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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Personal experiences with adverse reactions to ANY treatments or meds while in withdrawal


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I looking for anyone who had negative reactions to any kind of meds, injections of any sort, vaccines, treatments etc etc while in withdrawal.

Getting ANY treatments is making me paranoid and quite scared. Just the thought of the dentist for instance.


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I get a lot of headaches and three times i tried taking excederin (the purple one) and i got super nauseous about 30 min after. I take Asprin with no side effects and Unisom (the dissolvable one) occasionally on the weekend to get a goodnights sleep with no side effects. Also, i tried taking magnesium and it made my headaches worse. 

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I react to most drugs it seems. I avoid both meds and supplements. I was doing great until a hormonal drug f’d me up more than anything before, which was shocking. Then an antibiotic made me even worse. I had a c-section later and had quite a few meds and they didn’t cause an immediate reaction but I again had new symptoms after 2 months so not sure if it wasn’t from them. 

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