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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Baclofen setbacks?


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Hello I'm currently 1 year and 1 month off Klonopin Cold turkey after 20 years use at 3 mg a day.

I've been taking Baclofen for 3 years at dosages at 150mg because it was helping my social anxiety and I believe that it helped me not feel the intense withdrawal at the start of going CT Klonopin.


Has anyone taken baclofen at high dosages and it have any experiences on coming off it and has it gave any setbacks while being of Klonopin CT

My main symptoms are anxiety, agoraphobia, deep depression where I feel impending doom come over me so bad in the morning.

I'm tapering off baclofen right now at 150mg but I having a hard time coming off. The reason I'm coming off baclofen is I just want to be free of all medications and wondering if it's going to make my CT Klonopin withdrawal longer time to heal. 

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Unfortulaey Baclofen works on GABA. Hence why you felt better while taking it. You can taper it slowly.

We truley heal when we are off all chemical crap.

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