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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

EXTREME dizziness/ spinning, diarrhea, vomiting more frequent


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I'm 8.5 months off CT .

Most of the other symptoms I had are LESS frequent or virtually gone but the dizziness episodes that began about two months ago are getting more frequent. In between I get boaty episodes where I feel constantly giddy but I can't hide these terrible dizzy episodes as I can't stand up, or even sit upright. I have diarrhea, , nausea,vomiting for three hours or so and it's now happening every three days. I can't hide it like the other symptoms.

Help me someone please reassure me it's normal. I'd have thought it'd get LESS frequent. 

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Hi @[Bi...]  

It’s good to hear  that many symptoms are almost gone.

3 hours ago, [[B...] said:

I have diarrhea, , nausea,vomiting for three hours or so

This must be awful for you. Have you had any tests done ?   I am sure given  more time  it will go, so keep hanging in, remind yourself it’s temporary, It will get better.

 This is from the Ashton Manual

Problems with balance. Some people during benzodiazepine withdrawal report feeling unsteady on their feet; sometimes they feel they are being pushed to one side or feel giddy, as if things were going round and round. An important organ in controlling motor stability and maintaining equilibrium is a part of the brain called the cerebellum. This organ is densely packed with GABA and benzodiazepine receptors (See Chapter I) and is a prime site of action of benzodiazepines. Excessive doses of benzodiazepines, like alcohol, cause unsteadiness of gait, slurred speech and general incoordination, including inability to walk in a straight line. It may take some time for the cerebellar systems to restabilise after benzodiazepine withdrawal and the symptoms can last until this process is complete. Exercises, such as standing on one leg, first with eyes open, then with eyes closed, can speed recovery.




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Thank you for your reply Magrita!

I had bloods done about four weeks ago to ensure Im not deficient in anything and my thyroid was also checked. All came back normal.


My other symptoms are much milder now and I know deep down it is withdrawal but it's so intense!! I'm feeling boaty now , have all day but it's the intense dizziness that's scaring the life out of me. I can't walk, stand, sit or even move my head, everything spins, spins really really fast. Sometimes my hands and feet go numb too.

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@[Bi...]  I'm glad you had some tests done to give you reassurance.  I'm also glad you know deep down that what is going on is because of withdrawal.  Healing can take such a lot of time, way longer than we wish.   It's not unusual to have symptoms at 8 1/2 months and especially after a CT.  It sounds like you've seen some significant healing with the easing up of other symptoms.  It's very encouraging, but I know how hard the remaining symptoms you describe can be. Dizziness and digestive issues are just miserable to go through.  But I hope you'll remind yourself often how far you've come, what good signs of healing you've see already and hold on tight as you ride the rough waves on your way to recovery.

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Birdypie hi.   I was on one benzo for 10 years  before my doctor added a second one.  It was to cancel my dizzyness and vertigo.  Duh.  Chances are, it was all benzo damage related.  Anyways, it was my worst symptom before, during and after my 2 tapers.   And it was severe.   At one point, I couldn't walk unsupported for several months, and the nausea that came with it, canceled any quality of life.    

It persisted in various severity until about 1.5 years post taper.   It diminished but would flare up for uncertain reasons,  on and off.   And I was left thinking that I would be floaty boaty for the rest of my life.     Not true.  It has not been an issue for the last 6 months!

Although I have other horrible lingering symptoms, (like insomnia cycles) at 22 months post jump, I can say that dizzyness is almost nonexistent.    

So don't lose hope!    🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿

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8 hours ago, [[B...] said:

@[Bi...]  I'm glad you had some tests done to give you reassurance.  I'm also glad you know deep down that what is going on is because of withdrawal.  Healing can take such a lot of time, way longer than we wish.   It's not unusual to have symptoms at 8 1/2 months and especially after a CT.  It sounds like you've seen some significant healing with the easing up of other symptoms.  It's very encouraging, but I know how hard the remaining symptoms you describe can be. Dizziness and digestive issues are just miserable to go through.  But I hope you'll remind yourself often how far you've come, what good signs of healing you've see already and hold on tight as you ride the rough waves on your way to recovery.

Thank you so much. I have screenshot your message to remind me.


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8 hours ago, [[j...] said:

Birdypie hi.   I was on one benzo for 10 years  before my doctor added a second one.  It was to cancel my dizzyness and vertigo.  Duh.  Chances are, it was all benzo damage related.  Anyways, it was my worst symptom before, during and after my 2 tapers.   And it was severe.   At one point, I couldn't walk unsupported for several months, and the nausea that came with it, canceled any quality of life.    

It persisted in various severity until about 1.5 years post taper.   It diminished but would flare up for uncertain reasons,  on and off.   And I was left thinking that I would be floaty boaty for the rest of my life.     Not true.  It has not been an issue for the last 6 months!

Although I have other horrible lingering symptoms, (like insomnia cycles) at 22 months post jump, I can say that dizzyness is almost nonexistent.    

So don't lose hope!    🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿

I have also screenshot your reply to keep me reminded and know this isn't unusual. 

I'm so glad you're improving! 

Thanks so much for your reply

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@[Bi...] oh I am so sorry about the increased dizziness, it is the pits, one thing that helped me when I had it bad, when I had a spell to pick any object or the wall and stare at it, and do not stop, it helped me at times to get stable so I could get to a chair. I have an inner ear disease in both of my ears, and of course when I tapered off of Valium, the sx increased ten-fold, but the good thing, it finally got better and now only have issues if I am overly stressed or tired. I will always live with the ear disease, but with time it did get better. Hang in there, some good advice has been given to you, and you are not alone. Stay strong. 💖Peace and Healing.

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On 11/09/2023 at 14:05, [[b...] said:

@[Bi...] oh I am so sorry about the increased dizziness, it is the pits, one thing that helped me when I had it bad, when I had a spell to pick any object or the wall and stare at it, and do not stop, it helped me at times to get stable so I could get to a chair. I have an inner ear disease in both of my ears, and of course when I tapered off of Valium, the sx increased ten-fold, but the good thing, it finally got better and now only have issues if I am overly stressed or tired. I will always live with the ear disease, but with time it did get better. Hang in there, some good advice has been given to you, and you are not alone. Stay strong. 💖Peace and Healing.

Thank you begood

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