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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Insomnia rebound after Klonopin taper -Help!


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Hi all....

I was 13 years on .5 Klonopin (sometimes at 1mg but mostly cruised along with .5mg at night) prescribed to me in 2010 for chronic insomnia. At the time I was a year into not sleeping and all the other sleep drugs wouldn't work for me longer than a few days or not at all. Though Klonopin worked amazingly for me all these years to sleep, I took my health into my own hands as no doctor would ever help me get off this drug and slowly and successfully weaned myself off with no withdrawal symptoms over the last 6-7 months. I was always told "well it works for you and you are sleeping great and it's not hurting you so why do you want to come off?". 

Anyway, now that Im off this deadly drug, Im back to where I was 13 years ago not sleeping at all. Maybe I get an hour I night but spend my nights fighting to get any sleep and a zombie the next day.

For reference Im now 53. My health is great, great shape, diet great, lift and/or exercise daily and live a full life...Except now my sleep is god awful and it's a merry go round of trying everything under the sun to sleep again, as good as i did on Klonopin. I never had any side effects from Klonopin and it generally was a great drug for me. But being the health nut that I am, I just wanted this drug to be gone from my life once and for all. Now it is. But it's killing me here not sleeping at all. 

So Im here posting looking for support from anyone that went through something similar and any suggestions on how to sleep again. Any safer sleep drugs, natural supplements,  CBD, Cannabis, or Psilocybin? I have tried CBD and Cannabis tinctures (and it helped me through my taper) but I quickly built a tolerance to it and it only works for a few nights before not working anymore. After 6 months of trial and error I gave up on this. 

Im at my wits end and just looking for helpful support before a gone insane from lack of sleep. 

Than you!

Peace all...


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I was on klonopin for 13 years for same reason (with an antipsychotic)... I was on 1mg. I tapered off in 2019. Didn't sleep at all. Got reinstated onto Ativan 3mg. Tapered off that 3 times. I'm on my 4th. I keep getting reinstated because I go days and weeks without sleep. I'm tapering ativan again now and not sleeping. I have not found any med or supplement helpful (I tried ALL of them) except high THC edibles. HOwever, I got tolerant to that dose and could not keep up with the cost. I'm sorry you're not sleeping. I think ppl don't understand the horror of this unless they go through it. I'm trying not to lose my job.

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Have either of you tried the following @[In...] @[Ti...]



EFT tapping

Deep Breathing

Guided Imagery

Cold Showers

just to name a few

also lemon balm, Valerian root, kava kava 

and if you are micro nutrient or mineral deficient it can mess up your sleep.

also if you aren't able to turn on your parasympathetic nervous system it can really disrupt sleep because you're in a constant state of being activated. 

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