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Do I need to taper? Colozapam


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After dealing with some health anxiety I have been taking my Colozapam near daily for about 3 weeks. Between .25 and .5mg an evening. I did not realize it was so addictive and the last few nights I have cut down to just .125 and have not been sleeping well. I have been pretty anxious and tired but I'm not sure if that is from less medication, or just health anxiety. I also have a cold I am finally starting to get over (I think) I'm not sure if I feel so crappy from my cold, or if I'm experiencing minor withdrawal? 


I have 5 .5 mg pills left and once they are gone I do not want to refill the script ever again. 


I'm on vacation and have to drive home several hours tomorrow, I'm thinking I will take .25 tonight to hopefully get some sleep then a few days of .125 - and if I feel okay just stop. I'm hoping 21-23 days of a small does (no more than .5 and only at night) hasn't caused any dependancy. 


Thanks for any advice. 

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I have taken the Colozapam on and off for probably 6 months or so but never multiple days in a row like the last few weeks. I had a health scare and wasn't able to sleep for about a 2 week stretch without it due to anxiety. I honestly didn't think it was a big deal to do that with but now I'm hoping I'm not too hooked on it to quickly get off. Thanks again. 

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Hello @[fc...] Welcome to BenzoBuddies.

After a few weeks use of a low dose, there is generally no need to taper off. I think what you have suggested is reasonable. And so long as your previous use was truly intermittent, it should not factor into this.

You are wise to get off now before developing dependency. Because far too many of us experience real difficulties once we reach that stage. And dependency can begin to set in after just a few weeks of use.

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My previous usage was .5mg 1-3 days a week. This was for the last 5-6 months prior to the last nearly 3 weeks of daily use. Always taken 1-2 hours before bed. 


I feel off now, anxious, HR is higher than normal by probably 10BPM every time I check it, and overall just crappy. I'm hoping that is just my cold. I have not enjoyed this family vacation near like I should because of anxiety and being sick. 

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I will probably give my wife 2 of my pills so I'm not tempted to draw out the .125mg that much longer. If I feel off after stopping .125 in a week or so I can have her cut them up. 

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Thank for for the replies. If I am or do experience any withdrawal surely it will be minor and only last a week or two? I can handle some heightened anxiety and half a nights sleep for a week or two - I'm hoping that is all it is at worst. Really looking forward to moving past my health anxiety ( my fears have passed and nothing is wrong with me - I'm just half crazy ) and getting back to focusing on my family. 


I used to drink nightly but not huge amounts just 3 or 4 standard drinks a night and quitting that was no big deal. I go from happy to be done drinking - then a health scare thinking I'm dying, now recovering from that nonsense but worried I'm hooked on damn pills.  

I just want to focus on my health, dieting, exercising, and being a great partner/parent. I was doing great until the health anxiety. 


Thanks again. 

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You may experience some symptoms for awhile but this is normal, it can take awhile for the body to get back to normal function after taking and withdrawing from this medication.  One of the hallmarks of this process is fear and health anxiety, so  do your best to accept you’re doing the right thing and press on.

 Distraction can be a great tool for getting through this, so try to engage with your family and life and understand that you don’t have a terrible disease, it’s just your body working through the disruption the medication caused.


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I'm about to be incredibly busy at work. Long days every day of the week.... this might be a good thing, but could also be bad if I do experience some withdrawal or can't sleep. 


I slept okay last night after .25mg. I will be home from my holiday in a few hours. Debating on just stopping and seeing what happens versus taking .125 for a few days or a week? Part of me thinks if I am hooked on it the small dose would be the way to go, another part of me thinks I'm likely not hooked and even if I am it surely won't be too bad after just 3 weeks on a relatively low dose. 


I have felt "off" for probably a month now - hence daily 3 week usage of Klonopin. A strange medical scare sent me into a panic that I have never felt before in my whole life. After several tests nothing is wrong with me but I still feel "off". I don't know if it's because I'm fighting a cold, not sleeping well, or suffering from minor withdrawal.... maybe all 3? Or maybe most of it is just in my head? 

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I found work difficult while recovering but the distraction it provided was invaluable, it didn’t eliminate my symptoms but it forced them into the background.  Our cognitive function can be impaired by this process which means we have to work a bit harder but we can find workarounds. 

Given your previous use, I wonder if this theory could be playing a role in how you presently feel? https://www.benzoinfo.com/kindling/

I believe you know yourself well enough to know something is off, I wouldn’t start doubting what your body is trying to tell you.  We can drive ourselves crazy trying to figure out what’s going on but I would trust your feelings on this.  There are too many people, including loved ones and doctors who will make you doubt yourself, I would trust your gut on this. 


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