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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Sleep after recovery


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It's been over 2 years since I finished my benzo taper, am fully healed, but sleep is still a bit of an issue?  How about yours? Any tips or ideas?

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Hi TS, nice to see you. Sorry to see the sleep tracker thread shutdown.  I think you already exercise like I do and that helps a little.


Have you ever tried to meditate prior to bedtime?

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32 minutes ago, [[A...] said:

Hi TS, nice to see you. Sorry to see the sleep tracker thread shutdown.  I think you already exercise like I do and that helps a little.

Have you ever tried to meditate prior to bedtime?

I was going to mention that as well as sleep hypnotherapy. There's an app called Breethe that offers sleep hypnotherapy, guided meditations and even bedtime stories. Some of the content is free, some of it you have to pay for. I just use the free stuff. This may help. I also keep a fan on but not pointing at me during the night. The sound of it helps me to get to sleep.

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I also run a fan at night, Jessica. As crazy as this might sound, I find a podcast to listen to when to go to bed and set the sleep timer to shutdown my iPhone after one hour. During that hour of concentrating on what I am listening to, I usually fall asleep.

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