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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

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I am on 2 mg of klonopin since 2008. I don’t think my journey will be the same. I can’t take it anymore. I can’t be a burden for my daughter and I am alone with all my family in Canada. I have to work no one to help me. I am hopeless 

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On 13/09/2023 at 19:21, [[C...] said:

I am on 2 mg of klonopin since 2008. I don’t think my journey will be the same. I can’t take it anymore. I can’t be a burden for my daughter and I am alone with all my family in Canada. I have to work no one to help me. I am hopeless 

@[Ch...] I know this is scary. BELIEVE ME I know, and so do many, many other people on this site. Benzos really put your emotions on a rollercoaster and there is definitely a sense of betrayal from the medical community for enabling us to get into this mess. If you haven't already seen the Ashton Manual, she literally wrote the book on benzo withdrawal:


Getting of benzos is something to be taken seriously, dont make large med changes rapidly. There is a quote from Dr. Ashton that unfortunately I can't find right now, but it talks about how the length of use, age of the user, gender, etc... don't have anything to do with the ability to get off benzos. Really, anyone with some determination can do it! It's just about doing it in a controlled, smart way. :thumbsup:

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On 12/09/2023 at 19:31, [[C...] said:

I cut 0,5 mg per my psychiatrist in June or May and I ended up in psych hospital. How can I look at your experience?  I am already having symptoms of dependence. I want to get off the poison bit I have to be able to support myself. I don’t have any friends or family now. I have a friend coming soon and he said he would help me. I am not sure if I can dk the weighting calculations etc also I travel extensively for weeks. 

I am going through a similar situation. I was prescribed to Xanax in 2008-2009ish and I finished my 3 day taper in January of this year. I’m struggling to work and just be around people. You aren’t alone. How are you doing now?

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On 13/09/2023 at 21:21, [[C...] said:

I am on 2 mg of klonopin since 2008. I don’t think my journey will be the same. I can’t take it anymore. I can’t be a burden for my daughter and I am alone with all my family in Canada. I have to work no one to help me. I am hopeless 

You aren’t alone. 

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I want to know if able to function during a taper. I have to work. I read all the symptoms and there is no way people can work and do this is the symptoms are this severe. I am alone no savings and again alone. I will be in the streets homeless if I can’t work. Please help 

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