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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

My gabap. Reduction


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I asked just recently if our cns heal after benzo wd while still on gabap. I received one reply that said you had people who had healed  nicely while still taking gabap. I needed to know more. I spoke can someone please help me with tbis

the gabap. Group. They quickly informed me that our brains cannot heal while using tge drug. This drug is very different to benzos and a study revealed that it actually stops new brain cells forming..old brain cells remain intact but new ones cannot form. The conclusion is from one of their members we couldn't possibly heal with this. She also told me she left this group because she believed there were dishonest people here, not telling the truth. I was so upset with tge news this woman gave me. Can someone help me understand more. I have faced a dreadful long taper off benzos, to now face another taper maybe unnecessarily? 

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I'm so sorry you were mis informed about the gabapentin..but to tell you the truth I don't know much about it.

I do know on the old forum a group was formed about gabapentin and withdrawal. ..maybe you can access that for more info.

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I have not read any studies about gabapentin having a negative effect on brain cells. In fact, there are studies showing it's neuroprotective abilities. If the drug had the effects the poster claimed, it would have a black box warning.

Gabapentin, despite the name, does not attach to the GABA receptors like benzos do.  There is some controversy about whether it helps or inhibits recovery from benzos, but there is no clear evidence, to my knowledge. I would really discuss this with a few doctors.

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Hi when I came of benzos previously my gp put me in pregablin because I was taken straight off clonazapam(benzo) it did help.

Unfortunately I'm back on clonazapam😠 I face the same problems withdrawing after ,6years on it . I'm on pregablin too and I hope it helps once again with withdrawal. Pregablin withdrawal for me wasn't as bad as the clonazapam. All I'm saying is what helped me 😊

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If one ask 5 different people(or a question to a group) the same thing, at some point you are going to get a different answer, one that you might not like. Just because the person gave you a negative prognosis(by being on gapapentin) does not mean they are correct.

I believe you can heal from your benzo. Ive have seen it many times before. If I were you, i wouldnt ask any more people. I wish you well and a complete healing. All the best to you.

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