about). I told my mom sorry you got stuck with this mess of a daughter.

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Hi @[Su...], I know you have a lot of health issues, I can see how discouraged you are, I hope your mom reassured you she’s never thought of you that way. 

May I ask, I see you were on both Paxil and Zoloft, which medication do you feel is the root of your problems, or is it the Lyme disease?  I don’t see you’ve ever taken a benzodiazepine so I’m just trying to understand your situation a little better. 

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I have taken benzos. Ativan 8 or 9 yrs ago.  Nobody knows what's causing what anymore. I've been sick for 26 yrs now. Sadly Pam she probably does deep down. Other ppl have. I'd be ashamed having a daughter like me

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