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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

How could this happen


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Clonazepam was prescribed to me for 13 years. I decided myself to taper off in January since it was such a low dose of .5 mg. So I halved it until it was too small to cut. Since I started tapering I would take it about a month before tapering again.  Well it’s been about to kill me since about a month ago and being completely off of it. I see things. I hear things. I feel things that aren’t there. I’ve developed restless legs that spread to my other extremities. I’m overly sensitive to everything. I feel like I’m awake dreaming and my body parts go numb off and on all day. The disassociation is real and bad. I’ve never encountered this feeling for so long. It definitely makes me question if I’m even alive or am I looking in on my dead self. It’s hard to have mind over matter when you feel as if you can’t control your mind or body movements. Is this a normal situation? And why would I be prescribed medication that has made me feel so sick and bad? Im so upset 

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Hello @[...] Welcome to BenzoBuddies.

Those seem like pretty-typical withdrawal symptoms. Well done on managing your taper. You certainly did the right thing by deciding to quit while still on a low dose. All too often, we end up increasing our dose (usually upon the recommendation of the doctor), only to find we reach a stage where the only option is to taper off, but now from a much higher dose.

The chances are that you will experience marked improvements over the new few weeks or month or two. The fact that you were on a low dose is encouraging. I know restless leg syndrome-type withdrawal symptoms are distressing. In all probability, those along with the other symptoms will pass (or at least much improve) within the timeframe I mentioned.

Nothing you have described comes as any surprise to me or any other member who has been here a while. Try to remain positive - things should improve for you soon.

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Ugh - restless leg is harsh! I do not suffer as much with it the past few months. Shouldn't say that, as now it will probably come back tonight!

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.5 mg is not really a low does. It sounds low but is equal to approximately 10 mg of Valium. I’m so sorry you are struggling with withdrawals. I was on 1.5 mg for three and a half months and have been tapering for nineteen months with some holds. I have had many of the symptoms you have even though my taper has been slower. I hope you get feeling better soon. This is rough but you will heal. It just takes time. 

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Welcome to BB @[...] you have joined a group of great buddies, that understand what you are going through. It sounds like you are having post wd sx, and like most will advise, it is going to take time to feel better, and I know those that have tapered from Clonazepam or any benzo, have had similar sx. Stay Strong and please know that each day you are off, you are closer to being healed, hunker down and be good to yourself, try to distract with something funny to watch, or anything to keep your mind off of how badly you feel. Your Brain is healing each second of the day, it did not like the drug either and it is trying to stabilize, so you will feel better. 💖Peace and Healing.

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@Tiff Welcome!  I just jumped on here last week and signed up yesterday.  I hope you have a good support system.  I just discovered that what I have been going through the last 2 months is BW.  I had been on 1mg of clonazepam for 17 years along with ambien for the first 4 years and now Vyvanse the last 7.  I was also on an AD Citilopram the entire time.  On July 12th of this year my Doctor changed my AD and took me off cold turkey.  My entire nervous system went on high alert as I tried to figure what was wrong with me.  All the same and common symptoms of most.   I new it was BW because I had all the symptoms before I found out about BW.  Anyhow it's terrible but im getting a lot more clear thoughts when I control my anxiety and fear by breathing through it.  So Im off everything but my new AD.  I Dont need Vyvanse anymore, it's too stimulating.   I stopped smoking today because nicotine can slow down the healing process and I'm already suffering anyhow so might as well cut the chord on that too. But what im struggling with the most is relationships.   I feel like everyone I love thinks im crazy.  My wife lost her cool yesterday when I refused to stay in a psych ward.  I Almost did but I new putting me in there (especially with a room mate that who knows what is going on with him) I wouldn't have been able to get rest for my fatigued CNS and my fear and anxiety would go through the roof.

So now my wife, sister, brother and most of my friends think im crazy or something is really wrong in my head.  They don't say it but they don't really listen.  They just want to give the advice and the have no idea.  So I told them the best possible way to show support would be to spend 30 minutes learning about BW and then another 30 min in this message board hearing all our stories, struggles and triumphs.  So I saw your post and my heart sank because my sisters name is Tiffany.  I thought she got on here and not only read the stories, but signed up to interacted with those of us suffering.  So teach your support people what you need because nobody in the medical field will be able help.  So cheer up.  You are worse off than you think, but your nervous system is healing and you're going to come out the other side so complete and alive with the ability to think clear and without pain.  So there you go Tiff.  Hang in there and come back often.  Let me know if you need anything.

C/T Steve


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20 hours ago, [[C...] said:

Hello @[...] Welcome to BenzoBuddies.

Those seem like pretty-typical withdrawal symptoms. Well done on managing your taper. You certainly did the right thing by deciding to quit while still on a low dose. All too often, we end up increasing our dose (usually upon the recommendation of the doctor), only to find we reach a stage where the only options is to taper off, but now from a much higher dose.

The chances are that you will experience marked improves over the new few weeks or month or two. The fact that you were on a low dose is encouraging. I know restless leg syndrome-type withdrawal symptoms are distressing. In all probability, these along with the other symptoms will pass (or at least much improve) within the timeframe I mentioned.

Nothing you have described comes as any surprise to me or any other member who has been here a while. Try to remain positive - things should improve for you soon.

Thank you Colin 

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