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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Can someone tell me if you can relapse WDs 2 years after taper?


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I am just about 2 years since my last dose after a 18months taper and I am on zero drugs right now but a week ago after a stressful year I had a mental breakdown from stress. I am now 1 week since that and all my benzo symptoms have returned. Is this normal after something like this? 

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Hey @[ho...], I think it is.  Setbacks seem to happen, a friend of mine got food poisoning and his symptoms returned and stress, i think its the worst!  But from what I’ve seen, things will settle down fairly quickly, well, compared to how it was when you went through withdrawal and recovery.  

My advice, do what you can to eliminate the stress, and most importantly, don’t stress about these symptoms.  They’re here, they’ll leave.  You’re not back to square one, this is the biggest thing I see members fret about, they think they’re back and it’s going to be just as bad, but its not.

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Hey @[Pa...]


thank you very much for your comments. This is exactly what I need to hear. It’s been so scary thinking I’m back here again and how long it takes but I take confidence from your reply. God bless you my friend.

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