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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Symptom list


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I wanted to make s symptom list a month or two ago and show you all which ones lessened or go away. 

i am in a wave or just worsening 

all is back 

here is my list. 
i write this to document 


Suffocating in myself
Wet lungs 
Suffocating brain
Muscles clenching 
Turning into stone
Legs feel like made of wood
Body feels like metal cage / frame. 
Nerves feel as if they are burned alive
Feeling like being in the edge of a seizure 
Brain hurts with huge bombs in it 
Fire crackers exploding in brain
I hear myself screaming hysterical in my eyes 
Skull breaking
I am iron no soft tissue 
Crushed to death 
Battery acid in lower legs flesh
Extreme fear of losing my child 
Extreme fear of people that where in my life the moment akathasia started and they didn’t believe me. They are like satan to me. Still
My fat hurts and I keep on gaining weight
Back posture very bad of muscle chronically contracted 
Muscle spasms pulling spine bones out 


Big block of concrete in my chest arms head and since a while even stomach
They lay on surface 
Feels like my body is exploding 
Left side of my body falling to the ground like a paper from the wall
Vomiting feeling from brain 
Chest feels like iron claw took my organs out
My torso nerves are dead. Like covxxrete feeling
Unable to stand or sit normal. 
Vision strange 
Pain peeing blood 
Pain in kidneys 
Feeling of spiderwebs everywhere 
Feeling like I am laying in concrete
Afraid of the colour black
Feeling I don’t have a belly torso with organs all feels empty 
Legs arms detached
Cannot breath muscles are weak
Dirty feeling inside
Eyes stuck in head
Legs arms face swelling
Concrete muscles
Feeling of dying any minute 
Intolerant to standing and sitting 
Pulled down by gravity cement 

Blood pooling in arms and legs 
Burning lungs 
Feeling someone is standing on my throat 
Shoulders so hard contracted they pull bones out of spine 
Body feels like rubber
Feeling I have ALS
Nailed to the ground 
Freeze when walking
Swollen everything from muscles 
Feeling I am falling off s building
Feeling I am the strings of a guitar with just strings that are flipping Out
My brain doesn’t know how to breathe with left lungs gasping 
Never muscles relax never never ever
Pulled by gravity heavy concrete block in my chest pulled by gravity 
Excruciating nerve and muscle pain as if somebody is squeezing my whole Nash with a vice and breaking my bones 
Chemical tickle torture 
Suppressing the need to wave my arms in the air 
Head pressure skull breaks almost 
Wake up with arms completely numb 
Electricity throug nerves 
Feeling my head is a bowling ball so heavy 
Eyes pushed out from behind 
Anxious for food
Repeating sentences continuously when I was lowering my dose too fast
Hysterically crying
Marching in place
Pacing hours 
Diarree shitting in my pants 
Falling backwards 
According to ny friend I was having seizures and moments of being completely not here 
Sniffing tic
Legs weak
Feeling of diabetes cause of thirst and unable to proces sugar in foods 
My legs are stilts made of wood
People look like demons
Great fear of doctors



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