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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×



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How did you know it was a PAWS or just life. Im off since January 26th but just recently got no hit with bad depression but i left my job and tried to taper my Effexor testosterone is 182 trying clomid

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@[Al...]  As I mentioned in one of your other posts, Effexor can be a difficult drug from which to withdrawal.   If you are sticking with 225 mgs, it will take a few days to stabilize.   

Why were you prescribed clomid?


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To try and raise testosterone. I just am lost cause this started with cutting down on the effexor and i tried going back for 5 weeks but i had been playing with sleep meds and not sure if i gave it a fair shot. Last weekend i started to feel more normal/happy but my doc said to try and cut to 187.5 so i had been a few days down to 187.5 but now i feel my anxiety getting worse. Im back to not being able to drive 

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