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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Very sick


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Hi I’m very sick this is six months out headaches nausea nothing helps I went to Er nothing showed 

I am hurting g very bad and burping nausea so very bad 

fear anxiety I don’t know what this is but I’m aweful sick 

help ???

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Benzos affect so many parts of our body and brain - that means all those functions and systems have to readjust when we're healing during withdrawal.  It also means a hundred and one different ways we can suffer during withdrawal.  We see a lot of members suffer with symptoms like the ones you describe: headaches, nausea, all kinds of digestive issues, fear, anxiety and worry about being sick.  It's so hard to cope sometimes.  

I know you're having a lot of trouble with your symptoms.  I did too and I know how miserable it can be.  But I'm so glad to see you reaching out for support here.  We can feel so alone with our symptoms and suffering.  But here you will interact with members who get it.  The mutual support is a kind of magic that will help you get through this as you continue to heal. 


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@[An...] I hope you are feeling better today, I am so sorry you are suffering, please keep posting, we may not have the answers always, but your buddies here at BB, will support you. I know this is not easy, and it takes time for the brain to heal and all your sx to go away, just do the best you can...when you can. Take care of yourself and be kind to you. If you can find something to distract with, a funny YouTube puppy or kitten, anything. Stay Strong.

💖 Peace and Healing.

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