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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Healing Expectation Level


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I know we always hear that everyone heals but is that what you've seen on the forums? I have been reading posts now for almost 2 years since my journey began and I don't always see that people heal. It seems there's recovery that takes place but is 100% a realistic goal? If so, for how many? What are your thoughts? I know the benzo coaches state that EVERYONE heals but would they have a job if they didn't? Is that accurate? I'm 9 months out with almost all my symptoms still. I don't know what to think any longer. 

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Hey there @[ne...] I am sorry you're experiencing continued symptoms, I have some questions to ask:

-what are your symptoms that began from the cold turkey?

-what is your age?

-do you have a support system?

-have you made any positive lifestyle changes like no alcohol, no weed, good diet, therapy, deep breathing etc. ?

You went very slow on your taper when you reinstated. What was your taper experience like? Yes I do believe you will heal. I feel like when symptoms are stuck there are ways to help the body get unstuck. I have experienced it first hand!

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Same here. Many do not heal but we have to keep on telling ourselves we will get better. We cannot give up our hope.


I pray for all of us. I am much worse 9 months off so not really encouraging.   

give it until 24-36 months . They will tell you when u are not improved by then that you need to give it more years, but for me that’s just nonsense. 

most people who do heal , heal before the 36 months 

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